Admit it, 1911’s are the nicest looking handguns.
Admit it, 1911’s are the nicest looking handguns
That's literally my favorite handgun of all time.
that's not a glock
Blue colt series 70 with the full checkered grips with gold medallions is most beautiful gun
too many words and crap on the slide
OP said handguns, not grenades.
I prefer revolvers, particularly old Smiths and Colts.
They look good, but they're getting a bit pricey these days, at least from what I've seen. Is it possible to find a decent-condition 1970's Colt for under $1,000 anymore?
only filipinos like 1911s. because they are a backwards people with backwards taste in guns.
>nicest looking
Agreed. Any 1911 or any Glock subcompact
Is your gun jewelry or a tool?
glocks are better
Look good... fuckin useless in the desert tho
>barrel doesn't even recoil
Not sexy enough.
Why not both? Wouldnt you also prefer a car that works fine and looks good rather than being an ugly piece of shit, but hey! Its just a tool
Also the statement in the OP is about the aesthetics
What is this peashooter?
most beautiful gun to me is the one that fits great in my hand and works every time.
Manurhin PP, .32 ACP. It's a Walther PP, but made in France post-WW2 when the Germans couldn't really make small arms.
Toks look better desu.
So a CZ?
heavily considering a remington r1 or a springfield 1911. they're both around 450-500 in my area. I know the remingtons are just paras, but which of the two would y'all go with?
That's not a pre 70s national match. You must be mistaken
filipinos ALSO like 1911s. Because they are easier to produce in a thatch hut with hand tools than a glock.
Granted, one could probably put a CNC and a machine for casting metals and polymers inside of a thatch hut, and that would be easier that way, probably. But they've been making 1911s for over a hundred years so they know how to do what they do with what they've got.