Would the US be better with conscription...

Would the US be better with conscription, with an option to work on civil infrastructure projects for people who didn't want to go into military?
How about police? There's loads of places in the states that need more bodies in their police force but simply don't have the budget. Like Flint, I watched a documentary and it claimed Flint needs like 300 patrol officers and only has 60 or something.
Would raising a federal police force that acted like a reserve pool of officers that local police could dip into be a workable idea? Paid by the Fed, but under the authority of the local PD or Sheriff?

Attached: the kaiser will hate it.jpg (600x902, 112K)

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>Would the US be better with conscription
Why would it need conscription when there are tons of able-bodied people who want to enlist on their own free will?

>How about police?
Do you want to see an enormous increase in police misconduct? Because that's likely to happen if you force random dumbasses to enforce the law.

>Why would it need conscription when there are tons of able-bodied people who want to enlist on their own free will?
You could argue that it's a good way to encourage civil responsibility.

>Because that's likely to happen if you force random dumbasses to enforce the law.
Then raise the entry standards, have a longer training period and enlistment period and better pay.

If you want to start covoc responsibility you better start young and local. Have kids clean public stuff and exercise.

So, Starship Troopers (Novel) but irl and no spacefaring shit?

>should the US institute literal slavery
against all enemies, foreign and domestic

"Do you think having a horde of angry, enslaved policemen and soldiers is a good idea"

>We're short of police, why don't we just enslave some?



>would the US be better with conscription
No it would arguably be worse unless the US got into another *very large war*, in which case the draft could pull 20 million + men through the selective service records alone (though only 1/4th would potentially be fit and willing for service, so maybe 5 million + men conservatively). Also police are not US military DoD owned meat, they depend on local recruitment efforts to get more bodies not the government (unless they are alphabet agencies, which in most cases they also depend on their own recruitment without much help from the government).

How many times are you going to post your shitty bait, fag?

This thread is shitty bait.

I wouldn't really be opposed to the idea of people having the right to vote only after serving a period of 2 years in the military, or 4 years as a civil servant.
Keep in mind, in the US there is a large group of people that don't even exercise the right to vote, even when they can. If the people don't want to have any civic responsibility, they don't get to help steer the nation.

Attached: Starship Troopers training a puppy.png (795x3687, 431K)

>Forcing people to be policemen isn't slavery

Are you absolutely retarded

>Everything is slavery!
Move to Mogadishu, fag

It's already institutionalized, there's just no need for it right now.


Involuntary servitude is slavery, literally. Read a book.

Conscription is for countrylets with small populations and/or countries who couldn't afford big standing armies but need the manpower

If you're neither then conscription actually becomes more of a burden.

Case in point: China has conscription by law. By law Chinese youths are supposed to serve a term in the military. But owing to its fucking population and the fact that they have the world's biggest army its not really needed. They'd just end up wasting resources training millions of civvies. So to obey the law they just make college students play military for a few months with dummy rifles and maneuvers.

Attached: 1358722287913.jpg (486x648, 53K)

That image alone is what makes starship troopers a great book.

Everything is slavery if you carry it beyond the realms of normalcy, like you are now. Even living. You are literally compelled by your hind brain to keep breathing. Free yourself with a bullet to the back of the head you fucking turd.

Honestly, it's the macro that made me finally read the book.
Some of the word choices date it, but it's still a damn good read.

Making Flint your example. Nice 'random' choice there. Who'd want to be a LEO in a shithole like that?

Flint was the town the documentary was about. There aren't that many documentaries about police that are actually documentaries and not entertainment. It's called Flint Town btw, and it's on Netflix and it's really worth watching.

Not everything is a conspiracy user.

Pic unrelated

Attached: they are coming to get their eggs back.jpg (960x689, 91K)

He’s annoyingly samefag, but he does bring up a point that you seem unwilling to address.

>Everything is slavery if you carry it beyond the realms of normalcy, like you are now.

>calling one man forcing another to do his bidding under threat of imprisonment slavery
>beyond the realms of normalcy
You must simply adore the taste of that boot, keep licking.

>Some of the word choices date it, but it's still a damn good read.

It was written in 1959. They didn’t have all of our modern words back then.

I think you might literally be mentally retarded.

You're talking about forcing someone to do something, unpaid. What part of that isn't slavery.

>you should be born into the world with a debt to serve your government automatically, against your will
The absolute state of boot licking euroturbans

>Everything is slavery if you carry it beyond the realms of normalcy

Forcing someone to do something.

Without compensating them.

Nothing about that is "beyond the realms of normalcy" to call slavery. It's the definition of slavery.

OP I think this is what happens when you've never left your mothers basement but think you know how to fix the world

The US military has enough problems, they don't need a bunch of kids with conscript syndrome to deal with.

>Would raising a federal police force to act as a reserve force
Federal police have the lowest standard of training of any law enforcement in the country. They're useful for nothing more than manning ECPs to federal installations or patrolling military bases.

Terrible idea, especially when you add in their inevitable misuse by the feds.
>Oy vey small town Kentucky won't hire shitskins better manufacturer a crisis to send a cohort of federal police to take over the town

Plenty of people when it was a primarily white industrial town full of middle class jobs before (((someone))) pushed the great migration and kicked off white flight.

You couldn't pay me enough to be a cop somewhere like Flint, Baltimore, or other shitholes, and subsequently the only people who will are corrupt shitskins.