Can we get another one of these going? Haven't seen one in a while
Can be anything, I just want to fuel my LARP fantasies of SHTF
Attached: ULTIMATE_GUN_BUYING_GUIDE.png (1497x2126, 1.43M)
will dump mine
Attached: riotreductor.jpg (1372x467, 46K)
Can we get one for non poor fags?
Attached: autothrasher.jpg (1377x502, 62K)
There doesn't really need to be one. Just buy semi-expensive stuff from well-known and quality brands.
Attached: clay.png (1095x558, 87K)
Attached: darknova.jpg (1361x573, 75K)
Attached: deton.jpg (1367x416, 56K)
>heres how to make clay
>step one: find clay
not even mad/10
Attached: download (1).jpg (275x183, 10K)
sorry for the delay my nigras
Attached: blazer.jpg (1368x432, 43K)
Attached: laroca.jpg (1378x495, 52K)
Attached: polumna.jpg (1366x535, 70K)
Attached: range.jpg (1358x454, 52K)
>slug higher than mach 2
>with no barrel
yeah, right
Attached: reactor.jpg (1375x819, 103K)
Attached: reliance.jpg (1366x638, 77K)
Attached: section9.jpg (1368x558, 71K)
Attached: scienticexplosives.jpg (1227x1157, 323K)
What kind of credulous faggot actually believes any of this shit is worthwhile? This is Anarchist Cookbook tier.
Attached: subterra.jpg (1371x764, 98K)
You're glowing quite brightly.
Attached: support.jpg (1355x559, 75K)
Attached: unitarian.jpg (1375x608, 72K)
Attached: k home defense.jpg (3900x5008, 3.79M)
Attached: k 22s.jpg (3036x2512, 523K)
Senpai, why incurr the wrath of the fed?
Attached: 1541852482451.jpg (640x982, 142K)
gonna do a self chek
Attached: batemanshitpost.jpg (600x447, 15K)
Attached: k approved 9.jpg (2500x2267, 1.33M)
Its for scientific purposes, like said in the filename.
Attached: creamy.jpg (605x623, 92K)
Attached: k guide 45.jpg (2500x1626, 1.23M)
Attached: fapp.jpg (1580x2537, 1.63M)
Attached: gasmasksofevropa.jpg (2000x1600, 966K)
>nu sig in general
This should be updated.
Where's the Ruger MK series?
Attached: 1529021264144m.jpg (1024x631, 152K)
>just need an empty artillery caseing lul
yo come one who is this faggot