>Confiscation actually starts
>a-actually i'll just "lose" my guns in a fishing accident i don't want to die
How do we fix gun owners? No one is willing to die for anything anymore.

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Do you want random guys getting hosed down here and there or do you want actual cohesive groups here and there that actually pose a threat to government overreach .

Because Timmy nearly single handedly fucked up the militia movement by being a fag

That is where you are wrong.

I hate my life almost as much as I hate the government
Bombs away Mr. McVeigh

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The boating accident meme is just a joke, user.
I've been ruminating on this for a while. Most gun owners are bootlickers, no denying that. I keep in mind that liberals and their Fed lackeys get seizures of fury over the fact that someone, somewhere, has an ounce of hard power that they do not have dominion over. I see how they want to change the rules whenever they lose an election.
We need to drill into our minds the fact that Grabbers do not see us as fellow Americans. They are imperialists who see us as nothing but their Untermensch subjects. Take it very personally.

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>do you want actual cohesive groups
that doesn't describe American gun owners. They just roll over and take it so long as they can still drink Bud Lite and eat cheeseburgers on the weekend.
>Do you want random guys getting hosed down here and there
a few cases of that will provide the motivation necessary for those cohesive groups

Greatest American patriot of the last 150 years

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The redditors here think it's serious
>Confiscation actually starts
>a-actually i'll just "lose" my guns in a fishing accident i don't want to die
This sums up Jow Forums better than any post I've seen, that or:
>confiscation starts
>just move lol
>it'll never happen in my "free" state

Some guy in maryland literally just SHALLED you glow in the dark nigger. Before that it was 100s of people doing the same over cowfeed.

No one here is falling for your demoralization attempts.

>no one told them McNig was alphabet soup

>Maryland guy gets iced, no gov casualties, no one lifts a finger
>didn't even have a name that rhymed with something to make a meme
The Maryland case proved confiscation will happen without other gun owners looking out for their fellow gun owners.
>it won't be me!
>le boat accident, X-XD, s-shall

Alphabet agencies kill random civilians, not their own.

fucked it up by winning? at stopping the Reno fags from Waco ridging us all?

>Because Timmy nearly single handedly fucked up the militia movement by being a fag
Why, because he actually got off his ass and *did* something? Ever think the reason the Katrina Gun Seizures happened was because thr faggots had no fear of American citizens? McVeigh's only mistake was getting caught. There should have been a dozen more.

>the literal pencil pushers and kindergarteners in OK were alphabet assets

>I hate my life almost as much as I hate the government

authoritarianism means treading a fine line between
>leaving people with only slightly less than enough money to make ends meet, so that they'll do whatever you tell them to
>still making their lives entertaining enough, or breadcrumbing enough hope, that they don't want to throw their lives away

Pencil pushers make up 90% of any given Alphabet agency you retard. They're the ones setting things in motion in any given fucked scenario.

quite literally, yes. They were drawing a check and making the organization run.

>Human infrastructure isn't an asset

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To clarify, I meant the literal nobodies riding desks there. No glownig of actual importance died from McDindus fertilizing.

No because he got off his ass with a group of people and proceeded to fuck up all up from the missed target,to the casualties to the hilarious failure of a getaway. I used to think he had the right idea but it turns out he was just insufferable

It describes gun owners just fine as far as being like minded goes. Its just that most people even in minor every day things, aren't willing to take the first step and it's all pointless without having voice and a clear direction. We could all just start shooting tomorrow and it would get us nowhere if we don't have a goal and a plan to reach it