What is your preferred classic Commie killer? My personal favorite is the M14. I know it's a bit cliche, but I have liked the M14 for a long, long time now.
What Machine Kills Commies?
The M14 sucks ass and was rightfully the shortest lived US service rifle.
FAL killed commies across the world. m16 and m14 just talked about it
I personally like the style and design of the rifle, and in semi automatic it is a perfectly fine weapon. There's a reason the M21 and MK14 EBR and EMR are still used, and the Springfield M1A is still actively sold at a pretty good pace.
the OG
If you want a serious answer, the LeFH 18 and variants (M and 40), multiplying Soviet casualties on the Eastern Front by the commonly accepted figure of 50% of WWII casualties coming from artillery. No other machine even comes close by sheer numbers.
Right Arm of the Free World, mothafuckas
Not trying to burst your bubble but they repurposed the rifle because it was cheaper to do that than to buy a whole slew of new rifles.
I still just enjoy the look of the rifle personally. I know the FAL and G3 series were much better Battle Rifles but a man wants what he wants.
All machines kill commies. You are more likely to protect the fruits of labor when the labor is your own.
Oh yea don't get me wrong. I love my M1A its my bread and butter gun because lol >NY
I plan on buying one as soon as I can get my greasy mitts on enough smackeroons.
I live in SC so I won't have to worry about any of that gun control bullshit lmao.
>he gimped his m1a for emperor andy
My Makarov has a higher likelihood of having killed commies than anything else I own desu
Reminder that it's the bullet that kills not the gun
But they did that too
The flash suppressor came right off, it wasn't a hard mod. Also no FFL will transfer you a rifle that isn't compliant.
It only takes one pissed off cop who doesn't fucking know the law to throw your ass in jail with a felony. I'd lose my job, my house, all my guns and would be working at mcdonalds for the rest of my live.
oh right EVENTUALLY they did.
I mean I get your point and all, but just because the re purposed it to a role where it actually worked over what they originally intended isn't really a negative is it? If they re purposed it and it still sucked ass then yeah, but it seems like it's done well enough.
better than the garand
Only thing wrong with the M14 was it being 10 years too late to be relevant.
>product of capitalism
>has dropped in price to the point where a literal wage slave can afford one
>can be screwed together whatever way you want--belt fed LMG, light survival rifle,varmit whacker, DMR, etc
>can be made in literally any one of the thousands of small shops in the US, on any basic-bitch CNC machine
It kills commies just by existing.
Best thing about the Garand was you could toss en blocs on the ground so you could brain-blast Krauts easier.
Can also be 3D printed, at least partially.
All recoil removed for your commie killing convenience
>it's ok to comply with unconstitutional laws because I might lose my cushy job and weekend toys
The Garand didn’t come racked with problems from the factory. Stocks not fitted correctly, head spacing issues across the board, and allegedly 3 guns had barrels that were to narrow for 7.62 and 3 rifles had barrels too wide.
This people who live in ca and ny get what they deserve, and continue to placate it by paying taxes and living in those shitholes
Easy for you to say you fucking retard. Its not unconstitutional till the SCOTUS sings.
Until then I'm NOT risking everything I worked for over a fucking flash supressor no matter how stupid the actual law is.
>just move
>moves to other state
>wow wtf now my favorite state is full of fucking liberals
>just move the state sucks dood lmao
>year 2022
>NY governor Schlomo Shekalstein declares it illegal to not let a negro sleep with your wife
Until then I'm NOT risking everything I worked for over not having a fucking bi-racial son no matter how stupid the actual law is.
>never changes anything in home state
>run to a better state
>fags it up with his brainwashed bullshit
You're worse than the Jews desu.
>never change anything
can't do anything when you lose every fucking election to a majority population ala democracy.
Its almost like you think we aren't trying
You have guns, fucking use them.
>just shoot the cops lmao
>suddenly you're wanted
>oh yea this will totally work because I said it like it was easy just shoot them lmao.
>*said from his cum stained keyboard*
How is poor initial quality control in anyway relevant to the fact the M14 is a mechanically better design than the M1?
Gas trap Garand's could have a screw come loose, misaligned the gas plug, causing a bore obstruction and shoot the gas cylinder off the gun. News flash, new designs tend to have mechanical and quality control problems before they get worked out.
This machine kills commies, and everyone else too.
because it is chambered 7.62X51mm and they had thousands laying around to attach stocks and scopes to , instead of investing in a new platform.