Why does he have so many 88s in his name?
Why does he have so many 88s in his name?
Just a 30 year old boomer kike
Heil Hitler x2
he triple heils hitler
>tfw if he had iraqveteran88 should it have not been taken, the professionally offended would try to doxx him and call him a nazi
It's alt right code. It stands for Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler.
1488, brothers
doesnt get more boomer than this
Because he hates niggers too
Either he is super good at hiding his power level or it's a coincidence.
He's probably the biggest grayman of politics ever. Dude doesnt even look like he would praise hitler in any way.
theres a vid where he and barry trash niggers for 20 minutes straight
only way to get lucky with the chinese womens
Double negative: "gas all jews, white power, psyche" (although that's secretly how I really feel but my pussy is too weepy to come right out and say it)
Basically what it translates to
>Dale Earnhardt x2
Fuck yeah
heres one
seconded. this is based x2.
Beer and shrimp? Those farts could be used to gas jews.
box o foefive
lmao holy shit
>Gun gripes #67: "niggers"
>retconning your racism once you get popular
lol earnhardt yeah sure hitler.
Yea but he could just claim its his birth year
I saw Eric at a grocery store in Atlanta yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off.
When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
1988 master race
Heil the happy hun Hortler
>end of the worl-war
He knows OP
>the crowning achievement of your life is surrendering yourself to the military because you are too dumb to do literally anything else, got made a cook, didn't kill yourself with a ladle, and came home
People who define themselves by one experience or influence are pathetic always.
>I'm a veteran of the Iraq war
>dude weed 420
Same shit.
I noticed a lot of vets are always on about their time in the military like its the only thing they ever did.
Should be more subtle about it.
Because all you faggots talk about is Fortnight, football, how many dicks you sucked, the latest Jewish Hollywood movie/show. You fucking POG REMF pukes are boring as shit.
>like its the only thing they ever did
Because it is. People who leave the mil and go to college, then get a decent job or start a business; tend to only mention their service when its relevant. Its the dropkicks who aren't going any further that put veteran stickers on their bumpers and join all the circlejerk facebook groups.
Was already taken
>Hitler Hitler Hitler Hitler
>alt right
how fucking new are you. The saying has been around for fucking decades
FUCK I miss Barry....
classic boomers
>falling for bait
More pics of Eric's creepy Gulf War Syndrome kid.
>dale earnhardt jr
Now I know Eric is a walking boomer meme.
Holy shit lmao, wonder if anything changed since then.
Subtle advertising for his botnet DNS server
>we spent two hours with people before trying to sell them a handgun
>then they walk up to the register and get denied on the gun sale.
Love barry but who spend too hours with a nigger trying to convince them to buy a gun? Toll paid as far as im concerned.
He has some kid that has this messed up facial deformity since birth.
He was only in one video.
Eric keeps him in a shed most of the time
1989 feeling fine
>tfw 1983
Get on my level, Junior.
RIP Barry, he was too based for this clown world.
I'm only 3 minutes in and it's starting to sound like his clientele is made up of Warhammer 40k Orks
the basketball-americans around here call any AK pistol a "choppa".
OH fuck I never realized where the cropped zoomed in picture of this fucking freak was from
what video is this from?
A now deleted video, it's his wifes son (memes aside) rumor is he abuses him.
does any one know the one where he says to shoot any brown person you see in your back yard was during obama days and had barry in it and had to do with illegal immigration
looks like Rocky, from the movie "Mask".
>surplus german jackets
clearly nazis
draco pham
I have personally witnessed a nigger in Cabelas ask "where the stendos is?" and then come up holding a Glock 17 mag and ask if it will fit his "uzi".
I haven’t seen this one in awhile. Nice to see the pasta for new meatballs.
Le disappointed frog xd
Imagine having access to nearly every type of gun imaginable and not being allowed to shoot this poor creature dead.
>selling guns to gangbangers
>bitching about it
Fucking scum.
rip barry
>I don't have any assault rifles
>standing in front of 50 assault rifles
Christ rednecks are dumb
shall not infringe goes both ways
2/10 i replied
strange. the cabelas near me has nigger repelling charms on the doors like publix does
Well 40k Orks were inspired by Brit football hooligans and those aren't that far off of.
That's the only time I've seen a nigger in a gun store though.
I believe all human beings deserve the right to guns, but niggers aren't people and they demonstrate it every time I see/interact with them.
Moss is a good shop. Bought a ton from them when I lived in GA.
It's in a pretty messed up area ( Jonesboro, GA) but worth the trip.