Worth buying or not?

Worth buying or not?

Attached: Henry-US-Survival-AR-7-Rifle-696x528.jpg (696x528, 34K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ar-7.com/AR-7 Threaded Sporter Barrel.html

If you want it and have the scratch, go for it.

Do you want it? then sure.
What else really matters?

James Bond used one and he had god tier taste in guns so yes you should

Whether or not it is an actually functioning rifle, or just a gimmick gun that shoots and assembles like shit.
Whether or not a superior version of the rifle exists.
Whether or not there was a bad back to avoid.

I don’t own one but I’ve heard the henry’s are pretty good, most of the older manufacturers like Charter Arms were crap.

I really want one too.

I have one. Would recommend. Fun to bring on backpacking/camping trips. It's hella lightweight.

Do they make threaded barrels for it? My autism is telling me to ask

You can probably just get it threaded if you really want a silencer on that shit.

its alright for what it is. its not waterproof tho

Not a silencer a muzzle brake

It is either I buy the survival rifle, or a Kral 12 gauge and pretend it is a SPAS-12 because I'm a sad canuck who likes Jurassic Park.

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I have one, its pretty cool. People say they jam a lot but ive never really experienced any jams

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Frog poster stupid

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This cute little guy gets me decent shots out to 50 ft. Of course then you cant dissasemble it entirely without potentially losing your zero but it's an option. Fun cheap way to plink. And for whatever reason mine chomps through Remington Thunderbolts like a champ and hates Federal premium rounds.

On a fucking .22?
Not to mention it would probably prevent it from fitting in its stock.

I have thought it as squirrel and hare gun but 390€+85€ licensing seem a bit overpriced for 22lr I would get it immediately if there was 22wmr version.

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Do you want to store a .22LR rifle in your plane, boat, or car, and want it to take up as little space as absolutely possible? Then yes, sure, it will do that.
There are other compact .22LR rifle options, such as a takedown Ruger 10/22 with a folding stock, it will perform better across the board, but it won't be nearly as small and compact.

Do you want one just because you think it's cool and neat? Sure, get one, there aren't a lot of other guns like it. It's a hell of neat conversation piece if anything else, and there's just something nifty about a rifle which you can disassemble and store inside of it's own stock.

Do you want one because you figure it would be a good rifle to plink with? Look elsewhere, these things have a fairly limited barrel life considering the volume that you'd typically go through for .22LR

This, the AR7 has some limited anti-air potential.

Crap is kind of what Charter Arms does, but the other old ones weren't that bad.
The Henry is the only one that doesn't leak in water, however.

I can't imagine getting enough pressure out of .22LR for a muzzlebrake to really do a worthwhile job. Much less that you would actually need one.

I suppose he could have it cut down and then set up with the brake, to get an equal length.
If he just really had to have that setup.

Maybe you could make some kind of imitation SPAS12 heatshield to fit onto your shotgun?


Finn-American alliance when?

Do yourself a favor and get a Ruger 10/22 take down model & slap it in some after market stock you like , then get a carry bag to conceal it.

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california faggot detected.

Gonna buy one for camping season next year.
I hope your house burned down today.

Y no magpull 10/22 takedown with integrated suppressor?

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The 22lr literally bounced through the co-pilot and went into the fuel tanks which caused a park that blew up the helicopter.

Only one I've seen in person was jammed to shit. Look pretty cool though

Its a niche gun that very few people need so unless you go on long hunting trips where you live subsistence. Or are paranoid that you might have to live as such during the fall of society. You probably don’t need it. Even if it you are this person you probably have better options.

i'd be down, anyone who fights the reds in insurmountable odds is a friend of mine.

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This has 95% of the features that make an AR-7 desirable with none of the numerous downsides.

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I spent a year throughout Europe, and Ireland, Spain, Finland, where the only places that weren’t garbage.

Nothing makes me more proud to be an amarican then soending any length of time with a bunch of german hipsters, sweedish fags, and socially retarded brits.

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takedown rifles are pretty gimmicky. if you want to take a rifle backpacking, you're better served by using one of the many backpack options that have a rifle sleeve built in and bringing a regular rifle. if you're not buying it to take backpacking idk why you would want it.

The AR-7 achieved some notoriety back in the early 90's when a nigger and former MoTown record producer paid his nigger buddy and part-time pastor and hitman to assassinate his wife and severely handicapped son. The negro hitman had ordered a book from Paladin Press with the very creative title of "Hit Man: A Technical Manual for Independent Contractors". The book recommended a AR-7 with a homemade can for "work". It was written by a shadowy figure and hardcore operator named "Rex Feral". Turned out the actual author was a divorced single mother who had gleaned most of the material via books and films. The family of the victims sued Paladin Press and they settled out of court rather than going to court and destroyed all the copies of the book.

Look on www.ar-7.com

I like mine a lot, but it is very picky with ammo. I’ve had very good reliability with CCI Mini-Mags and Winchester Super X. Everything else, not so much.

I may just be contrarian, but I never warmed up to the 10/22. It has weird, fiddly controls like the bolt release and mag release I never liked. Which is weird, because I have a Mini-14 and a PC Carbine which I both absolutely love.

Does it float?

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Picked up a Charter Arms because the price was right. Its an earlier one so I am hoping the quality is still decent.

The prices for a C&R-able ArmaLite are bonkers, but damn those bowling-ball colored stocks are pretty kino

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NO! buy a Papoose

At least that floats (if you keep it in its factory case)

That'd be part of the 5% I mentioned.

Also it's worth noting that the AR7 only SORT OF floats. Like it sits vertically in water with only the very top not sinking.

I have one i inherited from my grandfather. I believe its from the late 70s or early 80s. Charter Arms. It jams a lot but ive never properly cleaned or lubed it because i dont really see it as a useful gun but more of an interesting conversation piece.

I like it. I bought one. I've put about 200 rounds through it. Never an issue. I keep it in my bugout/get home bag in my truck. I also take it camping with me because my wife is scared of animal attacks thanks to movies

I think one of the problems is the buttpad a shit. The groove in the buttstock needs an O-ring to better seal it.

>200 rounds through it. Never an issue.
Oh wow it was able to shoot less than a box without jamming? Gee whiz!
The stock pictured in can hold more rounds in its buttstock storage compartment than you've put through your AR7.

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With a suppressor, you only hear the action of the bolt. That round going downrange can be noisy unless you use subsonics though

Threaded barrel

ar-7.com/AR-7 Threaded Sporter Barrel.html

Filter Adaptors


Don't forget the inexpensive 4x scope

Nice summation

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They are both cool guns. I personally prefer the ar7 because the barrel, receiver, and three mags can be contained inside the buttstock. If I use these guns for their intended purpose, they're going to be packed tight into a bag with a bunch of other shit, and definitely banged around a bit. Since the ar7s main components are safely stored in the buttstock, i don't have to worry about them getting damaged if i toss my pack, fall on it, or worry about something possibly getting stuck in the barrel or action. Not to mention it's smaller and lighter. It really just depends what you plan on doing with it. I think they're both cool, so I'll likely get both of them, but the ar7 will be what i take on light camping trips.

Yeah, that's the big thing about the AR7, if you need a small caliber rifle, and you need it to be compact and easy to store like Jesus, the AR7 is unrivaled. I can't think of anything else that is as space efficient.
It's not the best .22LR rifle by any means, it's not the greatest choice for a plinker, but it'll do what it needs to do when you need it to.

Also it can be used to shoot down helicopters in emergencies.

It's not a gun that is fun to shoot to be honest. 200 rounds was to get a feel for it and see how it functioned. If I'm going to plink and shoot a lot I'll use my 10/22 in terms of small caliber

Well yeah, the Ruger is a better general purpose .22 caliber rifle, but the AR7 is more of a special purpose kind.

Is it true that the ATF insisted that all breakdown firearms must float?
To reduce losses from boating accidents.

Think that was a dropped grenade user

Lol, probably not.

I have one. I keep it in my backpacking pack. It's a nice little gun for what it is. I haven't had any jams in it but I haven't shot a whole lot through it either.

why not just carry a rifle or tie it to the side of your pack?

Buy it, play with it and sell it when it's a collectors item in 30 years

If I'm worried about that I could:

1. Add a float

C. Put it in a waterproof bag.

10/22 takedown > AR7 reliability

I'd take a little bigger package over terrible reliability any day.

>the bolt release and mag release
vq makes an auto bolt release, it's about $20. extended mag releases are available from pretty much everyone. but kinda agree that these features are less than modern. then again, the 10/22 is like 60 years old now

Dude what the fuck are you using a rifle while backpacking/camping for? Just pack in food; unless you're in bear country at which point you use a 12ga

What is varmint hunting?
What is survival?

If you aren't mentally ill or shit isn't hitting the fan then neither of these should be issues; are you prepping your kills in the woods to eat then and there?

looks gay

Where do you prep your kills? In the living room?
When dealing with guts and blood especially in the winter where there aren't bugs around anyways it is best done so outside.

Also, how tf do you expect to know these skills in a bug out scenario if you never practice them first hand? Plus you can make hats, gloves, blankets and all sorts of shit out of raccoon, squirrel, coyote or whatever other animals are native to your area.
Even IF you have no worries of shtf its still nice to go live in the woods like a pioneer to see if you are capable of actually doing it. Beats the hell out of sipping soi lattes and the local cuck shop.

Top KeK!

>are you prepping your kills in the woods to eat then and there
imagine thinking this is somehow rare or unusual

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