With Black Friday 2 weeks away, has any good deals been posted yet?
What are you looking for this upcoming sale?
Also any Veteran's Day deals?
With Black Friday 2 weeks away, has any good deals been posted yet?
What are you looking for this upcoming sale?
Also any Veteran's Day deals?
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Looking to get either a Tikka T3x or an A2/A4 clone (I keep changing my mind).
Pls send positive consumerist burger energy to leafland
Might look for a cheapo 16" upper for my poverty AR. What's the point of having one if you don't buy multiple uppers?
poor cat. i can feel his rage
I had a few beers in me so I pulled the trigger on it.
now I have 3 worthless hunks of plastic being sent to me that I dont have tools for and furthermore even if I did I dont have the machining experience necessary to not fuck it up.
and I cant take them to a shop or anywhere else to do it for me.
so a waste of money for me but I was in full SHALL mode after the pigs killed that guy in maryland trying to seize his guns for no reason.
you can probably get by with a hand drill and a dremel.
Im just scared of fucking them up.
Im gonna ask a local machine shop whats up but I doubt they are gonna take the job.
You can figure it out man, you're a smart cookie get yourself a gun. What colors did you get?
they are going to break within a couple magazines even if you manage to get them working to begin with...
no way to check on the order though
listen man this isnt afghanistan. its glock polymer level.
yeah I wouldnt wanna deploy with it.
but as for a few thousand rounds and freedom points?
it will be fine. there are torture tests on em.
even with a jig and the proper tools its easy to fuck up a lower
>buying poly lowers when Aero's are less than $50 at brownells
>implying I live in a free state
why do you think I have to order the 80% in the first place?
Its because he is a god of destruction bruv
What's the point of having multiple uppers in the first place? Wouldn't it make more sense to have multiple lowers?
In Jersey, you cant even order them since our electives threaten to sue any manufacturer that sells them to Jersey residents, so on the bright side, you're one step ahead
Bump because I'm a huge poorfag and I want to be able to buy at the very least a good home defense shotgun/ar/pistol for cheap. I finally came up on enough money after busting my ass for the past three months and I don't want to be nogunz anymore, and don't want to buy a SNS just to sell it for pennies after I get something worthwhile.
in retrospect I should have just got a real lower for the same price
but with the way gun laws are going in CA I feel comfortable just having these as break glass in case of emergency rifles
go to a brick and mortar gun store
see what deals they have for black friday
get a maverick 88 or used shotgun that should be cheap enough
youre first gun should be a shotgun
I wanted to go to a brick and mortar store but so many good sales happen online that it just seems just as prudent to simply shop, make a list, and then keep tabs on sites and sales. I don't know about a Maverick 88, though. Are they good shotguns or are they like the modern Rustingtons?
nah its just a mossy 500 with a different safety assembled in mexico
get a 500 if you can though
personally I cant tell the difference
They won't touch them. That'd make them the manufacturer.
please dont tell me that
I dont have any tools or the expertise to mill a 80% out myself at home without fucking it up badly.
night vision; the Globalists have started demonizing this very week
>they break in 3 magazines
Wrong. I have some poorly manufactured EP1 lowers from 2011 era that I have literally jumped on top of, they are hard to break, and I have about 3500 rounds through one of them. The EP2 is more delicate, but I have one with about 1500 rounds through it so far. EP2 lowers are more finicky, and I have seen ones with air bubbles in the mold, those will definitely break. YMMV. Treat plastic 80% lowers as SHTF backups. Reply to this and I can give you shitty build tips.
Also I want a Surefire M600, what would be the beat website for a black friday deal on it? I can wait two weeks I guess.
Sounds like you've got some learning to do. You're going to need to learn how to use a tool or you're going to need to learn how to talk a chump into paying you 26.66 + a third of shipping and handling for an unfinished part they can buy finished for $40 if they aren't a felon.
using the word globalist is hate speech!
reported to the ADL for thought crime!
Hoping to get a CZ Scorpion and/or a memewave.
Don't get a Mav 88. Hold one first, you'll feel disgust wash over you. At least get mossberg for shotty, but go AR or handgun instead.
giv build tips
I really am convinced Im gonna ruin all 3 of these things and end up without a functional lower if I go at it myself.
>DO NOT USE THE STICKER JIGS, you will ruin the lower guaranteed
>Buy a real jig like pic related
>polymer lowers can be completed with dremels and hand drills, metal lowers require a real mill
>the walls and floor of the receiver are super thin when you are done, when you get close, start removing a TINY bit of material at a time
>seriously go slow, if you start getting anxious and rushing yourself, put it down and come back to it tomorrow
>beginners usually take too much off the sidewalls, and not enough off the floor of the receiver
>buy a fuckload of Dremel bits and swap them once one gets dull, don't be cheap
>drill press is better than a hand drill, but not required
>buy an AR wrench and a lower receiver vice block, make your life easy man
>the top of the buffer tube extension on the EP2 lowers was thickened, you will probably have to file that part down a tiny bit so your charging handle can move freely
>EP2 lowers fit super tight to any upper once finished, to the point it can be difficult to push the takedown pin
I'll add more if I can think of anything, but watch a ton of youtube videos and you will be ok. Good luck and don't give up. Also, do it yourself, if you ask other people to do it, everybody involved is now a felon :(
thanks man
what jig is that?
It has no writing or identifying marks on it, I got it from EP Armory when the EP2 lowers came out. The sticker jigs are trash, you can see an old upper I did years ago using them, completely out of spec, at the top. The middle is my oldest, shittiest EP1 from probably 2011. You can see the spot where I chipped the safety selector area and the detent is showing, still works great years later. And at the bottom is an old EP1, with the raised spots to show you where to drill, and the different colored plastic to help you remove the correct amount. They were great, this is my last one left, pretty much a keepsake at this point. The new ones also feel more rigid and more likely to snap, the older ones felt like more pliable Kevlar plastic, but EP says they are the same so I don't know. Just buy the jig EP sells and you should be ok, or use a universal jig, but don't use the stickers.
This post was meant for , the jig has no identifying marks, I think it came from EP.
you can do it with a hand drill and a router from harbor freight
there are complete tutorials on youtube
>having to use a jig
Measure off the datum, brainlet.
I never relax on that friday
Is it over 9000?
Could you guys help me price a 10.5 ar15 pistol, Im looking for budget, but not utter trash.
I have a stripped lower, and am pretty set on a sba3 brace. I have an extra 16" upper,think a smith could just cut and rethread?
I ordered 6 a few days ago :)
We can be junk buddies.
>Aero's are less than $50 at brownells
Any complete ar thats not i bought the cheapest shit possible that was on sale. Ends up around 500-600
Breakdown is
100 for sights(80 if mbus)
50-100 lower
Upper 200-300
Bcg and charging handle 100
Lpk 50
Stock and buffer tube 50-150 depending on stock
So roughly 200 in the lower and 400 in the upper. All those parts can be had cheaper but usually its generic not branded items.
I'm waiting for optics, lowers, and ammo
where 2 cop Streamlight HPL or HPX cheap
quick get him some food so he won't destroy earth
I am actually astounded at how accurately that cat is pulling off that cosplay. he absolutely nailed that expression.
quads of truth
I did one of these with a hand drill and dremel a few year ago. It isn't very hard to get right if you go slowly and check dimensions regularly. They are crap lowers, though. I destroyed that polymer piece of shit and bought a proper stripped lower as soon as I turned 21.
just watch youtube vids nd measure ur drill bit and put sum tape to mark the max depth, nigger rig a jig if u must with clamps godspeed and god helps if real
Angel cop
88's are fine. I hunted with one for years and despite the two or three trolls Jow Forums telling you they suck it did just as good as any other sub $350 pump. Look up reviews, they are legit.
holy fuck adrien brody with an m4 here
at least they let the jews be in one of their propaganda ads this time
bet you there is a star of david tattoo on that guy somewhere
We banned Little Red Riding Hood? And basketballs?
Also, why is their reaction always to want to ban more stuff instead of removing ridiculous bans we already have?
I'll post the mutilated pics here after I destroy the things trying to SHALLLLLLL
Please do, good luck Jow Forumsomrade
am i banned?
Should I buy the aero lowers on sale at Brownells now or wait for Black Friday?
I cannot wait to see what PSA and CTD are gonna pull out for black friday
why cant I find a cheap 100$ IR rig on amazon?
are the jews really going after night vision now?
cant even find gen 1s anymore.
I wouldn't mind seeing if those little heritage 22 single actions go back down to like 80 dollars. I'm willing to pay that for something I'm aware I have to do some fixes to.
wait for black friday