Im college educated, hate my career and want to join the military. What do I do?
Im college educated, hate my career and want to join the military. What do I do?
Whats the career
I wanna try 18x. my only concern is getting some shit detail if I flunk out.
Why do you want to join the military?
dont joint the military. your career now is probably better than anything you could ever get in the US military specifically. you already make more money doing what you do and you will be dealing with more incompetent trash there than you would with your civilian counterparts. self experience, hated the muhreens.
Jesus christ youre fucked.
Ironically, a dude I knew who went into the army and became a medic came back and wants a degree in nursing
Its something I always wanted to do. I asked my parents permission to enlist after high school because I was a cuck. They were horrified. I ended up going to college and studied nursing because I figured medical skills would be valuable if I ever ended up ever joining the military. I never imagined how political working in a hospital would be. Every day Im worried about being thrown under the bus so that some cunt could advance her career.
Every job has its politics. The military is no different. Most people do 1 contract and get out after their obligation. It's not all fun and games.
If you're wanting to join, don't enlist, commission as an officer. Medical officers have some of the highest quality of life regardless of branch
18X my dude. Go for battlefield medic SF and be the baddest mother fucker around.
What's wrong with nursing?
t. Former grunt who's doing his nursing pre-reqs.
No. You will be as a child for the first 2 1/2 years of your military career, and that's if you are high speed, most aren't.
Go officer or don't go at all.
Its so political. They say its about taking care of patients but I feel like everyone is gunning for my head. I don't know if this is just the particular place I work or if its just being a male in a female dominated work place.
Where do you work if you dont mind my asking?
Hospital? Skilled nursing facility? Also what do you do?
I work in a hospital ICU in Philadelphia.
I've also played with the idea of getting back in after I get my degree. Flight nurse seems pretty cozy.
Specialize. Take radiology or another technical field for nurses. Instead of being a dick wiper you can blast people with gamma rays for 6 figures a year.
rad techs are nerds bruh
Tbh this
Another vote against military
Do the world a favor, and go kill towelheads.
>hurr durr die for Israel goy
I would say join the military. I did and quit. I regret that decision all the time. I wasn't mature enough then to be patient and see future impact of my decisions then. If I could join a branch now, I would. I searched and saw that I am too old(43). what do?
You dont join, obviously.
You stop crying over spilt milk and do something other than browse Jow Forums and whine about how you almost made it that one time.
what is a FFL equivalent for American Oldsters?