>A malicious terrorist entity succeeded on launching an atomic bomb on Silicon Valley, ending almost any major technological contact in the world, not only that, but also making great parts of the USA vulnerable to any hostile attack, even betrayal.
A malicious terrorist entity succeeded on launching an atomic bomb on Silicon Valley...
nigga u dumb
silicon valley is not essential to the tech world. companies keep redundant servers and no actual hardware of value is made there. it would suck, but it wouldn't be the fucking apocalypse. also >>Jow Forums
Yeah, I’ve seen A View To A Kill too. Underrated Bond flick. But protip: despite what they’d have you think at Google, we wouldn’t literally revert to the pre-electronic age if Silicon Valley magically disappeared. A year later, things would be pretty much back to normal.
Jokes on them, all the data centers are in northern Virginia
At this point my response would be "thank god"
You mean Utah.
Northern Utah
Basically the only thing that would happen is no more firmware updates. All the servers are off-site, and even if they were there, you can just do like they did in the old days and use LAN. Retard.
Jeff Bezos rules the world
>no more firmware updates
What is RTP in North Carolina?
See you say terrorist, I say anti-cabal resolutionist.
A shithole.
t. ENC resident
Not as much as Asheville and Charlotte though.
>no Google
>no Apple
>no Facebook
What century is that map from?
>only 4 tech companies in SF proper with no stripe, Uber/Lyft, Twitter, Zendesk, etc.
It has to be at least 15 years old
>Hitachi is in San Francisco
It doesnt surprise me that a vibrating dildo company is headquartered there.
Ok. As long as it kills as many of the people I dont like as possible, im fine with it.
Hardware is made in Shenzhen, China. Software is written in Mumbai.
boones gone to shit as well, wilmington is also garbage and the state has almost been completely carpet bagged
It isn’t 2010 anymore buddy, most of the shit there now are various startups popping up for the umpteenth time. There would probably be a shock, but a year or maybe even less than later things would be back to normal aside from the fact a nuke detonated. Most of the servers and shit aren’t even there anyways.
This map is in Central Computer stores across the bay area
Their is a QTS data center in San Jose and Sunnyvale
As long as it takes the trannyboi loving Phil with it.
The original map has more charm. RIP all those tech firms.
>not hitting the center of LA or NY