Anything I’m missing?

Love this gun (cz - 75 d pcr) anything glaringly wrong I’m overlooking ? It’s perfect in every way I’m looking for (de cocker, DA, pull weight, aluminum frame so it’s lighter and smaller frame) I was looking at the cz compact originally and went past it on account of lacking the decocker.

Attached: 4L_r1CdWgOA.jpg (750x836, 377K)

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If it were my gun, I'd probably replace the trigger pin. Replace it with a free floated pin from CGW. The hammer is fine. I also like a fiber optic front sight. Your gun is fine.

Haven’t bought it yet, currently have the m9 92fs but it’s too big for edc so I’m just using it for home defense. What are the benefits of your firing pin? Is it alright without it while I acquire it? I’m also going to change the sight

I googled , thanks for the recommendation !

So yeah trigger sting may be a thing, I heard changing the trigger will also be helpful

CZ75 Compacts are nice pistols. My friend has one. Also the one in your picture looks real pretty with those grips.

This is actually a PCR, while conceptually a subcompact CZ75 there is a seperate model called the CZ compact that is steel iirc with slightly different lines. PCR is aluminum(?). Lighter weight. I love mine.
I was told to send mine to Cajun Custom for the works. But at least for trigger work. They also replace a plastic something with a steel one. I think it is the firing pin retainer? Check out their website.
I have a CZ75 full size too, my favorite handgun. Have yet to Cajunize it too.

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Glad you got your info. Ignore what people say about CZs. I love my 75B. I would also recommend that you buy at least 2 trigger return springs and a firing pin retaining pin. The CZ after about 10,000 or so rounds breaks the spring that resets the trigger. The pin that holds the firing pin can take damage from repeated dry firing. So it's recommended that you use snap caps. Working on them is fun too. People generally love shooting them at the range.

>going full s o y


>parroting reddit memes

>not understanding CZoi owners ARE the rebbitors
Retarded s o y fags never learn. Gonna be a yikes from me, dawg.

Only thing that has bothered me is the lack of a rail on my 75B. Should have got the P01 but I've been on so many camping/hunting trips and have had it for four years. Compacts are comfy and if the lack of a rail isn't a big deal for you get it.

>all this retarded memespeak
Instead of arguing, why don't you both just agree to kill yourselves?

>plastic something for a steel one
The guide rod.
CJW has a “floating” trigger pin, just makes it easier to take out because the factory pin is sort of a bitch to pound out. Also their firing pin retainter pin had habit of getting chewed up from high round count, there’s aftermarket pins for that. The gun has a long reset, so any reset reduction is good. And the biggest thing with the cz75 is the slide stop. Competition shooters who put a ton of rounds through their 75’s comment that the slide stop will break, and advise getting a spare slide stops on hand IF you are going to put shit ton of rounds through it.

Cajun or CZ Custom reach Reduction kit is a nice improvement.
CZ Custom also has the best selection of sights.
Mine has the Cajun RRK.
Moves the trigger back, less curvature in the trigger bow, DA pull is lighter and shorter while retaining factory hammer spring for reliable ignition.

Attached: 20190130_115110.jpg (4128x2322, 2.37M)

>t. S o y lord

I carry a PCR. I like it a lot. After handling an SDP I do plan to eventually send it off to get some work done. I think it has pretty good trigger, but after playing with the SDP my eyes are open.

Pcr pretty ok

Attached: NewWallet.jpg (2220x1080, 1.65M)

Can I work on it myself and still have something as reliable afterward while having absolutely no experience modifying guns?

How does the PCR compare to the RAMI?

Attached: 1524423691062.png (600x761, 439K)

Reach reduction kit is exactly what I’m going to Get. Probably go stainless steel

You will need a hook pick, a couple of punches, bench block or a roll of duct tape, small soft face hammer, and a small nail to trim down for use as a dummy trigger pin.

Those two links will get you all the information you need.


Rami is add smaller and leaves my last finger loose.
Shorter sight radius.
With extended magazine it feels good but it is still a close in weapon

Attached: 20190216_200534.jpg (3088x3088, 2.29M)

The CZ line is my personal favorite. If I were you, I would get the one with the manual safety, and replace for a SAO trigger.


Why do you want a de cocker and not a safety? If you want to decock it you can just do it with your finger or whole hand. Doesn’t even decock all the way. Also, aluminum is garbage and will crack. I don’t know why manufacturers can’t make light ss guns. Don’t be a kike and use 17 and make it thin.

CZ Aluminum frames are machined from a forging.
Steel and Stainless are cast frames.
Some slides are castings some are machined billet.
The PCR and alloy P-01 look better on the inside than my Stainless P-01.
Seriously, my Canik Aluminum L-120 frame is a better Precision casting than my SS P-01.
If I was at home I would post pictures.
If I didn't want a decocker, I would get a C100 Canik/TriStar.
At that price, $350, there are some decent polymer striker guns to be had to compare to the DA/SA CZ clone.

*17-4 ss*

Safeties are useless. Change my mind.

You dont have it loaded with Underwood ammo