Jow Forums
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Weapons #414
What are you people doing to stop (Family Fire TM)?
When you sign up to kill hajjis with white phosphorous and UAV drones but get PTSD from seeing a box on the road
Meanwhile in Stellar Conflict 2219 Jow Forums
Show me a cuter plane than the Peashooter
I have a Machine gun in jail right now. When the ATF allows me to have it i plan on making some videos for Jow Forums
Post your pistols
Are YOU stockpiling ammo?
Jow Forumsino images
Why do american soldiers look like cyclists? Their helmet + sunglasses combination looks silly
Navy SEAL gets year in brig for hazing death of Green Beret
John Wick 3
You can have a full-auto .22 or a semi-auto 9mm for self defense
Homemade suppressors and barrel threading
This is what 80 cents gets you in blessed OMAN
Europoor here. Only shot a 22lr before. Gonna shoot the AK5C this weekend. Pretty hyped...
*conducts CAS at a reasonable price*
Conceal carrying full-size pistol
Shotgun recommendations
A question
Pick a Gun, Ship, Aircraft Or Any weapon of war and give it boss music
How efficient were wild animals as weapon of war?
NFA question
Damn southern girls look like this?
Kommando Division
Where can one buy ammonium nitrate in bulk without having to register or ending up on a list?
IIT: medieval/renaissance/homemade armor and weapons
Shockwave as a trail/camping gun?
Tell me about Ranger Body Army Jow Forums
Writing a book - Research
Militia Formation
Cowboy guns general
Why is the p228 giving me a hard on?
Both barrels
/arg/ AR thread
Found your holster, Bro
Would you trade your glock for a dog? Would you trade your dog for a glock?
Listen, I know you two probably post here...
Why this country always make Jow Forums mad?
Shooting Ranges
What's the Noveske/KAC of EDC knives?
Name a more aesthetic plane than the MIG-29
Meme Technicals
Marty Thread
Put in your own words why you enjoy working with firearms
What's the most versatile outdoorsman's rifle? Can one gun effectively take small/medium game, kill people and bears?...
/airg/ air rifle general
Why was Nakajima Ki-84/100 & Kawanishi N1K so good?
Why the FUCK do so many people like guns? I can understand collectors, self defense, and hunting...
Genetically modified soldiers
In a straight blow back 9mm firearm would it be OK to make the Bolt out of mystery meat pot metal?
No deer thread, for shame Jow Forums, hunting season approach, what rifle does Jow Forums use
Which casio watch do you use k?
/gq/ - gear queer
Give me one reason not to
Homemade Brazilian Revolver Pump Shotgun
Canada General
Handgun General - /hg/ - #293
What is the best way to get a good working soviet gas mask that would fit a large/Xlarge head...
SHTF: Ruger 10/22 Takedown or Henry AR-7?
Is it a good idea to have a spare carry gun in case something happens to your primary?
What’s the closest battle to have been fought to where you live? How close was it? Give us a summary of what happened
Bought this for 70 dollars today, never seen one with a chrome slide; seems factory
Nose Art
9x19 vs .45 acp
France... has one of the few militaries that stand on the cutting edge of technology. They are competitive with the US...
1911 fuckd up
Turks and their inability to do things
What were the best ships of each class during ww2? My vote for the Yūgumo-class in the destroyer department
Forces of the unknown have caused our world to merge/combine with a typical (or not-so-typical) fantasy world...
Has a drill srgnt or instructor gone too far
Give me some military movies that aren't action movies, please. I enjoyed Jarhead, War Machine and even A Few Good Men
How can H&K be so based
Best pistol for self-defense
/arg/ AR thread
I didnt die for you not to own a shotgun user
Calling all Glock 20 and 40 owners!
What are the best weapons to copy for a DIY firearm?
UKSF aesthetics
MARINE corPsE IS killlll
Is the ar 7 a good rifle to take in a woods and put 500 rounds through...
Do you have a homemade shotgun? How did you do it?
Kill their families
The End of Russia?
Iran Conflict General
Recommended books
Serious question why the fuck is everybody saying “yeah” over and over?
Reminder to support the troops when they are sent to Iran
What are some essential pump shotgun accessories?
OooOOoo AaaaAAaaAahh
Fat Guy ccw
This is Jow Forums
Reminder that posting here automatically puts you on a watchlist...
Why does anything made by the Chinese look so cheap and awful...
Who else here is hyped about Ian's new French Rifle book? I've already picked out the signature edition on Kickstarter
/CAP/ General
This is what 15 cents gets you in VIETNAM
Hi Jow Forums
Cold War Thread
Is the .308 still viable?
Double action only
What does Jow Forums think of my new holster? Any tips on how I should take care of it...
Walk outside
Another 76 su57s are coming
How does Jow Forums takes him out?
I like the idea of the P90. But i dislike it's production cost and complexity
What would a war with china look like?
Jungle Warfare
Post aesthetics
This kills the German war machine
What do yall think of the new Jack Ryan?
Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I'll try here first
Canada general
Tfw you wish you had the balls to sell off all your guns you don’t use or shoot
Should I join the navy, Jow Forums?
Why haven't militias been declared terrorist organizations?
Guns you kind of wish were real
>Just get a Glock
Yfw and theme when shit starts in Iran
Itt Jow Forums posts guns they actually shoot
(masers your ships)
Combat Drugs
/akg/ AK General
I walked out to my shed today to find it like this...
AR thread /arg/
He isn't preemptively hoarding up on .22lr while it's "cheap"
Meanwhile, On 80s Jow Forums
/PFG/ Pacific Forces General 11(?): Getting Jow Forums Up To Speed
Tactifudds rise up
Former Navy Intel Officer: Chinese Navy ‘Very Competent,’ Getting Better
Post DDR Shit
Whats your opinion on Iran, lads? Part of me wants to say "fuck em" and pull an Operation Desert Storm. However...
Yea or Nay?
Russia Looks to Replace "Troubled" Pantsir
76 SU-57s for 2028 oh no no no no
Which group would you say is the most competent of all Middle Eastern combatants
CA Lead Ammo Ban
Semi autos that can defeat 3a
Did it have any stealth capability?
What do I do if I find a .22 on the ground? What are the safety procedures?
What was your last ammo haul k?
Shipping soon
Grug no need warclub. Warclub make many gruglings go forever sleep. Only tribe defender need warclub...
Since Nuggets cost north of $200, maybe closer to $300 is some cases can the SAS12 be the new poorfag meme gun?
This was one of you, wasnt it?
It was good enough for grandpa
Got Land to LARP On? Guns and Land Thread, Boys
Recent purchase thread
How does Jow Forums transport its deer ?
Can nuclear missiles simply be shot mid-air? Wouldn't they still detonate and cause a lot of radiation?
Found a pistol Jow Forums
Why not make a gun out of laminated steel plates?
Hi everyone, /a/ here can we be friends?
Is this true?
Wear and tear thread. Prove you use your guns
Queen of Jow Forums
‘I don’t understand’: Jacinda Ardern mystified by lack of US gun control
Kel Tec KS7 Review thread
Can anyone redpill me canik pistols...
West Point is supposed to be the elite school of the military
Hammer vs Striker
Military Surplus General /msg/
Old guns thread
Jow Forums approved utility vehicles
Why a civilized society needs Assault weapons?
Punctures your expensive body armor
Liberal sperging
/ak/ Thread. Artist Spotlight Edition - Nogami Takeshi
Gun counter horror stories
How right is this guy about Iran war
Boeing's Advanced AH-64 Apache Compound
Combat loads past vs present
Bubba bread
Hurr he grabbed the guns
What's your cocking gun line?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
The ar15 has no soul
AR 18
Yo ik its kind of a queer thing to do, but is this something i should invest in or nah?
Marine Corps wants a new Common Optic
John Wick 3: Parrabellum
I wish we would
Canada General
You better not pass by without saying good morning
Hey Jow Forums
If one was going to have a boat accident or some unfortunate event of the sort...
Jow Forumsino photography #2
U-235 machine gun when?
What do you Jow Forumsunts think about the F2000
Dippy Dork Gives up Guns on Gram
How does Jow Forums stop the rust monster?
Hey guys anyone wanna start up a loadout thread
Can we agree this is the most aesthetic M16?
Why did so many Americans allow themselves to be captured by enemy forces in the Vietnam war...
Trap thread
AR thread /ARG/
Why does it feel like the SCAR was a flash in the pan?
Should I buy?
How effective would troops dropped from orbit be...
Converting 70 series slide to 80 series
Direct Gas Impingement
Would you bring back the use of the minie ball, and how would to modernize it to make it viable?
Zoomers the biggest gun nuts of any generation. Disregard what the Media tells you about gen-z...
Old School Jow Forums
Is there an objective best camo? If so, what is it?
A 12 gauge shotgun is the most versatile weapon mankind has ever devised...
Get 10,000 lumen pistol light
I'm an ausfag and am thinking of getting into shooting...
Why is that creeper with the gun on his waist staring at my feet?
How can you people live with yourselves knowing that this is happening and you are contributing to it?
I've never shot a gun
Post your targets
All hail the queen of Jow Forums
Patch Thread v. The War
What do you guys think of my gun Jow Forums? I put a lot of hard work into it...
Why not make a cartridge like this?
FN Thread
Thank you for your service :)
Poland may Buy F-35s
Armslist - people that don’t care about customization
AR thread /ARG/
Big Boi AR
How does Jow Forums think of Coast Guard Special Forces like the MSRT?
"Wait! Don't shoot! I surrender! I'll return the stolen NASCAR paraphernalia, I swear!"
Primary/Secondary thread
Buy Sell Trade General /bstg/
Could a hi point c9 tied to a rope and swung like a flail have enough force to crack and shatter the skulls of human...
All gunshots sound the same
Can anyone help me identify this gun?
Shoulder abuse
How would you win a fight against yourself
Jow Forumsino photography
Is Halle Berry, dare I say, /ourgirl/?
What carry ammo do you use?
Be florida man
/gq/ - gear queer
The lack of a light attack aircraft in modern armed forces
I'm in the market for my first firearm. I've been shooting ~20 times with my buddies and their guns...
Don't tell me any of you faggots are gonna buy this piece of shit
Which branch of the military have the most aesthetic gears?
Imagine this bad boy flying over NYC and bombing you pigs back into the stone age, where you belong
Lets play a game Jow Forums
Serious question, when and why did it become socially unacceptable to open carry a sword?
Hey Jow Forums what's your recommendations on footwear?
Gun shop stories
Century Arms appreciation thread
Does anyone legitimately believe there will be some kind of conservative gun owner revolt if the 2A gets attacked...
Nfa Thread
Canada General
LEO Appreciation thread
Was this a good shoot?
What's the deal with OMON blue camo? I think it's kinda unique but I really can't think of any practical purposes
Steel DAO Compact All in One
This is your new airplane LT
Sup Fed/k/. Picked this little thing up from a Ferengi trader the other for 2 bars of gold pressed latinum...
To anyone who doubted me
Hey, Jow Forums. I want to paint my AR, preferably in green shades due to my location. Here is my rifle...
Gun legislation compromise edition
/brg/ Battle Rifle General - When you shoot cameras more than your guns edition
This is what 89 cents gets you in TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
I need some dryfire drills to do to fix my shit groupings...
Have we had a dogfight with relatively modern planes?
I just bought this knife because benchmade made such a good work making rednecks butthurt
Western 4th gen appreciation thread
Luger P08 Infographics
Don’t fuck with ITAR kids
Hidden camera found in women's bathroom aboard Navy ship
The A-10 Warthogwas a World War II version of the US Army's AH-64 Apache helicopter...
Are we getting fired at?
Brazil really knocked it out of the park on this one
Whats the conclusion on the Geissele URGI?
Russians and AESA
Why doesn't the military just design a giant fucking floating fortress with 10ft thick concrete walls that can just...
What's the best method against 5G towers?
If you're not getting plowed out by 8 different guys while trying to "find yourself" are you even really a female in...
Why don't we use half tracks anymore?
Give me one reason I shouldn't buy this as a 4 wheeler gun when I'm cruising da woods
Suppressor host
Electroinic Warfare
Local range closed, let's reopen it
Reading the tao, and it mentions decent men detest weapons and loathe using them...
Whats the cheapest gun youve ever seen for sale?
I'm sexually attracted to guns and I can't help myself
Cartel Operator “El Broly Banderas”
Innawoods Thread: I Love Misty Woods Edition
What's the Jow Forumsonsensus on .38 special?
So if society goes to shit and the government declares martial law...
What gun is this. I love this fucking movie and wanna buy it
What do you think of airsoft, can it be a viable addition to your firearms training?
Is Stargate the most Jow Forums science fiction universe?
/arg/ AR thread
AR 15 9x39
Anyone have any experience with the Alfa Proj revolvers...
Hey hickok45 here with a Greninja! Let's see if he can hit the gong, heh heh
War is the ultimate expression of homosexuality. Being pro war or even being into war related things (guns, bullets...
Ugliest Guns, real or imagined
What is Jow Forums's consensus on the Galil ACE
"Hey Nutnfancy, what do you think about this new gun?"
Mossberg 500 vs 590 vs 590A1
Guns in Strange Places
I want adventure but not sure where to go
ITT: Guns you want to purchase soon
If I bought were of to gun, of all making that Jow Forums Jow Forums of whereas you were to know like...
I won't to become a marine biologist/mammal trainer, what MOS do I have to join?
Seriously, why isn't the U.S. Army allowed to kill civilians?
I see it often in movies, last time was Hurt Locker...
What does Jow Forums think of the Sig P365...
Reloading General (Cont)
How much money do you spend per month on Ammo you shoot?
Ordered a rifle 3 months ago
I am ashamed
Canada General
Was the Falklands War the only war since the 1950s in which neither side used a Kalashnikov or Kalashnikov derivative?
Short Shotgun Thread
PCC odd-ball claliber
RTS - Rate This Shootout
1911 expert help
Why do revolvers need such long hammer spurs...
What Does War With Iran Look Like
Best upper for an ar15 in 223
Convince me to purchase this in .22 mag. thank you
K memes
What are your thoughts on the Stryker?
Why are conventional militaries so bad at fighting peasant militias head on...
Alright Milfucks. Let's get this straight: Iran is not our enemy. The Saudis fucking are...
AR thread /arg/
Waffen SS
Post a more aesthetic poly - striker
If Day X happened in the USA what special forces unit out of all those in USSOCOM do you think would be filled with the...
I am currently designing a knife, what is the most convenient steel for military use? Is D2 a good option?
Would putting a brace on a Shockwave make it actually useful for something?
Could we make a weapon that manipulates it's weight in the striking part...
Jow Forumsringe thread?
/cg/ - California General #29 - infringed edition
Alternate history thread
Patriotism-fuelled Garbage
Which is better?
Who are the absolute worst gun "celebrities"?
Are bullet necklaces Jow Forums or are they /gay/
Jow Forumsnightposting
Post your edc and what you do for work
What is everyone’s opinion of this LWRC 45?
No in-line rail or completely railless modern version
Question regarding a suppressed .300BLK rig
Dear Jow Forums, explain this to me: What’s the point of having an orange tip on fake guns...
Somewhere in Africa, there is a child fingerfucking and shooting your milsurp raifu right now
Jow Forums's face when CZ comes out with a 10mm CZ-75
US pulls the trigger on A-29 super tucanos. Personally I’m stoked. Are there other cheap...
Is rap music a good way to embrace gun culture? And why don't you throw ya gunz more often?
A dragon is about to fuck your whole town up...
At what point did Soviet leadership stop being generaly retarded in ww2? What was the turning point? Battle of Moscow?
/wfg/ Writefag General: Strange Room edition
Which is more lethal .223 or .300 blackout?
Did Mr. McCallum sell out, or is that gun really THAT good
Why did helicopters fall out of fashion?
/akg/ AK General
Caught the revolver bug
Chechenya Thread?
Shadow people
Thoughts on the Italian navy of WW2?
Why are officers in the US more left-leaning than enlisted men?
Okay, let's say that the Middle East/Yugoslavians DID misuse their Russian tanks, HOW should have they been used then?
How do we fix the Navy?
Waifu Raifu Knaifu
Very accurate sniper/hunting rifle for low/reasonable price
What are the things were going to be called fudds for when we get old?
Right handed but left eye dominant
Good guns for cheap
Canada General
I'm not trying to troll but this is honestly how I picture most of the people here. Would you say it's accurate?
Are swords relevant in combat anymore?
The mosin nagant is the blue yetty of rifles it is over hyped and should be confided to a starter rifle
Why are these called "ammo" cans...
What were some of the worst battles to have fought in?
/prg/ Precision Rifle General
The Last Good War
What's Jow Forums's opinion on the Makarov?
/ak/ -Willy Pete edition-
What things would have to happen for ww3 to take place?
Post god-tier generals
When is usa going to attack iran?
Can the A-29 Super Tucano do BRRRRRRRT?
Boomer/fudd hate thread
Bad guy enters the room
Found this buried outside grandmas house. Any guess if its real?
Since revolver's strength is its reliability, and semiauto is better at everything else...
Mid twenties
Hollywood :
Music you play when fighting off hoards
Teenage Queen, Or M14?
Realistic Future Acquisition plans
Why don't more guns have 0 pound triggers?
What gun is this?
What the fuck, Raytheon?
Jow Forums texas firearm memes
Is it cuckcore?
Sig P320 Compact
What are your thoughts on the new PPK/S?
Anyone know where I can get a flame retardant suit wanna light myself on fire
The futuristic gun problem
10mm thread
Why are guns so fucking expensive?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #292
/arg/ AR thread
I was thinking about writing a broad tactical doctrine on how to fight ayys with such a technological disadvantage...
Why does America have fake military academies? Is it for people who can't get into the real ones and just want to LARP?
Law enforcement has the highest female suicide rate
Where are the tiger tank blueprints?
Canada General - Stripped Lower Edition
Hpothyeticly, what would happen if I was playing with bullets and I lost one while I was playing with it?
How do we weaponize Flubber?
How would we go about creating an international organization/ movement for promoting gun rights and knowledge...
Why did the AR-18 fail?
Would the stock really be able to hold the weight of a grown man?
What's going on in Wyoming?
Iran war is imminent. How will it go?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Is England as fucked as it sounds?
Why is m1 Carbine so aesthetic bros
Post Tomcats
Can we get an NFA general thread?
Daily Devotion to the Kube
I zeroed six rifles today! What have you done this weekends to increase yours fighting abilities!
Gucci tier AR with all the modern accessories
Should we even trust cops anymore?
If you must use 10mm, I hope you're not using a Glock 20
What is the opinion on thermal optics vs night vision?
How do I catch a live deer
This nigga has more combat experience and money than all of k combined, bow down broke bois
HK suggests new standard rifle for german army to be 7.62 instead of 5.56
"dubble ott buck"
What are some things you're a sucker for?
How is a gun supposed to stop a break-in when burglars don't know that I have one?
Troubles thread?
Is this and the hudson h9 the greatest firearm failure of this generation...
What do you guys think about potato cannons?
Alright bois why aren't you at church with your mother/grandmother this morning...
"Bullying is fucked up man"
What is the xbox of pistol, revolver, rifle and shotgun?
Buy Sell Trade General /bstg/
How insane would a government have to be to use conventional warfare against another 1st world country in the 21st...
I've noticed lots of people think like this. Isn't this kind of hypocritical and self-defeating...
What do you do when arguing with a gun grabber that is seamingly impossible to speak with reason to and claims that all...
India becomes the newest member of the Apache club
Ok Jow Forums anyone there ever tried putting Glock 10mm SGM 30 round mags into the Thompson 30 round pouches...
How to deal with oral health situations after the happening? preferably alternatives to pic related
Has a Navy ever gotten ambushed?
You are now aware, Israel has never once fought alongside the US in a war
Post interesting minority soldiers
/akg/ AK General
Gunmen storm five-star hotel in Balochistan kill 1 Security Guard and then get shot dead
Somebody Shot My Cat
Soldiers pls
Is it possible for the shit to hit the fan so hard that gunpowder weapons stop being commonly used and we revert back...
Parts Kits
What're some good weapons that don't directly hurt anyone
Former Bumpstock owners in Washington will be doxxed and slandered...
AR thread /arg/
ITT: Guns you would kill for
Time To Choose
You gotta respect the pyjama
Meme or no meme?
Arisaka sporter rechambered in 30.06
Recent Acquisitions Thread
Aus/k/ General - NSW is big gay edition
TFW no qt Rhodesian gf
Hello K quick question for you all
Czech weapons thread
Canada General
Cyber punk / retro futuristic guns
For me, it will always be the F15
Revolver Thread
Cowboy General
/msg/ Military Surplus General
Fact: The Garand-pattern rifle, in all its iterations, is America’s gun. ARfags can’t compete
Jow Forums Innawoods Loadout
How practical is feet-firing in combat?
John Wick 3
Be Ofc. Tim Gramins
What would you kill this with
Just a reminder for you 50cent army commies
Littoral Combat Ships: Are they THAT bad?
Why don't most handguns support it?
Gucci glock hate
I need help fellas. Is this worth $2700?
Should soldiers be given steroids?
Would any soldier ever lie in his autobiography?
Greetings, Jow Forums! I come bearing gifts!
Tips of disposing knives
Designs the most innovative .22 pistol in 30 years
He doesn't have a tactical house
Is .338 Norma Mag a viable substitute for 7.62 NATO?
Jow Forums media
Replaces your rifle
What's your taken line?
Notices bulge
Competition Beretta Released
Why are planet sized space battle stations with giant death rays not a thing yet...
My local Cabela's like 20 of these Norinco SKS's with the short barrels
K humor
To whom it may concern, or not
Encountering my first brass jew
New vz. 58 or used SKS + 350 more rounds of 7,62x39 and why?
What do you think of my collection Jow Forums? Do I need anymore guns?
Lowkey hollywood operators
*taps mic*
Communists are gun pilled
How do you stop rampaging killbots?
Israeli Guns
ATF heroes Seize rich dudes awsome gun collection
Am I retarded, Jow Forums?
Ammo counters
The US Army and USMC would be much better off with 120mm armed M60s than the gas guzzling Abrams piece of shit
Why does Springfield Armory manufacture all their shit in Croatia? Pathetic company
Why don't you see mortars on technicals more often?
Primers and how not to blow your self up
How many rounds should you carry in a SHTF situation?
What’s the cheapest night vision optic you can buy?
Can we have an /aesthetics/ thread? Post best looking guns. Handguns, rifles, shotguns, vehicles
Who wore it better?
US military shit
Canada New Fighter Jet
10mm thread
Why aren't power armors a thing?
Turkey To Abandon S-400 Purchase
Jow Forums dreams
Jow Forums outfits for when SHTF
What makes Turkish shotguns trashy?
Why are modern fighters such behemoths? Shouldn't engineers make them smaller, so they could be more convenient?
Friend has asked me to run security for her event
Spyderco Warrior Hawk
What weapons can I kill these with that will leave them suffering for as long as possible? .177 pellet gun in the gut...
Whats a good gun to protect yourself from British aliens?
What is your favorite hearing protection? Please tell me
Smallest gun for ccw that can still be considered competent at stopping a threat?
Family photo thread
Guns & Music
Loadout threat time? I think so
If Israel is US best ally, why didn't Israel fight in the Vietnam war, Korean war, Afghanistan, Iraq...
Someone talk me out of buying this fucking thing
Coup de Grace
Israel gun owners
Fuck Russia thread
HOLY FUCK, user!
Stuff, and things
/ak/ Thread. Artist Spotlight Edition - Hase Yu
Patch Thread
/arg/ AR General Tripfag Development Group
Canada general
What is your favourite smelling gun oil Jow Forums?
Ehy are tactical ponchos so aesthetic?
Should everyday Americans be allowed to own and use rocket launchers to protect themselves from government armored...
Any recommendations for carriage bolts for steel plates that won't shatter when shot with a rifle...
Army greens
Nambu 94 circlejerk
Cyberpunk Larp Feasible?
Sit down for a while. How's it been Jow Forums?
Was this guy a pussy?
Is the Macuahuitl consider a sword or more of a club like weapons?
/akg/ AK General
Soccer Stories: One time reddit isnt gay edition
What kind of pants do you guys wear when you have your ccw...
/pcc/ - Pistol Caliber Carbine general
Guns from when chain smoking and day drinking was cool
Can you help me choose a home defense handgun? I've nailed it down to about 3 different ones
Lets take over north sentinal island
M&P Shield 2.0 vs Glock 43 for concealed carry
Tfw you manage to get a gf who likes shooting guns with you, but then she develops into a better shot than you
/arg/ AR thread
Is there a single piece of equipment which is actually shared between most (if not all) of NATO members?
What was the purpose of flails?
ITT: Movies and series that wouldn't exist if carrying a weapon was normal
Will this suppress my savage mark 2 or kill me?
The A-12/SR-71 is the coolest plane. Prove me wrong
Jow Forums movie night
Ugliest military aircraft
What rifle would you trust to do everything without any modifications out of the box...
There was a faggot on Jow Forums saying Russian military is a paper tiger, so is it?
Gun Girls
I relate
American police
Innawoods Thread
/gq/ - gear queer
Biggest military hardware fuck ups
Since a private company is now selling the capability to track Baofengs and and all other radios that operate above 100...
This is the power of the Russian military. I have never seen Western militaries do anything like this. Why...
Canada general
What items do i need for a supernatural shtf? either deadites or eldritch horrors...
What are your thoughts on this kind of Sword?
Be me
After work, imma be going to the fun store to get a M&P9 2.0 or whatever the new gen is called
What does /k do with steel casings?
/knifegeneral/ anyone?
Which video game had peak gear aesthetics?
Good look
Is this a good tank design?
Is 7.62x39 still viable in modern warfare?
Help me work on this thing
China vs U.S.A
Loadout Thread: Inspired by Media Edition
Are they any career military here on k?
This is official. French special ops sucks
Gun for 12 year old
Wyatt Earp
Many here predict a civil war, who will be the factions?
Why are yanks so defensive whenever the Chinese military is brought up?
Do you muzzle your gun Jow Forums?
CZ 75 is superior pistol
So if I actually shoot my rifle am I allowed to post here?
China Launches two DDGs at the same time
Whats your bed gun?
Self-defense on a sailboat?
Daewoo DP51
How does 3rd world special forces training and abilities compare to American (and other 1st world nations) regular...
India is the world's fourth largest defence spender, where is it going?
Still no Thorium Carriers
I've heard from a friend, who was stationed in Afghanistan, that US has developed a bomb which, when it impacts...
Canadians going to lose guns, best thing I've heard all day
Remains of a gun
Aus/k/ Thread- Jow Forumsiwis also welcome
Russia has finally found a buyer for its weapons! And it's, uh
What caliber will kill you on impact alone?
Can we have a thread about military doctrines of various countries?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Has had nuclear submarines for decades
NASA crawler
What if someone put a nuclear reactor on a giant earth moving machine? - PS: (mega-vehicles general)
Would you sell a gun to a black person?
This thread is for the discussion of all things Floridian, some topics include:
Trump just pushed EU to the side with Russia, why are you doing this Americans? Do you want to be nuked into a crater?
Truck gun fags BTFO
Jow Forums gun revival
Favorite glock?
You lackin' Jow Forums?
Is it possible to take a barrel on a fine revolver like the Smith & Wesson 627 (with the v-compensator) and have a gun...
Is this a good tank design?
M'lads, I look for the best factory .223 ammo I can buy at Bass Pro or Academy...
AR thread /arg/
I want to build a meme plinker. Should I do a Colt SMG clone, or an Uzi clone?
Canada general
China BTFO in South China Sea
Would a "warrior-culture" style of training regime be useful or better working for creating soldiers in the modern age?
I love these
Like I like my women, short black and barely legal
Shotgun thread
The Top Police Unit
Just as good™
Guns Seized
NVG and IR laser questions
Military Commission
The threat of Russia to Europe is lifting, how long until american protection isn't needed?
Thinking about becoming a contractor. Advice?
What weapons are going to be use in the coming civil war in the south west
Post your favorite Jow Forums related pictures
What's your favorite Jow Forumsamo?
When will Liberals learn about binary triggers and freak the fuck out about them?
80% FAIL
Millennium Challenge 2002
Tank Thread
Blades on Hellfire
What are the best Israeli made guns for an orthodox jew?
I might be moving out of Brooklyn to Texas, thus becoming gunz from nogunz. Is FNC a good starter gun?
You get teliported back in time and the king asks your advice on how to defend against the vikings how do you do it?
Meme Guns
Weaponizing vehicles
Can we have a shitty criminal weapon thread?
Why get a red dot when lasers are cheaper and better?
SHTF Firearms
Joined the Coast Guard, boys
Florida cuckening approaches
Create a invasion plan
Why is a Green Beret allowed to graduate BUDS without actually joining the navy?
He carries a firearm for self-defense but doesn't have basic first aid kit and skills to help when someone actually...
Canada General
Based Boots ?
You're leader of a modern Platoon of a country of your choosing...
Fuck this bald cunt
For a handgun to shoot a brick of ammo through every weekend, which is the better choice...
This man created the best pistol of its time and he meant for it to shoot 9mm luger
Jow Forums related vidya thread
Handgun General - /hg/ - #291
Micro green rechargeable laser
Revealing your power level
How to prepare
How is being in combat?
Which F model plane is the best?
Why didnt England buy one of these?
Pulled this off of commie twitter
How many guns do you need to put on your tank before you are satisfied?
/arg/ AR thread
NOBODY MOVE OR THE PUPPET GETS IT, put the dubs in the bag and no one gets hurt
Should I be practicing more with my carry pistol or my full-sizes...
Law enforcement general
Hey Jow Forumsomrades, HBO's new Chernobyl show is out and I need help identifying this rifle from the trailer...
Weapon pedigree or orgy
What's the point in having tiny aircraft carries?
What would be the ideal loadout for bicycle or motorbike equipped infantry?
Post your country's military's rifle
At airport
In LEO/military applications, what situation warrants the use of shotguns instead of SMGs/SBRs?
10mm auto, a magnum for 21st century
I thought that after returning from my deployments people will treat me as a hero...
Did these faggots really bully anyone?
Help me pick
Pistol hunting/predator defense
Yeah, I'm thinking Ivan's back
How would you have improved the Imperial Japanese military so that it could have defeated the United States in the...
Why does America have such an absurdly large navy? Why does nobody else have such a big one...
Does anyone produce ammunition specifically for 9mm PCCs yet? Seeing as they’re the new fad...
China and Afghanistan
Are pistol caliber smgs BTFO?
Post the edgiest yet coolest patches/insignias in your country’s military. Pic related...
LARPing as a cryptid hunter
So I had this idea, what if we had a Jow Forumsommando dating service?
Victory day parade 2019
Why PDWs in 9mm?
Poly 80
Is there any way to make a realistic world war one/two/three game that gives you a real sense of shell shock/PTSD feel...
Travis Haley
HK P30 vs VP9
Should I buy a PTR? are they any good? I want a real fucking NeATO rifle
Patch Thread
Which one should I get for my first pistol? FN 509 or HK VP9?
What is your daily carry and why is it the cp33
/ak/ -shitposting edition-
Firearm Tier List
Best deal you’ve ever gotten?
Jow Forums my birthday is tomorrow
What gun related shenanigans, if any, have your parents walked on on Jow Forums?
Any final words before you are put to death, western dog?
Obviously dual wielding is impractical and innacuarate...
Bois Is Tarkov a Jow Forums tier game or not?
Does Jow Forums go shooting?
Canada General
What are good websites to order guns from?
ITT we post obsolete calibers
How realistic is the Chernobyl show? It seems pretty great so far
Upcoming purchases thread
Firing through your own windshield
Fucking hate my state
People want their governments to outarm them
F-35A now less than 80 million
Overrated weapons
And just like that, blades weapons have become relevant again
Guns for shtf, pic unrelated
Why don't you have your favorite gun tattoo'd on you?
/brg/ - Battle Rifle General #23 - A New Start edition
Found this on the sheath of a bayonet I picked up for my CZ858 anyone got any ideas on what it means...
Fuck the ATF and Cailiforna
Ex-Cuck Thread
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship