>want to shoot animals and harvest their delicious meats
>daddy never taught my how
>no gear, truck or experience
What do, also is a .30-30 good for killing deer?
>want to shoot animals and harvest their delicious meats
>daddy never taught my how
>no gear, truck or experience
What do, also is a .30-30 good for killing deer?
First off, Second off, take a Hunter Education course. It's required to hunt in the US, plus you can ask any questions you may have. Even make some connections in your hunting community.
Third, yes. 30-30 is a perfectly good deer round, especially if you live in an area with lots of dense brush.
So you want to kill an innocent animal just for the fun of it? What the fuck is wrong with you people
you're on a board, the main focus of which is on tools designed to deal death or bodily harm.
The fuck is wrong with YOU?
Yes because obviously owning weapons means you just go around killing things randomly for no reason. Spoken like a true liberal.
>spoken like a true liberal
did you...
checked and keked
sauce on the webm?
30 30 is often considered the best caliber for large animals East of the Mississippi. Hunter education, yes. Skinning out animals check out You Tube. Meat you killed yourself is the best damn meat on earth. Deer Season Opens in 4 more days .......Where I live anyway. Thinking about using my Glock 20.....
This guy gets it. Hunters Ed is also pretty fun and interactive
I spent my whole life in the city and just got out a year ago, never hunted. This is my first year and so far I scored a turkey (I got very lucky) and will be going for deer.
Learn by doing. Just get out there, and as long as you're being safe (that's the main thing you'll learn how to do in hunters ed) you can allow yourself to make mistakes and fail without beating yourself up. I like being outside and holding guns and that's what it's about for me, if I happen to shoot a delicious creature that's just a nice bonus.
Got a Turkey? Damn that is good. How did you cook it?
you prefer your meat laced with hormones from the farm?
Yes, also 7.62x39 is very ballisticly similar to .30-30, so that's another good option
Absolutely. SKS is my favorite deer gun.
External ballistics wise, they are quite similar. Terminal ballistics wise, 30-30 is a bit more powerful from every angle.
>also is a .30-30 good for killing deer?
not anymore, obsolete now
The doe did not complain.
>no gear, truck or experience
Get a used single shot shotgun off of Armslist. I borrowed one from someone when I started.
You don't need a truck. I don't have a truck.
I didn't have experience either. I taught myself everything about hunting.
Start with squirrels. You will get more time to gain experience still-hunting squirrels and jumping rabbits than with deer.
what, have deer evolved in the last century?
Shitty post is shitty.
>live in Ohio and can’t blast durr with glorious Mosin
Why live
>>live in Ohio and can’t blast durr with glorious Mosin
yet we can shoot squirrels with a 300 win mag.
I guess I'm grateful we haven't banned centerfire for small game like Kentucky. Can still use .25-20 for rabbits.
The US has no hunting culture.
it's a short-range cartridge, something that can reach out at longer distances is better
especially important if you're in a Western state, like me
After you shot a few deer and also processed them. You appreciate the Fudd rounds. .30-.30 .257Roberts and 35Remington. 7.62x39 is in the same ballistic family. Takes down deer without excessive damage. I haven/t had to deal exploding guts. Hydorstatic shock from the really powerful rounds are just a mess to deal with.
I shed tear for you OP
Just because we don't yodel a dirge for the creature a bunch of peasant drove towards us with rakes killed doesn't mean we don't have "hunting culture." Ours is just more "frontier"-oriented, based on necessity rather than a tradition of tyranny reserved only for the upper classes.
>ceremoniously carrying around an animal corpse
I've never in my life had to shoot more than 100 yards at a deer. Sure if you live out west, like you said, there are many better rounds, but if you live up in the thick wooded smokies like me, you want a "brush buster." It just depends on where OP lives.
US hunting culture:
>Shoot deer, prep, store, then eat deer. Remember the animal by being thankful for it's tasty meat
Euro hunting culture:
>Shoot animal, cry and beg for forgiveness, shove a pine branch up it's ass, cry some more, prep deer, cry some more, eat deer, cry some more, ruining the meat.
>Fudd rounds. .30-.30 .257Roberts and 35Remington. 7.62x39 is in the same ballistic family. Takes down deer without excessive damage.
Now you must learn to appreciate round balls.
lmao libcuck btfo
I can relate. I sight in at 30 and 50 yards.
Thinking about it. Shot a few over the years. Late season would be interesting.
>ask rhetorical question to show how stupid his comment was
>he calls me a stupid liberal
I've heard this mindset before from some hunters I've talked to that hunt with .30-30 and .45-70
Cleaner kills, less meat damage, but still enough punch to drop in one shot
Yes, and get some good camo, scent killer is mostly a meme, just wash your ass with non scented soap no scented shampoo or shit either, that animal lived a better life than any animal thats on display at the grocery store could dream off
>got gun license
>love shooting
>decide to try hunting
>get hunting license
>hunt turkey once and love it despite not getting a turkey, I got a bad case of buck fever at a nice tom that strutted all the way to maybe 30 yards away from me. But I forgot to mark out sticks for distance so I froze up and couldn't tell how far he was.
>decide to try hunting deer too
>have nobody to go with, nobody to teach me, nothing.
it's intimidating user. But just read and watch lots of videos, and learn. acquire the gear bit by bit, slowly.
30-30 will be just fine, it's taken millions of deer for over 100 years.
45-70 crowd is kinda like a cult. Older gentlemen, prefer Winchesters, Domestic beer of course. Yeah the 45-70 lever action is cool. Yes it will knock them over and you don't usually have to track at all. The Older gentlemen are not dumb. I have used a Marlin .444 yep. No tracking. If I recall correctly a .444 drops about a foot at 300 yards.
Gonna need some sauce friend
.30-30 Winchester is like the official deer hunting cartridge of North America. Pic related has affectionately been nicknamed "The Deerslayer"
>just for the fun of it?
Can't you read, bitch nigga? He clearly says he wants to eat it.
Not him, but I am very fond of pork, DGAF about the hormone part.
So question, since this is the hunting thread. How bad an idea would it be to hunt deer with an overpowered rifle? Assuming solid rounds that wouldn't fragment or expand. My fudd rifle options are...limited.
What kind of powerful rifle do you have, son?
Aim for the shoulders. Wait for a full side presentation. Shoulder entry with Shoulder or Front exit if the deer kinda shies away. You are trying to stay away from the gut zone.
Neck shots? I've done that with my .300 Win mag time to time when I know I can make the shot, dropped a 6 pointer opening day last year at 140 yards in the neck, didn't even go clean through either, broke apart on the vertebrata and crumbled
Well yeah neck shots are awesome. I don't trust my eyes for that kinda shot.
The previous owner bought it for Cape Buffalo.
Ruger No1 ?
Rigbyposter returns
I would strongly advise against using that for whitetail deer.
Some people hand load light rounds for whitetails.
One gun for everything.
How about moose and bear? They have those around here too.
Oh yeah, definitely fine for those. I'd still go on the lighter end on the loads though, but even standard loads are good. It's a dangerous game gun, so there ya go.
Honestly the bullet probably won't expand much in a deer. You will be fine shooting a deer with that.
retarded frogposter
Is this NTR?
from a movie called Adulterers
people hunt with 7.62x39? are you guys nuts?
>just for the fun of it
>want to shoot animals and harvest their delicious meats
retard alert
he said he wants the meat you stupid kike
People have been harvesting medium game with mild 30 cals for literal centures, user. What the fuck do you think 30-30 is?
Those absolutely, but it's far too much for deer unless loaded extremely lightly
>What the fuck do you think 30-30 is?
A more powerful round than 7.62x39 that can use heavier bullets
You'd have to have really good shot placement to hunt with 7.62x39
>150 gr vs 123 gr standard loads
OH WOW, MUCH POWER, MANY STOPS. The difference is so minor as to not matter. There are plenty of hunting appropriate loads for 7.62x39 and it does the job fine. Deer are easier to kill than hogs.
170gr is the standard
How the fuck would it NOT work out for deer? People shoot deer with .410 Bore slugs and long barreled .357 Magnum revolvers, reliably too.
The 7.62x39mm certainly doesn't lack the power for deer, not for any kind of deer you can find in North America or Europe.
Though the .30-30 Winchester has a higher ceiling for weight and velocity, the 7.62x39mm is essentially THE cartridge for the person who wants something a lot like .30-30 Winchester, but with spitzers and/or for an automatic action (as well as very cheap plinking ammo).
.30-30 Winchester also is mostly seen for lever-actions, while there's bolt-action rifles commonly available in 7.62x39mm, which with handloading, can be made to shoot quite tight groups.
The .30-30 Winchester is one of the gold standard cartridges for deer, sure, but the 7.62x39mm isn't dramatically far off.
Same here, OP.
>dad was a drunk and degenerate
>only deer I’ve ever killed have been with my 34,000,000 gr. Chevy going 103 fps
I’ve killed quite a few hogs tho.
>my 34,000,000 gr. Chevy going 103 fps
I laughed. Was there anything left to eat?
Is 762x39 viable for deer? How do I move the deer around once I shooted it? How do I put the deer in my freezer? How do I eat the deer?
First deer
>ran into the passenger door like a dumbass
>back tires ran over it
>piece of metal gutted it
>piss/shit everywhere thus I didn’t try to salvage meat
Second deer
>ran across highway
>hit its ass end with my bumper
>it goes spiraling toward a fence and gets cut up
>right side of bumper is bent back and is 1 inch away from touch the tire
>deer’s legs looks like linguini
>stomach torn open with piss and shit everywhere
>deer kicked around for 5 minutes before it died
No meat was ever salvaged unfortunately.
that sounds like you are shooting a dinner plate at the animal
>required to hunt in the US
No it isnt
Totally agree, red pilled post.
Hunter's Ed here in PA is held all year round. It's kinda like a rite of passage. It's usually free and is a lot of fun. Free food, swag and prizes to win. People of all ages go. Take the 2 day course, it's something to be enjoyed. You take the test at the end and get your course card.
I was 28 when I took mine, no shame in that. Since I have had a lot of fun hunting small game and groundhogs. Would like to go deer hunting soon.
I just went squirrel hunting yesterday and had a blast. Found state game lands about 10 mins from my house. Hiked in to a remote area with GPS, made lunch and hunted a bit. Then packed up and hunted back out. Amazing time of year to be in the woods and plenty of skills translate to deer hunting. In fact, saw a couple nice big doe on my way out.
Do it bruh.
are bag limits per day or per season? serious question
>>dad was a drunk and degenerate
feels bad, man.
asking in texas. says you can only take 2 bucks, but doesn't specify time period. i didn't grow up hunting and even the hunter ed i'm taking doesn't specify... this is fucking retarded
Depends on the animal and state.
Things like squirrels, rabbits and other small game are usually per day.
Big game like deer and bear are usually per season.
Check your states game commission website, it should have a list of all that info.
.30-30 is one of the chief durr rounds. That being said you need to get either a Winchester 94 or a Marlin 336, the 336 IIRC is somewhere around $630.
For the sake of fairness PA is one of the most popular states in regards to hunting. That being said I think I will go to one of those things sometime in the near future, even if I’m more into fishing.
>802k ft/lbs muzzle energy
Hideous fucking dog.
That is a land shark, aka toddler terror
I don't think the bullet would expand at all. The ammo I have for it are solids designed to go through an elephant skull.
I really didn't enjoy my hunter ed course. It was mainly "don't be an idiot with a gun, don't fall out of trees, don't shoot yourself when crossing a fence. Ok, now go read the DNR stuff."
Here in WI it is. I want to say GA too. Generally it's a "if you were born after 1970, you have to take hunter's safety".
Just about every rifle round you can imagine is enough to hunt deer. It really doesn't take much.
If not required, taking a course is still a good idea.
I took hunters safety with my son. I wasn't the only Father at the class. If you want to hunt out west you need a hunters safety certificate.
>b-b-but he's smiling!
>my baby wouldn't hurt anyone ever!
murderdog apologists should be murdered by their own murderdogs