Fuck this bald cunt

fuck this bald cunt
just turned 18 last week (inb4 newfag, been shitposting since middle school) and was about to buy an AR-15 with the money I've been saving, but it turns out as of March 31st, you have to be 21 to own any gun in this shithole state thanks to Fuzzy Wuzzy Was A Governor
Wat do, Jow Forums? I'm thinking of driving up to Georgia once I graduate and getting a gun there

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I thought it was 21 purchase not own


Fuck the state. Go ahead and buy one, but dont be a loud asshole about having it.

I know how you feel OP was about to be 18 and buy my own gun and then Scott and his shitty republican fucks buckled in the face of regulation. fuck Florida i'm leaving as soon as possible

21 to purchase retard. dont tell me your parents are nogunz liberal anal bead enthusiasts

>I'm thinking of driving up to Georgia once I graduate and getting a gun there
Seems like you solved your own problem. 21 to buy in Florida, not to own. So don't buy in Florida.

That blows kid but you make me proud seeing you so eager to buy a gun at a young age, I say go for Georgia.

21 is the proper age for being able to buy a gun. Focus on your education in the meantime.

> inb4 shall
Every law abiding citizen has the right to own a gun. But the majority are not responsible enough at 18, just like with alcohol. 21 is a fine age. A lot of these mass shooters are getting ar15s at 18 or 19. If the age restriction was 21 it would be better.

Raise the voting age and military enlistment age to 21 too and I have no problem with it.

Good bait.

80 percent nibba
No law against ownership

Private sale, nigger.

There is objectively nothing wrong with anal beads

80% lower and PSA kit, that's what I did with my 300blk pistol after he cucked me out of buying long guns. In Minecraft of course, Mr Alphabet Soup Man.

It is.
>t. 18 year old who inherited a few guns of his own
>stay mad OP

Never change, Jow Forums

>18 to own
But that's wrong
Just private sale or straw purchase you fag

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they're going to ban them in 2020 too lol. sorry user, hopefully SCOTUS saves us

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Same. Did an 80% here in Florida. It’s useful to do so you learn a lot about the AR platform

they are literally the shittiest of beads, user.

I had dinner with this dude. He’s just as creepy in person

>been shitposting since middle school
I have zero sympathy for you at all

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Remain on topic nigger

Just wait, IDK about you personally but 18yr olds are fucking stoopid generally I am down to raise age to purchase to 21, along with voting, smoking, drinking, and enlisting. (exceptions apply for use/possession on private property with owners permission who by giving it takes responsibility for the outcome)

The cancer killing Jow Forums ladies and gentlemen

The age of adulthood is arbitrary. I just want it to be consistent.

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Yeah, you are thanks for pointing it out. Put it as your name next time so we're all aware.

Shut the fuck up boomer

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>the zoomer cries out as he strikes you
your lack of maturity is telling. definitely not mature enough to handle the responsibilities of firearms. maybe by 21 you will have grown into being a responsible adult... or maybe your governor will have to raise the age to 25.

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