Why do people shit on the NWU Digital Aquaflage so much? Wouldn't it be superior if say, you were on an RHIB firing at a pirate's vessel? If you were wearing AOR2 wouldn't you stick out like a sore thumb?
Digital Aquaflage Navy Working Uniform Applications
>it was made to blend with paint spills
>it is flammable
>sew on patches
>buttons (army has zipper blouses)
>regs require ironing
the cut looks better than the type 3, but maintenance on it is shit, and the only thing it could potentially work with is as an urban camo, and as an underway uniform, the camo properties are negated by the bright orange life jackets and colorful hardhats
So whatever happened to this uniform and why did it need replacing?
They lost their contract with levi Straus
It's a useless vanity pattern.
Ordinary sailors rarely get into high-speed tactical situations, so there's no real reason for them to wear camo.
And what a tragedy that was. Jeans are the apex of both comfy and practical.
If they created a modernized uniform with the same camouflage pattern, then what would be the result? Is it possible that they could either make a life jacket that is in the Digital Aquaflage pattern, or design the uniform with buoyant properties? It just doesn't make sense to me that the navy is adopting a woodland camouflage pattern. Like pic related, it would make a lot more sense if they were wearing the Digital Aquaflage pattern, wouldn't it?
I was joking but this is the uniform that makes the most sense in practically, comfort, cost and durability.
Camo is just stupid
Why did the Navy get rid of flared (bell bottom) pants. Easily rolled up to protect the uniform from damage or in case of a flood
Navy wanted to play. Muhreenz has MARPAT, Army had ACU, AF had that shit digital tiger stripe abomination. They wanted people walking down the street to say “Hey you are a Navy”. The “it blends in with paint” was trying to justify wearing dark blue on the ocean.
Now guys in submarines are wearing the guacamole cammies and everything is horrible. Between scrapping the old comfy coveralls, the new “flight suit” coveralls which are itchy garbage, and wearing neon green camouflage, the Navy Uniform board is incredibly retarded.
>Jeans are the apex of both comfy and practical.
no they're not faggot
>Man overboard! Man overboard!
12th post best post
> lets wear fucking blue camo in the middle of the ocean on a fucking gray ship for cover purposes.
> ........ o-ok?
blue blends in with the sky retard and in the ocean on a ship there is literally just the sky horzon, think before you post ok thanks
Hey, I'm sorry you spent a hundred dollars on some 5.11 pants, but it's OK, we all make mistakes user!
coveralls are worn underway
Navy... they're the worst.
>t. user who hates the feel of denim on his legs and grew up wearing almost exclusively sweats
I know you because I am you
Came to post this
This is so sad. Can we bring the gay stuff back?
And easy to remove in in the water.
You are not going to need to blend in on a ship. If anything, there are more reasons why you would need to stand out. Imagine going overboard in ocean camo pattern.
This is the apex of military retardation.
The blueberry camouflage is ugly and unnecessary. It doesn't blend in with the sky, its too dark. It blends in with the ocean but I dont know why you would want that.
>easy to remove
You bet your ass it is
I left myself open for that one.
>Why do people shit on the NWU Digital Aquaflage so much?
Because it's LARPing
They wear coveralls on the ship