Why are foreigners buying iconic american brands and not offering appealing products?

Why are foreigners buying iconic american brands and not offering appealing products?

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Because foreigners cant into guns

Niche market, I think europe mostly produces durr guns and shotguns and military weapons with the civilian market as afterthought

That's a problems of the american brands, really. They should make it so they stay American because they know the domestic market and how to produce things to appeal shooters.
BUT, business does not care about passion or quality, just mass market gains.

Like in the EU chinks or petroleum arabs buying football teams, they have just the money and buy their toy but doesn't know how to properly play with it.

Who wants a $700 .22? No, maybe a $1800 .308?

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It's not just foreigners. Everybody does this. Businesses buy extant brands because the age of the brand gives them marketing value.

Abercrombie and Fitch is a great example. Buy a 100-year-old outfitter and re-purpose it as a clothing company....

I own a Miroku 1885 in .45-70. The quality is amazing. Not overpriced that's what you're implying.

I only buy European milsurp

People with a good income who want something particularly nice?

>implying foreigners can make quality products
lmao the only country that has ever made something that wasn't absolute garbage that isn't America is Germany.

Because you’re poor

Not poorfags, that’s for sure

You’re dumb and poor. A lethal combination

>meanwhile at Remington and Colt

lolololol stay poor and salty, faggot

I dunno, the 1885 low wall is pretty cool. I'd like to see more classic Winchesters, like a reissue of the 1897 and Model 12. Make them with riot barrels so people stop chopping their old shotguns.

Also, they could bring back the Model 62. A pump-action .22lr is a lot of fun.

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I've got one just like this but I'm not sure what the brand is, everyone loves shooting it because who even has a pump 22

I want a Centennial Rifle Repro, maybe in .30-30, I dunno about what a .45-60 equivalent would be to stay faithful

What about my post implies I'm poor?
Sounds like someone's samefagging because they feel the need to defend some chinkshit they own.

By Centennial I mean the 1876, not that 1966 commemrative one