Black Friday is coming up and at 25 years old I'm prepared to pop my hasgunz cherry and support and uphold my fucking rights. So the question is: what do I fucking buy!?
My want, personally, is probably a nice pistol that I can CC and have around me not only for personal defense but also home defense. I was thinking 1911 but I was also looking at J-frames. As far as needs go, I need any and every gun but I only have a budget of $400 to work with. Suggestions?
If you currently do not have a firearm then you need to get an AR-15. It is the most politically contested and you should add it to your weapons cache now.
J-frames and 1911's will be wayy down on the list.
Also, AR-15's have LITERALLY never been cheaper.
Gabriel Martin
M&Pc 2.0
Aaron Price
I figured that the AR-15 would be the most practical thing to get. If that's the case, any recommendations. I'd be willing to drop more money on a nice AR if it means I can get some good use out of it and won't have to ditch it for something better down the line.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I'll think about the Glock.
Jaxon King
Heres what you do you ignore blackfriday all together. All black friday will do is make you impulse buy garbage because it was 50% off or $100 less. As a noob you know jackshit and will end up with a remington or some other crap that they cant move off shelves that you got a "great deal" on.
Jayden Long
For $400, you wont find an AR, AK, or Glock.
A Taurus is more your price range. They're not a bad starter. If you plan on CCW I recommend a 709 Slim. Ignore the millennium and g2 series. They're 1911s and beretta 92 knockoffs aren't bad.
Ignore Keltec, Hipoint, and diamondback arms. Sccy is shite too.
Ian Brooks
There are sub-400 ARs, but they are mostly PSA parts kits. He should get a Ruger Security 9.
Brandon Ramirez
>parts kit = complete firearm Okay fudd.
Nolan Green
PSA AR if you go with a rifle. If you go the handgun route for carry M&Ps are great and Glocks are pretty awesome if you're familiar with a handgun lacking a safety.
makes a good point though, those handguns are going nowhere and their values are pretty static. ARs are always fluctuating in price and currently they are being sold at record lows. Go to a gun store or gun show, fingerfuck potential guns you may want; and DO NOT tell them you are a first time buyer because they will treat you like a retard and probably try to sell you some garbage.
Jordan Clark
Kel Tec is passable. I've never had any problems with them
Lincoln Hughes
Yeah passable, but not 'good'
You always have to do something to make them good
Kayden Perez
Let me guess youve fired 0-1000 rounds through it and never had a problem. Therefore its a good gun and keltec is great.
Connor Allen
Anybody suggesting anything other than a handgun or 10/22 is not helping.
If he's in a safely red state then he shouldn't panic buy a cheap AR, that's really bad advice.
ARs are not the most practical thing you can buy. That would be a Wonder9. Being able to have a gun on you at any moment and without people knowing is much, much more valuable than an AR at home. Police or thieves actually raiding your house in multiples is unlikely at best and you, as a civilian, will likely never in your life need to take a shot past 30 yards in anger.
Does this mean ARs are worthless?
No, they're extremely important, just number 2 (possibly 3) on the list. The only other gun you should be considering is a 10/22. Why? Because if you're in a state where ARs and 30 round mags will likely be legal indefinitly, then you have plenty of time to actually learn the fundamentals of shooting. A 10/22 will teach you these faster and cheaper than an AR will, and the ammo will always, even when it's "expensive", be relatively speaking pretty cheap.
>What handgun should I buy?
This is dependent on you and what you like, but I can say this; go to a gunstore and ask to hold some handguns. If they require you rent them to hold them then just leave and go somewhere else. Once you've held a good couple of them, narrow them down to the 2 or 3 that just felt really good in your hand. Rent those and actually shoot a little bit through them, this should tell you which one is the best for you. If you really, really don't want to do that, then just buy a surplus handgun and call it a day. You can get surplus Glocks and Berettas online year-round as of 2018, so it shouldn't be much of a hassle.
300 for a parts kit 50 for a lower 50 for a mag and cheap sight
Jacob Clark
Funniest part is, I didn't follow a single word of my advice because I'm an idiot lmao.
Whatever, I'm in an extremely safe area, live with a ton of people, and just shoot for fun. I'm also getting married and rings/plane tickets ate literally all of my shooting budget, otherwise I'd likely have a Glock or something...
AR. Do it. PSA or whatever is fine, just get one. I have one and I don't even enjoy shooting it but I keep it because it's set up like my service rifle and they are going to be banned eventually.
A pistol is absolutely necessary, and I recommend an ATI 1911. Should be $350+transfer fee. But get your rifle first. They are easier to shoot than handguns and the AR has been the first weapon of millions of servicemen. Don't get a 22lr unless you actually plan on hunting squirrel or rabbits.
Jason Cooper
A 10/22
Ayden Anderson
Most of these posters are retards. Unless you have experience with firearms, the best purchase you can make is a .22 LR. It's cliche to recommend, but if I were you, I'd start with a Ruger 10/22. It's a fun, very basic, semi auto. Controls are a little wonky without modification but they are pretty much the most reliable .22 on the market. You can customize and upgrade it over time, which allows you to grow into it. Your priority right now should be getting experience and shooting time in.
Past that I'd recommend the same as a couple of the other posters here, if you really need a pistol, get a used Glock 19.
This poster knows what the fuck he's talking about.
$450 total after tax. Its anons first gun, so most likely fuck it up.
We can be friends. My cheap gun is a Tokarev, I have two $200 22 caliber revolvers, a Mosin, and SKS, a Lee Enfield, an M1 carbine, a sub2000, a 1911, and a featureless AR
Daniel Nguyen
Fag, he needs experience. He's clearly not wealthy with that budget. 5.56 is fucking expensive for the amount of fun and training you get out of it. Buying a gun that's expensive to shoot as your first firearm just sours the whole experience for you. The correct pathway is:
10/22 (Put at least 3000-5000 rounds through it) > 9mm Pistol, most will do (Enough to be confident with it) > Then buy an AR or shotgun.
Very mixed signals. Regardless, OP you really need to ignore as he actually factually does not know what he's talking about. I know what I'm talking about so much that I didn't even follow my own advice because it's boring.
Very uh... unique collection...
Do you actually want to talk because I've got no friends into guns and it never hurts to have them.
I’m interested in a cz 455 training rifle as a first 22. It seems like people recommend the 10/22, and then proceed to go full ship of Theseus and drop a grand on modifications. I just want a solid 22 that works as is, perhaps with a 25 round bananazine.
Jaxon Watson
>cz 455 Those are hot desu. Would be a very respectable choice for fist .22. Agree about the 10/22 mods, it can get expensive quick. I've probably got 125 on top of my initial 150 in modifications. Only things that most people consider "necessary" on a 10/22 is replacing the stock extractor with volquartsen one. Stock irons aren't great either hence the Nodak Spud peep sight on mine. Course the modification is a lot of fun but in terms of bang for your buck it's not the best way to go.