just imagine how this thing will turn marine corps into marine corpse in the upcoming war
Just imagine how this thing will turn marine corps into marine corpse in the upcoming war
1989 Tiananmen Square massacre
It will kill Marines. When they drive drunk after capturing it.
Poo in loo
Is that a T-54 kek
2 am changpost when you need a good raugh
They should replace all of the ordinance with speakers. It would be a much more effective weapon if they blasted c-pop at marines.
what a hunk of scrap....
and this is from a guy who loves the T55
It looks like a T-44 mated with a Panzer III and Bradley and this is the offspring.
Are those gas containers on the side, under the cheap drone? Really Chang, that's a fire hazard.
That thing carries 4 AT/AA missiles, 20 mini missiles (like the hydra with the guidance kit) and 4 little cruisse missiles. Plus cannon, GL and MG.
I think is a little to much.
Student protesters and Uighur watch out!
It's stanag 2 tops.
sippy bippy
chinkshit poster btfo
and it only took chinks 30 years to make a brad
Looks more like a BMPT-72 analog. Probably for export seeing as it's a T55 chassis. Coming to a despot near you!
thats wayyyy wayyyy too much tech on a combat vehicle, especially one thats essentially a copy of the Bradley which was obsolete the day it was first produced 30 years ago.
Good luck ching chong chink! Your gonna need it! Even an American Civilian like myself stands to kill 10 slant eyes before your tiny manlet asses get me! FUckin little man syndrome to the MAX! Your shit is cheap and unreliable! GET SOME!
The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing (the capital of the People's Republic of China) in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square. The number of civilian deaths has been estimated variously from 180 to 10,454
>assuming you mean US marines
yeah good luck. invent your own /m/, yank.
hey, chinkforce, did the PRC ever come up with a solution to the male to female ratio crisis? Was shipping them to Africa to make tiger woods babes the plan?
It's a shittier version of the BMPT-72, designed to be sold to African dictators.
Chunks have better things to do than shit post on Jow Forums retard. Also that post on /v/ is fake, your internet doesn't shut down automatically and communist agents come arrest you just because the words "1989 Tiananmen Square massacre" popped up on your screen. It's virtually impossible to find information online about the topic. That's it.
>.t chink who has been to China before
Looks like a knockoff of one of our designs
>Has two big, obvious weak points on the front
>Flat side armor with slat skirts, because the USMC is known for using RPG's and the like
>Nice tall turret with big-ass missile/rocket pods for that high profile
Sure thing OP.
this thing has view slit armor, but it can't be operated without getting outside of it?
Fuck off Chong you slanty-eyed negrite queermo
>Implying the us doesn't know exactly the r&d they stole to make it
Last time they had a Type 59 based IFV, now a Type 59 based BMP-T with unmanned turret and lots of suicide UAVs.
Well they need something on that PoS to work when the missiles don't fire.
Is that a modernized panzer 3? The hull looks very similar.
it looks like someone slapped a bunch of electronics on a museum piece
>suicide UAVs
so missiles?
T-55/Type 59. They put a superstructure where the turret ring ought to be and a remote turret on top of that.
Where would they even get Panzer 3s?
>Chinks use tank chassis that are older than my fucking grandfather
There are probably grandfathers today younger than the M1 Abrams.
TIANANMEN SQUARE MASSACRE 1989 六四事件 JUNE FOURTH INCIDENT 八九民运 1989 DEMOCRACY MOVEMENT TIANANMEN SQUARE INCIDENT TIANANMEN SQUARE INCIDENT 六四天安門事件 Tiananmen Square 4th of June Massacre 1989 天安门广场1989年6月4日大屠杀 天安門廣場1989年6月4日大屠殺
Wait is that a Direct vision? And look how thin is that armers on vision port. Damm you can snipe the driver tho...
>They are not typical trolls. Instead of arguing about jailed dissidents or naval disputes, they mostly blanket the internet with blandly positive posts. “Almost none of the Chinese government’s 50c party posts engage in debate or argument of any kind,” the Harvard study said.
So, I'm not a Wumao for arguing that America, with its history of aggression and imperialism needs to die so that the world becomes a better place. Every single US soldiers killed in their fight for the jews finally becomes a good american.
My argument is fool-proof. Fight me.
>upcoming war
yeah you wish homo
>a world without ironic troll posting would be a better place
Square up ricey boi
China posting needs to be a bannable offense already
Has this show stopped being super wyimns-warrior-shoeld-maidens and racemixing?
It would be glorious, though. Unchallenged American economic hegenomy isn't the best for any one country, but it's the best for everyone overall
Reveal yourself Chinese dog
Become a "good american" at least one in life, pls.
REALLY makes you think...
>just imagine how this thing will turn marine corps into marine corpse in the upcoming war
Its cwaked
>take the t55
>copy shit from the bradley and haphazardly slap it on the 55
>but the 55 is some shit version of it
>to top it off make it tacky as fuck
gg China, gh
loitering attack munition launched by this tank.
Americans will literally be unable to hide anywere.