Redpill me on Hamas

Redpill me on Hamas

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a bunch of dune coons fighting (((them))) through all the wrong methods. They're no better than the kikes they're fighting by a long shot.

They are the likes controlled opposition to keep their police state homogeneous

Based and harampilled

There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet

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A group of sand niggers want to kill another group of sand niggers because they disagree on which group of sand niggers are gods chosen.

shalom to your knees

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the only actually arab militant terrorist group you should respect
everything else is funded by jews to do jewish things. ISIS, al qaeda, al nusra, whatever else.
hamas actually does shit.
takes out tanks. can stop IDF in urban fighting. lays down rocket artillery.
hamas also funded and integrated all the christian militias into their organization.
hamas was fucking shit up in syria.

wait. Im thinking of hezbollah.

hamas is allright but they aint gonna do shit. all of their top guys are shin bet agents that get turned out by israel.

This. Hamas actually did okay in the last few exchanges.
However they are pretty much a prison gang at this point, resource wise and don't have the actual manpower for anything strategic like Hezballer.

They shut down the IDF.

They did shut them down on the ground which was very respectable, but their rocket strikes are getting less and less effective and they have no answer for the reprisal heicopter strike on 4 year olds.
>Inb4 that's the plan

I know they have lots of rocket artillery but their smuggling tunnels are always getting shut down

Such false news. They're is no christian in Hamas good god. Their are lots of christian Armenians who serve in the IDF though. Kill yourselves arab scum or leftist/nazi shill poster lol have some uzi wielding boogymen for your shit ass thread.

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Dumb sand niggers

don't let the mudshits on Jow Forums make you think otherwise

Literally only survive because the EU/UN pressure Israel to let them live.

They're dumb, and the palestinians who elected them are dumber.

The only reason israel hasn't blasted palestine to smithereens is because they want the territory relatively intact and the negative fallout on world perception jews would be terrible, so they've opted for a shitty cultural assimilation strategy instead. Meanwhile, hamas fires rockets that are easily tracked by israelis, who blast the fuck out of the hospitals they hide them in (hamas still hasn't figured out that the human shield tactic doesn't work with israel).

The last hope of a decent solution to the israel/palestine thing died when fatah left power.

What’s he doing? Killing children?

no, the idf adopted the 10/22 as a less lethal crowd control weapon

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Pretty good/10

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there were christians in the plo don't know about Hamas

just look at them with logic

when ever isreal wants to attack gaza they are there firing there shitty mortors or they are around putting there home made mortars near schools or hospitals or populated areas. Whilst the isis and other arab terrorist groups have effective mortar and artilary systems. Why is this?

also name one time hamas has come to the aid of the palestinian people to protect them they get there house cemented in hamas isn't there.

has a hamas killed any isreali politican or done any work?

god Jow Forums really is the most infiltrated of all the boards by jews
I can just feel the hebrew dripping off of every fucking post I come across

reminder the jews keep an eye on the goys with guns and if you post on Jow Forums the jews consider you a problem no matter what country youre posting from

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Hamas probably hurts the Pallies more than they help them. They are pretty much a corrupt mob state using threats of heebs and Americans as a distant concept to hold the population in line.
If you want a good anti-Israel militia, Hezbollah are p cool guys

Very definition of Controlled Opposition
Hezbollah is where real nigga Mujaheddin live

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no go to sci they are much more afraid of smart goy everything there is sterile

The dirty secret is no one likes Palestinians any more than they like Jews. The Middle Eastern countries don't want them in their countries because they are fat, blow themselves up and beg for shit, so they keep them next to the jews just to piss them off.

So no, Hamas is big gay. Their can't even grow beards and aren't worth the dirt on my shoe.

t. Jordanian

>Israelis use 22lr as a less lethal crowd control weapon

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Target practice

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They’re heavily subverted by ((())) and are communists

Calm down Ahmed

hamas doesnt have capabilities. they are just a prison gang that got chosen to be the controlled opposition.
like the IRA. all of the top guys in the IRA were informers or worked for special branch after the 80's.
hamas is like a prison warden letting a gang control the prison. it makes things smoother for everything else. and all the leaders do what they are told.

hamas can mobilize quickly. but they are so full of informants and outright plants its a joke in any organizational sense.

just wounding them m8 no need for alarm.

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If the sand niggers had even the most basic of intelligence, knowledge of optics and media coverage, they would get as many of their citizens together as possible, all wear the holohoax striped pajamas with yellow Islamic crescent moon patches and walk to the border together at the same time and have the press film the Nazi Israelis murdering them as they tried to escape the "prison" of the fenced in concentration camp to go home to their stolen land. Have cameras filming it in 4K like ISIS does. Make it into a movie about the "Apartheid state".

Jesus the media would eat that shit up and have it on every news channel for the next year straight.

Then they could all stab Jewish school kids to their hearts content or whatever it is the sand niggers want to do. I think the muzzies just want to kill everyone, especially other muzzies. They are more violent and barbaric than a Detroit nigger hopped on on PCP and crack.

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>media would eat that shit up and have it on every news channel for the next year straight
>media making Jews look bad beyond a few puff pieces

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Jow Forums posters are so obsessed with hating jews they actually side with backwards sand monkeys. KEK stormniggers make me laugh arabs and mudslimes are amongst the lowest of the lows, how does it feel propping up dune coons like a white buzzfeed reporter?

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the (((media))) would downplay it as
>tasteless PR stunt funded by gulf states falls flat

jews are able to point to where the money comes from only when it goes against israel

This. They are sunnis and I generally don't like them, but they are fighting for territory that is rightfully theirs and are allies of Hezbollah.

They also shoot gas grenades into protesters mouths as well. You should see the pictures. Its a bit shocking the shit they get away with they also randomly shoot kids in protests.

Jews are the scum of this world

Oh no! How horrifing!!

Good, bless those who bless Israel and curse those who curse Israel

>human shields dont work
Its a hit or miss, sometimes the pilot notices kids on the ground and decides not to bomb, the risk is too high for a western country but for a religious sandnigger one it is just another tuesday

>expecting a ruling body that was destined to fail via jihad from the very first day to be effective
Israel has no reason to support them, they are already in debt, where do you think their electricity problems come from? They havent paid their bills to the electricity companies in quite a while, and when they do its usually another arab nation taking the burden for them

>what if welfare parasites decided to start a militia

Usual Dunecoonery, but still well-liked by the kinds of tolerant, loving organizations that have to do annual antisemitism purges if they don't want their officers naming the jew on national TV. Such tactics that they use include: using ambulances as troop transports, using hospitals as command centers, using schools as places to hide rockets, spending aid money on mortars, starting "protests" every day over the people killed when the last one turned violent, and refusing to accept any terms besides the complete destruction of the Israeli state while in peace talks with the Israeli state.

they do it all the time the people die slowly

also the isrealis have been known to target football players and shoot them in the leg at checkpoints for shits and giggles

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the electricity comes from isreal destoyring the gaza infustrcuture also every aid sent to gaza or palestine goes through israel. I dunno why israel just doesn't rehouse the palestinian else were as refuges they just keep them like that and make them suffer. If Israel got rid of them no one would care what jews are doing there no one

He said 'wait no I'm thinking of Hezbollah'
You illiterate

they also shoot the protesters in the eye as well

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>Gets kicked out of Lebanon by said sand monkeys
How's that reflect on you Geltstein?

Back in the day Fatah was legit. Hamas ended up coming out on top in the end. Top of the trash pile anyway.

>provoke Israel
>get bombed
>cry about it and say you're the victim while your corrupt leaders steal millions that are meant to improve your life

Good shooting.

what pisses me off is had that been done by a non jew the jewish media would jump on them

A jihadist offshoot of the Egyptian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood. Created during the First Intifada. Aims are to dismantle Israel and establish an Islamic state in its place. They have around 30k fighters. They are currently localized in Gaza for the most part, which they gained control of after fighting against the Palestinian Authority.
They cannot challenge Israel in a military confrontation with hope of real battlefield success. Instead, they organize protests and establish sleeper cells in the West Bank. Israel doesn't like this, but is worried about destroying Hamas, since either Israel would be responsible for the welfare of Palestinians there, or Palestinian Islamic Jihad would gain power, who are more extreme than Hamas and are aligned with Iran. Hamas knows this, and looks for ways to keep a slow burn of pressure without tipping into open conflict.
They are in competition with the Palestinian Authority to be the vox populi.

I'm not sure about that, guy. No one likes pallies.

I have a co-worker from Cairo, and all he does is bash Palestinians if they come up. He views them as indolent, cranky, and useless.
He's also pretty down on Hamas. He can't understand what they're trying to accomplish, when the sum total of the Arab world couldn't beat Israel when it was substantially weaker. Plus, the Brotherhood affiliation does them no favors, and he's aware of the gun-running they do in the Sinai to ISIS affiliates.

You don’t see dudes like the ones in OPs pic going against the IDF

At least they are not jews

Jews 6,446,100 74.71%
Muslims 1,524,000 17.66%
Christians 168,300 1.95%
Druze 139,300 1.61%
Other/unknown 350,900 4.07%

I don't give a shit about your hatred for kikes, but atleast try to be accurate.

>aid goes through Israel to filter weapons, with access points between Israel and Gaza getting attacked with bombs and IEDs every once in a while
>Israel supplies electricity to Gaza but Gaza doesnt pay its bills
> I dunno why israel just doesn't rehouse the palestinian else were as refuges they just keep them like that and make them suffer.
Not sure what you said there, if you are implying Israel keeps Gazans in Gaza instead of treating them as refugees, well, they have Hamas going full retard over there, a lot of radicals within the people, monetary and manpower reasons, etc

If they where pure they wouldn't need to keep it homogeneous now would they.

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Yea i read that claim before. Isreal created Hamas to split up the PLO. It would be pretty smart of them to do that. Fuck the PLO

PLO was based and Black September was a uge sucess. pretty much the whole Olympic team got greased. Otto Skorzeny trained and approved

not a kike faggot try harder. The sympathy storm niggers feel for sub human arabs makes me laugh. They are subhuman when they try and migrate to europe but are kindred spirits when they fight the Jews. Pick one and only one or else go ahead and join the "refugees are welcome here party" with the cucks on the left. Let them stay in their sand shithole and keep them as far away from europe and the US as possible.

>giving a fuck about arabs

pathetic the only good haji is a dead haji

it's almost like nationalists recognize that other people can also be nationalist about their homes
>Let them stay in their sand shithole and keep them as far away from europe and the US as possible.
that's the idea, but Israel doesn't like that

>Black September was a uge sucess.
Uh, yeah. For Jordan and Israel.

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>implying all Semitic peoples aren't pure trash
The fertile crescent was great, but ever since then, that whole part of the world has been nothing but a fucking headache.

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>Redpill me on Hamas
what does the republican party, democratic party, usa military, EU and Hamas have in common?

they are all run by jews at the expense of the native country for the sole benefit of Israel and other jews
Hamas is just used to keep other outside states from getting influence inside the palestinian system

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you are ether a jew if not enjoy the jewish dick in your ass

Neither I have no love for heebs either, I find them to be only slightly less repulsive then arabs.

see above statement the fact that any rational person would sympathize either jews or arabs is baffling to me, let them wipe each other out.

vaping has gone too far

It's true. Pally's are filthy pigdogs just like jews. They aren't worth the dirt off my shoe

Compare them to Iraqis. Iraqis are best dressed men in the middle east. They know how to wear a suit and style on the west. This is what Allah intended. Men are supposed to groom themselves and not let their beards grow wild like animalistic homosexuals.

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>Pally's are filthy pigdogs just like jews.

this right here boys