Suppressor general?

What cans are you interested in/waiting on? Oregon resident here, I think I might be a little late but I feel like I ought to get a can before they make it impossible in this libtard nightmare they call a state.

I'm torn between a Rugged Obsidian .45 and something from Silencerco. Can I get any other suppressor suggestions?

Attached: Rugged_Obsidian_Breakout_1200x800_mod1.jpg (1200x800, 376K)

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Seeing as that can has pretty much the same internals as the solvent trap I drill pressed imma go with fuck the atf.

t. ATF

t. Actual ATF

Currently waiting on an obsidian 45. It seems like a great can. the more i learned about it, the more i liked it.

So far suppressors are about the only thing that's been safe in Oregon. We will have an AWB starting Jan 1st 2020 at the latest but I haven't seen anything about cans. Either way, good choice.

Fuck you caught me!

Get a Vox

Attached: Energetic Armament Vox wait.jpg (960x960, 101K)

It's actually pretty easy to get a suppressor here in the UK. I think all you need is a reason for owning it and a firearms certificate and there isn't any of that waiting.

Why are suppressors so expensive?

Attached: youll read my post if i post a image.jpg (608x600, 126K)

Because it's a very highly regulated field and purchases are for life and then some.

They sale less and R&D

on top of it being a pretty limited market since most people don't want to jump through the hoops to own one, they require precise machining and a lot of them use somewhat expensive materials.

Im waiting for my sdn-6 to get out of jail

I have the rugged and its really great for the money. But dead air has that deal on silencershop where you buy any dead air can you get a Ghost 45 for $399. If i were you get the Dead Air Ghost, buddy has one and while they both sound great, i think the Dead Air looks cooler.

I'm currently waiting on a Rugged Occulus and a Dead Air Sandman S

What is napa gold fuel filters? Alphabetniggers pls no shoot doggo.

t. Genuine ATF

t. legitimate ATF

If I make my own can, does this mean if something goes wrong or it gets fucked up I can just remake it with the same serial and engraving thus avoiding having to repeat NFA process if something goes wrong?

>Tfw waiting to turn 21 to buy a deadair PBS-1
I can't decide what .223 / .556 suppressor I want though. Any good ones that can be recommended?

t. Confirmed ATF

If you want to go cheap the YHM turbo is actually fine minus the God-awful backpressure and the terrible muzzle brake mount (get a flash suppressor version instead).

Any good Black Friday/ Veterans day deals? I need at minimum a "hybrid" type can for a 30-06 and 10mm, and a 22, or a 45 acp, 30 cal and rimfire.

Check out, they have normal pricing on a lot of stuff but as soon as you add it to your cart the price is significantly lower. The SilencerCo Hybrid is listed at $799 but shows up for $625 in the cart. They have some fantastic deals if you can find an SOT that will transfer them for a good price.

t. non-ceramic, good, hardened American steel ATF

blame the nfa. you could make your own supressor, thereby saving you some money. however, you might be better off just bargain hunting for cans, there are some very good deals to be had, youll just have to jump through the hoops
heres a good thread to browse

I'm about to buy the reflex can from cz and let it live on my scorpion

dont even try to talk me out of it

My local SOT does $150 transfers, I get raped on everything.
If the suppressor manufacturers don't do a deal on one soon I'll just sit it out until next summer.

it would be worth it to travel to another city/ dealer then.

I hope to god China nukes portland. Shit brown and her hord of illegals and homeless won't be missed.

Also what's a good choice for a 10/22 can? Preferably on the cheaper side, but not trash cheap.

Because the rich didn't want's the poor, and by extension the blacks from owning them. The market is artificially inflamed by the fact the government makes it more expensive and more difficult legally produce.

t.home grown MADE IN AMERICA atf

Just waiting on my Hybrid I bought during the bogo deal. Has anyone got their free suppressor from Silencerco yet?

How do you attach suppressors? Do you actually just twist it on to the end of a barrel like they portray in movies or do you actually have to modify your barrel to have a suppressor attached to it?

Depends on the suppressor.
At its most basic it screws onto the barrel.
Some have a quick-detachable mount. There are various versions of these (different brands), but they work in a smilar way: Part of the mount threads onto the muzzle, the other half is on the suppressor. The two lock together. Often times the mount on the barrel doubles as a flash hider or a muzzle brake if the suppressor is not attached.

Depends if its a direct thread or quick detach. If its the former then the end of you barrel is threaded and you twist and twist (and twist) the supressor on. If its qd, then sometimes its just a push on and one twist. There are pros and cons to both methods

because it's a niche market, and the materials a lot of the more expensive ones are made out of are very high quality and come with a lifetime warranty.

>We will have an AWB starting Jan 1st 2020 at the latest
How do you figure?