Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.
Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
Well it was a good run for 4 years. Watched it from beginning. I hope their WWII series will be as good, but I have my doubts.
I feel it will be highly politicized
Depends. After all, he's got Swedish historians/archives at his disposal.
And all Swedes did back then was selling weapons and rubbing hands.
From the first few episodes, it seems quite good.
Is it already out? Where can I find it
Are they covering Manchuria now?
No, they started Sept. 1st with Poland and the end of Khalkin Gol.
Youtube. Channel name is World War Two.
Watched the last (regular) episode. Never realized how badly things collapsed for Germany in the end. Defeated on the battlefield, cities in revolution, pretty much the entire navy giving the government the finger and refusing to fight.
Watching four years of developments and numerous empires crumble has been a very interesting experience. One which was really enhanced by the week-by-week format.
Agreed. So far, it seems very fair. He's called out atrocities, but pointed out specifically when/where they happened.
Of which were there a lot more than I ever really knew of in the first month of war. Even from the start, things were very dirty.
Is it good, or your run of the mill le evil Huns vs based black forces modern history?
The premature ejaculator's creed.
Never got into it because I didn't like format, but huge respect for the guy.
>Never realized how badly things collapsed for Germany in the end
It was a real baaad shitfest for us until 1923. Then it got a little better. But at the end until 1920 we were at the brink of civil war and had tons of political murders etc just until 1933 when Hitler became chancellor.
Loved Indy and what The Great War has done. I wish there were more things like this on Youtube. Just simple quality content.
Great show
not him but how come you didn't fall to socialists? Apparently parts of your military and several cities had openly proclaimed themselves to be socialists
>exclusively Swedish historians apparently
What are you mad about, really?
they are neutral in some ways, but everyone's got their bias
not him, but probably because even larger parts of the military and even a decent chunk of German intellectuals and most politicians were right wing if not far right.
The left wing movements were also divided and in conflict with each other (yes there actually is a difference between the socialists and communists)
They did "fall" to socialists. Heck, the Nazi party were the "National Socialist German Workers' Party". However, the faction which took power were social-demorats (i.e. socialist state with normal democratic voting).
There were Spartakists who wanted a full communist revolution (socialist state, no voting) but the old army sided with the leftists, not the radical leftists and they won the resulting civil war.
Because the combat-hardened german veterans formed the freikorps and completely btfo the communist uprisings.
>The left wing movements were also divided and in conflict with each other
lel this seems to have happened in every socialist uprising. They seem to love killing eachother
well I meant Bolsjevik tier people
Me too. Love the idea, do not care for the man
Liking his new WW2 show. Here's hoping it continues.
First time i see a thread about the great war show on Jow Forums.
I am Indy Neidel, welcome to the great war.
This is the same moron that “factually” portrays women of color, and minorities in the SS in his videos because “muh inclusivity”. Why anybody would watch this self hating leftist propagandist is beyond me.
Are you upset
What the fuck you talking about?
Man, anybody got a fucking link?
This, WTF?
just posting to see if im banned for making a wound-fucking thread
reminder the whole point of this series was the first couple episodes where he winks super hard at the camera while explaining the story about how the assassination of Ferdinand totally wasn't a blatant false flag
Seems to be a trend of some (cough) Jow Forums (cough) to try to take anything slightly admired by Jow Forums and accuse them of being a communist, SJW, or something else they dislike. That, or they're just idiots who don't even know what they are commenting about and have it confused with something else.
Will always be one of the black comedies of history
>Young Bosnia and Black hand want Serbian nationalism and unity of Slavs
>Assassinate Archduke Franz Ferdinand
>Killed the one man who was in line to the Austro-Hungarian throne who was actually sympathetic to that cause and was working on reforms
NAZI leaders refereed to themselves as REVOLUTIONARY SOCIALISTS constantly, it's why their flag was RED
The only correct answer is that the Freikorps/Reichswehr showed up and fucked them up. That's really all there is to it.
If I read correctly Germany was pretty much in a civil war. Cities openly declared themselves no longer under the rule of the Reich, so I should say that if it was not a civil war it was p much a large insurrection.
>Killed the one man who was in line to the Austro-Hungarian throne who was actually sympathetic to that cause and was working on reforms
The assassins were muslims, what else would you expect
>8 hours per season
>tfw attention span too low even though it sounds interesting
Could always just download them and use it like a podcast when working out or something.
fuck you faggot
>That, or they're just idiots who don't even know what they are commenting about
It's this, I have two of them in my discord. They're basically useful retards that repeat propaganda like Ian being AntiFa and honest to god believe it.
I don't think it will. They talked about politics during one of today's streams.
It's actually unbiased. Indy tells states what happened and why it happened and that's it. Honestly, their unbiased portrayal of the Central Powers (specifically Germany and Austria-Hungary) made me realize that the Allies were in the wrong in WWI.
Because a bunch of right-wing militias filled with ww1 vets showed up armed to the teeth to shut them down
Okay then.
The only people really justified in the entire conflict were the French.
How? The French were in the same boat as everyone else with going to defend an ally due to treaties
The Bolshevik regime directed the local communists, and ordered them not to cooperate with the mainstream socialist party (the SPD, Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands). This meant that the only way they could gain political power would be through armed insurrection, which failed so spectacularly in 1918-19.
Plus, the communists could never extend their support beyond urban workers. Rural and middle-class voters, and the unemployed, were either pro-SPD, Catholic or right-wing.
Richard J Evans covers it brilliantly in the first book of his three-volume history of the Third Reich (Vol 1, "The Third Reich in Power").
If the commies had cooperated with the SPD moderates and gained a few seats in a coalition government, they probably could have seized power by force at some point in the 1920s, or at the very least after the stock market crash, and turned the country full commie.
>inb4 le ebil nazis