Attached: 1024px-.22_LR.jpg (1024x658, 90K)
How would ww2 have played out if all sides were limited to using 22LR?
Andrew Reed
Austin Hernandez
More artillery more bombs more tanks
Jonathan Diaz
Swarms of angry bees
Justin Young
Artillery, tanks are also using .22
Even pic is a .22lr, maybe .22 Magnum
Landon Torres
Every single infantry is given an American 180.
Plate armor becomes a valid defense against longer shots.
Layers of clothes underneath try to prevent close range penetration.
Basically you have to hose each other with 22 from close range and pray you hit a fleshy part before they do.
Daniel Rogers
The machine gunners have infinite ammo
Cooper Turner
Infinite ammo won't mean much when your gun jams every 25 rounds
Justin Ramirez
And magazines could only hold a maximum of 5 rounds.
Juan Russell
Retarded thread.
Eli Anderson
Imagine a bunch of Jin Roh motherfuckers just THTHTHTHBHTHBHTBHTBHTBHBBBBHTHTHT-ing at eat each other.
Jack Walker
Napoleon tier firing lines would last forever
Jayden Campbell
Yeah but they are in teams so it balances out as Heinrich revs up the chainsaw again
Michael Gray
K should be shut down for this thread
Tyler Gonzalez
>bouncy bouncy mush mush
Nicholas Wood
This thing saw popularity during high amounts of popularity Slovenian Independence War due to the commonality of the weapon and ammo, as well as it's 1200 RPM and notably very low recoil.
Jason Wood
It's okay out like an autistic airshit match
Kevin Wilson
Why do you feel okay giving me a want so bad i hurt.
Camden Ortiz
>pic related in .22
>bullet so thin and so much power than air friction doesn't slow it down
>is the equivalent of firing at people with photons that actually have mass
>just goes straight through everything in it's way making little holes
Kayden Morgan
Nicholas Long
Every single soldier dies as a result of the round bouncing around in the skull
brains everywhere
Jaxson Collins
Some private fires one shot to the east and it bounces around central europe killing every kraut in the wehrmacht.
Carter Hernandez
>Tanks are .22
>Turrets now house dozens of .22 barrels for shotgun like volleys or can be used like a multibarrel machinegun
>Armor can be made thinner and tanks can be made faster
>Tank vs tank combat is almost non existent since they can't hurt each other
Landon Perez
>tank armor made thin due to .22
>high speed rally tanks racing around the battlefield
>tank v tank battles consist of them trying to ran and flip each other
>cattle guards and mad max-esque spikes on rally tanks to do more damage to each other.
>used on people too
Fuck I want. Who's up for bumper tanks?
Tyler Rogers
>be me
>28 just out of bootcamp
>storming the beaches of Normandy
> ramp drops
> one bastard ripped apart by kraut .22 mg
> fires fast but jams after 3 seconds of firing
> charge up beach with ruger 10/22 in hand
> sounds of clack clack clack as the .22 hits my Tupperware armor
> all of the sudden die from my own bullet due to ricochet
Carson Kelly
One assassin with a .22 fires into a crowd of soldiers in formation and it bounces around within the formation and kills them all.
War is hell.
Gabriel Martin
>Crews start putting huge pneumatic flippers and spinning blades in the front of their tanks to either flip opponents or deal damage
>Some cheeky cunts start using flamethrowers
>Some madman creates a .22 paintball round to block out the periscopes of enemy tanks
>It's basically battlebots in 1944
James Bennett
naval warfare would be incredible
Liam Rogers
>Bombing of London
>200,000 tons of 22lr bury city, roofs cave in
>Normandy Invasion
>Bumblebee swarm devours Allied fleet
>sound of every battle:
Jeremiah Cook
Hunter Wilson
Justin Nguyen
I laughed
Jordan Clark
Way fewer tanks, and way more armored cars. You just don't need the thicker armor.
Luis Hill
What about a grenade that shoots out .22s in all directions?
Asher Smith
These would make a comeback