What does Jow Forums think of my musso bowie project?
What does Jow Forums think of my musso bowie project?
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a bit of info on it, its 1095 steel and it measures 5/16” at the spine. The overall length is 19” and the blade is 14” long
Also, sheet brass is a bitch to form. It warps and moves really weirdly compared to sheet steel
>blade is 14” long
shid! That's a big ol knife!
Currently working on a 9" one on commission but really only part of the way through.
I would go with bar-stock personally and just mill out a grove through the length of it, will probably be a bit of an extra cost but save you a few nights anxiety to get sheet to fit up right
Looks Chinese. Good taste.
My grandpa lives in florida and he has a sheet metal break, I may send it to him and have him fold it on that. I could file one from bar stock if i really felt like it.
Then theres also the issue of how to attach it since im afraid brasing it may ruin the heat treat, or if i wanted to be a nigger i could use JB Weld
Get a length of 1/4 by 1/2" bar stock, cut a groove down the centreline with a grinder or something, about every inch or so you can drop a pin in it.
Keeping water and shmoo from getting underneath you could JB weld it, or go traditional and use a low-temp soft solder to fill up the gap and just give the blade a wipe with a wet rag to keep the temper on the edge
I had also considered soldering it but theres no information on how the brass was attached that i could find.
Funny story too, i met gil hibben at the ICCE show and he was an asshole
Look at the temperature at which you have tempered it.
Then consider brazing it on, and after that you have options. Its probably plenty hard, or you can Carburize the entire mess if the top metal is below the melt point.
A very modern and somewhat craftier route is to just send it in for a Cryotreatment.
Its a really good way to get improved accuracy out of a pencil barrel and make a gun a tack driver.
same guy. also your knife is baller OP. Im not 100% wild about the spine, but it has the classic Bowie shape that so many fuck up.
10/10 would stab my enemies on a sandbank with.
I like the curvature of the clip point. The thin point certainley makes it a bit less utilitarian and durable so I hope a fighting knife was what you were trying to make. I dont care much for the brass spine bit as itll be damaged during batoning and creates greater resistance with a deep stab
A fighter was pretty much what i was after. I saw the 2004 version of the alamo and loved jim bowies knife in that
Now THAT's a knoife
looks great so far. good work OP
I made this bad boy when I was around 13, with the help of my dad's cousin, or more accurately, he made it with my input. I hit it with the hammer a few times maybe, spent a bit of time on the polishing wheel.
I wish I had written down the exact type of steel used for the blade. I know the following:
>acid etched damascus steel blade
>nickel guard and pin
>buffalo horn handle
what does musso mean
Pretty slick, OP
That copper/brass/whatever is a mistake. It will ruin the steel due to electrochemical corrosion.
I'd definitely pin it, not that I think you'd get enough torque normally on it to bend it very much, but any kind of very hard shocks will loosen a solder eventually and it'll pop off. So a combination of techniques would be the go.
Deep nitrogen cryo has been used on high end knives and everything from rifle barrels to engine parts, it'll generally give you +1-2HRC and anywhere between 30-200% more wear resistance on most steels. But its also an extra step in the process most people don't want to pay for.
Not enough potential difference between 1095 and brass to make any appreciable galvanic corrosion occur just on surface-surface contact
Will it kill?
Not a problem without the presence of an electrolyte
>user... your blade did not make the cut. I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the thread.
>Doug Marcaida with some injury in the background still trying to filipino kung fu something
>Philippine Kung-Fu
>J. Neilson procedes to bust user's paltry, laughable item up with an elephant bone, relentlessly, sheer glee twinkling across the lenses of his glasses.
>David Baker remains seated at the judges' table, twiddling the wings of his dapper mustache, pensively.
>Jason Knight finds the breeze, which his kilt allows, quite refreshing.
>Horror dawns upon user, as Wil announces this week's signature weapon:
>...The Infinity Gauntlet!
>Ben Abbott shrugs, as usual.
How 'bout... "Satay Sorcery"?
Cambodian Cuffs?
Which comes every time it gets a little moist.
Water isn't an electrolyte, but saltwater is. I doubt he's going to keep the bare blade up against his sweaty body.
hit it with a hammer until you have a handle and then it will be good
Martha White Hot Rize self rising cornbread, cake and more
you’re lost nigger go back to /ck/
That looks comfy
Have fun hardening that.
i'd like to cut my dick off with that