*takes it from your cold dead hands*
*takes it from your cold dead hands*
Other urls found in this thread:
so who died
how many dead cops
how many dead kids
give me the numbers, faggot
Here's the link you lazy faggot.
>A family member had called police and asked them to suspend Gary Willis’ gun rights, and the local police department was more than happy to oblige.
Ha. Good job getting your own family member killed, broski or brodette.
Maybe the retarded families who would do this shit will think twice now. Probably not, only anti-gunners would actually ask for their family members guns being confiscated. Hell, maybe they wanted to speed up their inheritance too.
>posting this game shit again
The guy's niece was clearly pissed off that the cops were called on her uncle, supposedly by her mother. That family is going to be having some very tense holiday dinners from now on.
That's the point, fuckass.
>not understanding dying for your convictions
>live in Maryland
>be deathly afraid of guns
>call the cops on your brother/brother-in-law
>the cops fucking kill him
wow, I hope she learns the dangers of bootlicking
You forgot
>not a single Jow Forumsommando, arf.boomer, 3per, moldy labia, highroadfag, ect, took any action, violent or not, after this
You guys should really just admit you're all talk
Better than living undefended faggot.
1/10 you tried
What in Gods Name do you think we should do you fucking nigger, go out and kill cops? Start a revolution?
>You set forth the chain of events that leads to the cops killing him
>realize that YOU were the danger to himself or others all along
>Thinking a fucking non-player-character has self awareness.
She's programmed to call a guard, and she called a guard. You think she cares that the guard killed the bad man?
>he was one of dem der crazies getting our boys in blue called on him play stupid games win stupid prices
*daughter gets throatfucked by a nigger on the other side of the drywall*
Please point out where I was wrong
That's what you fags said you'd do once the grabbing started
Yeah, its pretty much guaranteed that calling the police on a male is going to end poorly.
Be honest, guys: If someone was knocking loudly at your door at 5 in the morning, you'd answer with a gun in your hands, too, wouldn't you?
The fact that he put the gun down when the cops arrived is reason enough to say that he had no ill intentions. The cops escalated shit by violating his individual rights and they murdered him for it.
that's what the people in my country did right before the revolution started a long time ago, but you let the gov't giving you all these "benefits" so now no one want to start shit against the system simply because they know that without the governement they'll get nothing
But she must have cared! She called the police! These laws are written so that ONLY people who truly care and understand these people, who KNOW they are a danger to themselves or others, and therefore don't require due process because their opinion is proof enough because of love and caring and togetherness, can call the police in the first place!
That's what we were told when they wanted to pass the laws, right?
Don't think it hasn't already started, how many more people do you think they can kill before people start noticing.
> If someone was knocking loudly at your door at 5 in the morning, you'd answer with a gun in your hands, too, wouldn't you?
of course i would, maybe that wouldn't happened if they yelled "police, open the door" as usual
Again, just how many more people do you think they'll kill before more people join the cause?
pmt, the cops in maryland are dogshit tho
They aren't going for everyone yet, we are a frog being boiled slowly.
If they actually went house to house shit would go off, but beyond someone going all McVeigh there isn't a lot we can do. He's already in the ground
They could kill people en masse, no one is going to do shit. Jow Forums will be like
>lol, that's what you get for living in X state
>just move lol
How the hell are you supposed to know that they are actually police? It's a common tactic used by criminals to pretend to be police.
You guys should have been out killing atf and cops who kill innocent people a long time ago. But let's be honest, nothing is actually ever going to happen and you'll lose your rights in another generation or two.
He did it wrong. You answer the door by cracking it open with your foot jammed up against it and your body leaning a bit forward with one foot placed a decent distance behind you for stability. You have the gun in your right hand on the grip (not choked up on the barrel) if its a rifle. If they tell you they're there to take your guns, you can either slam the door and try to lock it before they go to turn the handle (or get lucky that they try to kick and hopefully the door has been reinforced), or you step back and bring the arm to bear.
He fucked up by stepping out and leaving his gun inside, so that he had to fight just to keep control of it when he went for it.
Its simple
You report the cops who killed him for being a threat to people around them, and make it clear that they just murdered someone and got away with it because they are the police.
NPC lives don't matter.
>lol y didnz sumbuddy McVeigh them because of one guy getting shot?
It's too early for any such response to happen, but it probably will. I expect to see one of these people who have these red flag niggerdry things used on them to go out in a blaze of glory sooner or later. And it'll be hilarious to see you fags cry about it when they kill half a dozen pigs or more.
We're already seeing warning signs. Remember the fake explosives sent all over the US? That's a message.
>gun rights get infringed for decades, now people are dying for owning them
>it's too early for any such response to happen
Thanks for proving my point, you fags will do nothing
What happens if you refuse and gun down the first officers, will the rest siege the shit out of you or what, how much will the police escalate this.
Didn't the Dems just say that gun control was going to be a "priority" in the house for the next 2 years?
He didn't die for owning a gun any more than Castile did.
He died because he pulled in on the cops even if he was in the moral right to do so.
It would solve the property crisis, and the Social Security shortfall now you mention it...
Stop thinking of the kids everyone, start thinking about your portfolios!
>had police sicced on him literally because he owned guns
>he didn't die for owning a gun!
Ah, more mental gymnastics to justify why you won't do shit, what a shocker
>Thinks like nigger
>Acts like nigger
I mean you have a point.
I wouldn't answer the door. Why the fuck did they show up at 5am unless they wanted to agitate him as much as possible.
>a gun discharged as they tried to take it out of his hands, owner got shot
Wasn't really a last stand, it was an escalation of police force.
>mom, I said nigger again!
Good response user, you sure showed me
Cops have an unspoken alliance with other cops.
If you kill one, expect every cop in the area to join up and kill you in the most brutal way possible.
>he pulled in on the cops
Do we know that?
We know it was in his hand. We know that "a fight broke out" and "a weapon discharged."
Standing with a gun isn't pulling it on someone. Maybe he stood with it completely normal like and pointed at no one, the cop decided to bum rush him and take him down, the cop initiated the scuffle, caused the ND, and now the man is shot and killed.
We don't know, that article was light on facts. And if what someone said about him putting the gun down, leaving the house, AND THEN the scuffle broke out, well, there were less lethal avenues to use against an unarmed suspect first.
yes. this exactly. we should go out there and burn down a couple state buildings to assert our dominance as citizens.
>Do we know that?
yes, otherwise why would they have shot him?
Your best bet is to try and get out of there before they set up on you. If you stay you are fucked. Drop whoever you can and find a way to escape quickly in the chaos. Then go full gta irl.
kill the cop that killed him
Yeah but they mean silly bans on accessories, magazine size limits, and requirements for kid-safe gun lockers and stuff, not gun confiscations.
Because pigs gonna pig, user.
>Acts like nigger
Answering the door to the house you own is different than answering the door to the ghetto housing community you rent from for damn near nothing and also sell drugs out of.
t. You're fucked on the dust cover
Because there was a fight and "a" gun went off.
We don't know whose gun went off or who started the fight. Beyond knowing 100% that the family member who called and the government who authorized that to "be enough" to engage hold chief blame here.
Because they are gun stealing thugs?
>rent from for damn near nothing
I don't think you understand how renting works.
>report on your family
This is quite literally East German-tier shit going on.
>SWAT the cops
This would be a good idea if phone booths were still a thing.
Do we have the cunts name? We might be able to drive it to off itself.
I don't think you understand how renting from a HUD ghetto housing community that bases your rent on your (reported) income works.
I worked at one over a summer as a kid (helping the maintenance staff, picking up trash and stuff mostly). They don't pay near as much as the same lodging would cost at market value. I've seen monthly rent checks under $50.
Brought to you by (((diversity))) of course.
Seems weird Trump made her Attorney General.
Is time to go fishing in my boat.
I will take my guns, just in case.
I doubt she cares since the subtext of the article is that she clearly did it to get back at him for saying something she disagreed with.
>I worked at one over a summer as a kid
Yes, and they don't exist any more.
Any restriction to the firearms I can purchase and the assecories associated with said firearms is an attack on my constitutional rights, thankfully my entire state (yes every single countie) voted for trump so I dont think my guns will be lost in a lake anytime soon
She's been dead since November 7th 2016 of Parkinson's and when she was Attorney General, it was an appointment by Bill Clinton in 1993 until 2001. Nothing to do with Trump you fucking dimwit.
She probably wanted the punishment to be the hassle of getting his guns taken away and dealing with that bullshit, not necessarily getting him killed.
But, yeah, maybe. Hope the family preferred him over her and hassles and shuns her and she kills herself.
>Trump will not be a president in my life time
>Dies Nov 7
Even if they preferred her over him, I don't think getting him killed is going to be super appreciated. Especially if any of them are also gun owners (whether she knew about it or not).
>be woman
>fuck up
>find a reason why fuckup wasn't really your fault
>realize nothing
>learn nothing
>they don't exist any more.
Uh, the place is still right where it was. by "kid" I mean like, 12 years ago. And I'm still just a big kid at heart.
Maybe the chicago high-rise ghettos don't exist anymore, but HUD still has low-rent for families "in need" bullshit.
Trump is anti gun you retard
You never know, he could have been the weird uncle everyone hated, was shunned from the family and no one really cares because "well, saw that coming" or some line of thinking similar.
Hell, maybe her side of the family is militant anti-gun and his death is just "the greater good."
>Trump is anti gun
Trump isn't "pro-gun" by any stretch, but he's more ambivalent to the concept. He's not a real second amendment guy but he's not the Brady Campaign.
Which is still dangerous, he goes with the flow of the political winds. Which will blow towards gun control because house majority and moderate senate republicans.
That's because they started using snipers from the elevated floors and if that caught on shit might get real
Stop fucking LARPing, you're not going to do a fucking thing if the cops come for your guns. You're going to turn them over like a little bitch.
It's so sad how much the little-boy-cowboys-and-indians mindset owns white boys.
>t. Mexican
Reminder that "Unintended Consequences" is a must read for any Jow Forumsommando
Alright, let's see what we can do about this. We know that she pulled this shit for vindictive female related reasons, and now he's dead. The way to spin this is that these red flag laws allow terrible people to get others murdered by the police. Instead of red flag laws, we need to promote better security at places that might be mass shooting targets- part of that is more concealed carry. It needs to be a normal facet of American culture that people will conceal carry. But we must establish the semantics of this red flag shit- they are currently controlling the phrasing of this, and that is not good for us. Make it about his death and how this is due to his sister basically SWATing her brother. Concurrently, we need to come up with our own name for these red flag laws. A phrase that conveys how unconstitutional and potentially deadly they are.
>opens door
>talks to cops
>reaches for a gun in front of cops
>get vented
>being this retarded
The way to do it:
>do not open door
>tell cops to fuck off and you are armed
>stand-off ensues OR
>dumbass cop tries to kick open door
>cop gets vented
>stand-off ensues
>get Ruby Ridge'd
>militia movement is reborn full 1776-tier pissed
>cops refuse to do ERGOs anymore because people keep killing them
>ERGOs get outlawed
>4th & 5th Amendments restored OR
>cops start doing no-knock ERGOs
>some jackass cop shoots a kid
>a federal building gets McVeigh'd
>ERGOs are outlawed anyway
This is not nationwide door-to-door gun confiscation.
with any luck we'll get some real McVeigh shit going down
An underground tunnel might come in handy
>niggers on my Jow Forums
The day we bring lynching back can't come soon enough.
The way to do it:
>open door
>give them your guns
>wait 7 months
>find out who the people who signed off on the confiscation are
>stalk them
>create a list of all the crimes they've committed (knowing the types who will sign off on this half of them probably have organized crime connections)
>send this list to the media
>repeat until grabbers aren't grabbing anymore
>buy new guns legally and continue having fun
Your daily reminder that McVeigh's ANFO bomb was a fizzle.
Copfag here. This sounds like the officers on scene followed shit procedure, and instead of identifying themselves as police, just barged in to the guy's house. Their sloppiness and the niece being a nosy snitch got this man killed. If my department starts handing down confiscation orders, I will 1000% turn in my badge and duty weapon.
>It's too early for any such response to happen
The NFA was passed 84 years ago.
These laws will go out the door the minute people begin "informing" on black citizens. The moment cops show up to disarm the black populous the Dems will immediately drop it and shut the fuck up. Of course, that's assuming that the cops would ever be stupid enough to attempt to enforce a red flag in such a situation. But if they didn't enforce then the NRA could blow the situation up by suing the state for clearly racist enforcement of a law (hey judge, cops only enforce this law when it applies to white people and they sometimes kill the white people: shall not infringe).
So all k has to do is search through social media for black citizens in red flag states that have questionable content posted (pictures of thugs showing off their guns plus comments about how they'll use them) and call the cops on them. Wait for the ensuing fallout. If there is no fallout, inform the NRA of the situation and ask them to sue the state.
user. That is not how this works.
They are going for legal gun owners; owning illegal guns is already illegal.
>1000% turn in my badge and duty weapon
>Turning in 10 badges and 10 glocks
Mad respect bro