What have you boys recently bought? Last night I just walked into the LGS to pick up a shotgun and walked out with this too. I have wanted one for a long time and I feel like I got a pretty good deal for $400. Its a mid 1918 production in .45ACP
Recent Acquisitions
this bad boy is in a delivery truck somewhere, on its way to me
just bought a bunch of reloading shit
now I need to build a table for all of it and get it mounted
trying to decide between welding and bolting together a sheet metal contraption or going for wood
Now that's nice. How much?
I just picked this up.
All three beauts.
I just ordered a Holosun 503c from Sweaty Ben. It ships today.
600 + 25 shipping. Such is life in € land.
Really nice shortboi you got, I want one of those once my bank account recovers
That's not awful for your prices. Is it matching? I impulse bought a matching 1900 dated swede for $400 last month. It's sanded, but I don't regret it
All matching except the front band, and it's missing the rear sight slider. But these receivers are a rare sight around here compared to the Carl Gustaf ones so I didn't want to let it go
>It's sanded, but I don't regret it
Looks nice, and over time it won't be too noticeable
Very nice. Will it be hard to find the sliders? I just tell myself that the stock was utterly fucked and this was the only way to stop the damage from getting worse. I know Its a lie, but it helps me cope. Here's my last recent acquisition, from the end of August. Matching spanish M43 with the civil guard crest instead of the standard Oviedo one. I went a little crazy recently with buying guns.
>Will it be hard to find the sliders?
Saw one for sale locally, decided to wait and it got sold. Worst case I'll buy one from an American online shop, it's not a "firing" part so it will ship like any random item.
>I went a little crazy recently with buying guns.
I know the feeling, I think getting into findom would actually help my wallet at this point. But they look so nice.
Found this no dash 686 and a 4 screw pre model 29 in a shitty pawnshop; picked up both guns and the belt buckle for $1100 out the door.
This all came in over the last week. Also got a Browning 1885 and I have two Mini-14s in the mail.
Damn that’s in good shape user, great find.
Picked up this Enfield No.2 Mk1 for $320. A bit rusty and worn, but the internals still appear to be in good shape and the cylinder locks up decently tight, shoots dead on sights.
Do wood my guy, dont take any chances with sparking.
Got this a couple days ago, folding stock is on the way
I'm going to pick up my Czech Mauser tomorrow
the steel would prevent static electricity from building up
is anything I'd be working with pyrophoric?
Damn boys, both of those are great finds. Especially you OP. I Just got pic related for 350. Was tired of not having a wheel gun so I caved.
I dont think anything used for reloading is like that, sparking seems like more of a hazard to me. I suppose as long as youre an autist about keeping your bench spotless it would be so bad.
that's what pyrophoric fucking means asshole
"sparks when scratched"
Impulse bought a Schofield for 1k yesterday, it was at the LGs for about a year and they dropped the price from 1100.
Well when I googled pyrophoric, it didnt say that, so you can go get fucked by a pack of niggers.
it appears that the definition of pyrophoric I was taught is some niche application among metalworkers or something
Ordered a Cz p-07 last night. Should have it in my hand Tuesday. Pretty excited
That one of those Uberti replicas? Looks sweet
I’ve got one, makes a bizarrely large muzzle blast which is pretty fun. Also just love hammer fired guns in general, you’ll enjoy it.
Yeah no shit, so thanks for being a dick you cocksucker.
>tfw originally wanted a P07 but got a P10C instead
I still don't know if I made the right choice. The P10 is a nice gun though.
so what the hell is going to spark on a metal table? tell me that wiseass
Yeah, mine was sold by Cimmaron, other than a few tool marks below the latch on the frame its absolutley beautiful.
Yeah this will be my first da/sa firearm. Pretty fucking excited to master both trigger pulls
The p10 is a great firearm, especially with the new ones coming soon. I already have a bunch of striker fired firearms and wanted to switch to da/sa
Thats sexy as hell my guy
Gee I dont know, when you blow yourself up you can report back with your discovery.
I picked up this Colt 1903 last week. It's peak muh dicc
I take back everything bad I've said about Glocks, I'm loving this new one so far.
every single complaint about Glocks is completely true but that doesn't stop them from being one of the best pistols on the market
I fucking hate those plastic pieces of trash but they fucking werk
Their case hardening is gorgeous, got this Cattleman a while back, I like looking at it almost as much as shooting it.
I have a Gen 3 Glock 19 and I really enjoy it. People who bitch about them are missing the point. You can use your special snowflake 9mm that costs more, but in the end of the day the people who they compete with at the same price point are completely out classed except for maybe Styer? (M&P 9mm is doo doo, XD series is comparable but still not as nice)
My biggest problem with them were the "Dot and bucket" sights, and the gritty ass trigger, which the 19x has fixed right out of the box. Plus, I have big hands and the 17 frame fits them real well.
Nice, and neat history.
You won't regret it. Mine is more accurate than I am. Trigger is pure sex. Haven't had a failure yet
I like M&Ps more than Glocks, but the 34 still tickles my fancy. I just think they're a tad overpriced in most configurations.
The 19X and 45, though... I haven't been tempted by the perfection like this SINCE the 34.
Pic unrelated. My last acquisition was an Aimpoint PRO for my AR build.
I feel the same way about my 1873 short rifle
I love the little bits that are case hardened, im already thinking about getting some stag grips for muh Schofield.
Great to hear. That is the main reason I went with the p-07. So many people saying they have run thousands of rounds with no issues and accurate right out of the box
I did a simple wood one. You just need a sturdy top board.
all my experience is with steel so I don't know where to start with getting or making a sturdy top board
Idk, I'm not an expert but this is what i did. My top is not sturdy enough though, hence my comment. I've almost tore it de-priming crimped 556.
that's what, a single piece of plywood? that'll never swing
your setup gives me an attack every time I see you post that image, fucking measure shit dude
Kek. I'll be replacing the top, while I'm at it I'll shorten it a little, so the overlap is about 1/4" so your autism goes into overdrive.
That's hot.
Just got home with this.
Where’s your lanyard ring toots?
ay dios mio
Also bought this Pedersoli for $150 the other day.
Got this antique on Monday, going to shoot it this weekend.
Nice, I love the looks of my Dragoon too.
It's hard to think a $400 gun from Italy looks better than $1000 guns made domestically.
I've been thinking of having the barrel nitrided along some other modifications as I intend to use it as a carry weapon.
I don't know if your grip frames are made from brass like mine, but if they are, you might want to try rubbing some Brasso of them.
They came a little dingy from the factory.
Ive thought about sending my schofield out for nitriding after a few hundred rounds of break in, does anyone know if nitriding can be made to look blue or if a bluing can be done to a gun thats been nitride treated?