What is the ultimate 30 year old boomer gun?
What is the ultimate 30 year old boomer gun?
The AR-15.
Anything in .40
>be average 30 yo. Boomer
>midlife crisis, divorced, money out the ass
>buys big scary black gun he saw on his ex wife's news feed out of boredom one day
Yeah I could see it.
seeing that the 30 yo boomer meme represents millennials who are fond of 90s/late 80ss nostalgia it would be a firearm that is or was highly popular around that time.
Too many to count. But the AR15 definitely isnt on that list.
The Beretta M9 for handguns and Ruger Mini14 for rifles
Vaguely in that demo. Grew up watching boomer movies with my dad. I want an S&W 29 in 44 cause Clint Eastwood and a Winchester 92 cause John Wayne.
Digits dont lie
Filipino 1911s.
Berettas are for USPSA Production, not peudoboomers.
Any revolver with a barrel longer than 6 inches
>tfw the only 1911 I have is flip
I even have the idiot scratch that autist sperg over.
>money out the ass
Pick one
>Any cowboy gun
Yup, they don’t make em like that anymore
Depends where you are from. Any service rifle that was used during the "start" of the cold war, the one that your dad used. FAL, AR, AK some other euro stuff...
For a zoomer it's anything that was in CAWADOOTY.
A glock 19
>That 30 year old boomer who open carries a SAA
I’m a 26 year old boomer and my ultimate gun has been an AA-12 ever since I was 14
probably something zoomers cant afford.
Incorrect, M16A1 style AR15
Single action army, 1911, AR15, mp5, maybe the uzi and the beretta
S&W Revolvers
Pre ban HK
*crack* *sip* Now, Desert Storm...THAT was a fine conflict. They don't start 'em like they used to.
glock xd
Ruger mini 14 "with the heat shield"
its coming out his ass because his ex-wife is raping him
retro styled ars
92fs or an M9.
what the christ?
What are you referring to?
zoomer gun
One of the original import Sig P226s with the Browning stamps on it.
My colt 1911 slide stop would NEVER go in... Got tired of fuggin trying to avoid the scratch.
Unironically my next two purchases
Mini 14. It's literally 30 year old fudd bait
Legitimate question here
Are all of the people making fun of boomers older than 30 or younger than 30? Just curious
to add to this, you're all posting AR's and tactical shotguns
wouldn't practical be defined as something you can use in a real-world situation more often than not? ie, all hunting firearms?
i own an AR-15 and I like it and all but it's NOT fucking practical lol, you can't even hunt with semi-autos in my state
of or concerned with the actual doing or use of something rather than with theory and ideas.
(for all you fags about to sperg out with BUT BUT BUT MUH FIGHT DUH GUBMINT HEEERRRRRR)
That's your state's fault for treating hunting like a richfag game. Which state, germany?
I can hunt with a semi auto and a 30 round mag. 1 bullet for the deer, 29 for hungry bears and CIA spooks.
Pennsylvania, the state with the most licensed hunters
So the most fudds trying to preserve muh tradition.
Up here it's just pest control. Buy tag, shoot deer. Department of wildlife management is pleased with reduction in deer population. Also there are grizzlies and I would not be caught dead in the woods with a 5 round bolt action in both hands a can of bear spray in my hip. I'd rather have no gun getting in the way of the can of bear spray in that case.
i know, it sucks here
they were about to consider legalizing semi autos and literally a couple of fudds showed up to a meeting and used the "THEYLL BE SHOOTIN 30 DEER AT ONCE!!!" line and the state fucking bent over to it. it was depressing.
meanwhile, DCNR is well-aware that legalizing semi-autos in other states resulted in no major changes in deer population (and no other negative side effects), so they decide to use that as an argument AGAINST legalizing them, saying 'bolt-actions are all you need' . it's a mindfuck. i just want to be free.
M16A2 patterned AR15. Or USGI M1 Carbines that we bought for cheap.
A2 pattern rifle like they carried in the gulf or a mini 14
Judge or Mossberg Shockwave
>You see that son?
>That's how you KNOW its a real colt
>Look, listen
>You hear it?
>Yup that's a colt!
Glock 19
I bought a 29-2, worth every last penny
Every 30-40 yr old dude I know who has guns has a glock in 9mm or 40 and an AR or AK. They're all civnats, some are Iraq war vets, and are either married or divorced. Unironically one of the most based generations
The mini14/1911 crowd is the legitimate 50-60 yr old actual boomers, although the 1911 seems to be making a small comeback among the zoomers who are trying to pretend not to be zoomers