Biggest military hardware fuck ups

Biggest military hardware fuck ups.

Desing flaws or mishandling problems in general.

Attached: Submarine__1557496003.jpg (1280x854, 171K)

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Not that it makes it any better, but the sub wasn’t a total loss. They just had to replace most of the interior systems due to salt water corrosion.

Lets see.

I know the US, UK and Russia have all lost ships/submarines in drydock due to fires.

Pretty much all of the USSRs sub force was a comedy of errors

The USS Miami was arson as opposed to incompetence, though. I guess that’s still a security fuckup.

>I know the US, UK and Russia have all lost ships/submarines in drydock due to fires.
Dunno about the others but Miami wasn't due to anyone's fuckup, it was literally arson because a shipyard worker wanted to go home early

> On 23 July 2012 Casey J. Fury, a civilian painter and sandblaster working on the sub, was indicted on two counts of arson after confessing to starting the fire. Fury admitted to setting the 23 May fire by igniting some rags on the top bunk of a bunk room. He claimed to have started the fire to get out of work early.[10][11][12][13] On 15 March 2013 Fury was sentenced to over 17 years in federal prison and ordered to pay $400 million in restitution.[14]
What a fag.

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To be fair, the USSR was way better at running a navy than the Russian Empire.

What did the UK lose

Regardless of all their fuckups, White Russian Navy actually fought it's battles. Whereas Red Navy fled, or resorted to sinking civilian ships armed with obsolete flak.
Also, that one clash between Soviet and Czech Navy with the latter coming out victorious...

>Biggest military hardware fuck ups
This whole entirety of a ship, it's one huge floating mishap:

Attached: 24f50f83218603b8aba666ec79d9a661.jpg (456x600, 194K)

you know, it seems like before you dive you would go through some sort of check list and have more than one person, preferably a petty officer or commissioned officer verify those hatches are shut.

I think that the guy responsible was a junior officer.

>single-handedly loses America the War on Terror

Attached: US Military before 2001 after 2001.png (1044x904, 1.47M)

This. The USSR was comedically worse,and another commutard blaming the empire makes less sense here

Care to elaborate? Wiki is vague for some reason

>SSV-33 was assigned to the Pacific Fleet, but there was no pier large enough for the ship. She was forced to anchor out. Machinery had to remain running while at anchor to support other systems and its crew; the ship became a floating barracks. She never went to sea, while her powerful radioelectronic equipment gradually began to decay.[4
in other words they built it and never used it

>ordered to pay $400 million in restitution.
Kek why bother if he cant pay it?

Restitution is judged solely on the damage caused by the crime, not the perpetrator's ability to repay it. Effectively, when he gets out of prison, he'll have his wages heavily garnished for the rest of his life if he ever manages to get a job.

Wasn't that British destroyer with the dunce hat said to be unable to go into warmer seas because of an inherent flaw?

>you know, it seems like before you dive you would go through some sort of check list and have more than one person, preferably a petty officer or commissioned officer verify those hatches are shut.

Have you read the AMA from the USN officer supposedly swapped aboard Vikrant for a few days?

Can't he fill for bankruptcy?

Bankruptcy generally does not include debt owed to the government, including criminal penalties, back taxes, and student loans.

Thanks, I'm not familiar with US laws regarding the issue.
>Student loans
Well, at least You are brain-drain secure

I've seen the screen cap I believe. he didn't mention the designated

Attached: indian shitting deck INS_Vikrant_(R11)_launches_an_Alize_aircraft_during_Indo-Pakistani_War_of_1971. (924x658, 185K)

>Pretty much all of the USSRs sub force was a comedy of errors

Fourteen reactor accidents from 1961 to 1989, seven other submarines lost for other reasons. Meanwhile the only sub losses for the Americans were Thresher, Scorpion, and Miami; the other two collisions (one civilian ship and one seamount) survived.

Thats a future incel school shooter profile if ive ever seen one

There was also the sub that ran into and sunk the Kursk, depending ofc on how many layers of tinfoil and gay frogs you are on

Let me guess, Vatniks blaming the Kursk incident on an American SSN allegedly tailing the thing and colliding.

>POGs fight wars


What amazes me is that there was no sensors to tell you a hatch was opened.
As far as I can tell, if a truck dont have air on it's tanks to be used on the brakes, you casn't drive it until the tank get like at least 50% of air on it.

You would think that a submarine has the same thing, but fuck me.

My entry to this thread is this new APC from my country.

A 6x6 verison of the italian SuperAV.

All in all it works...except if you turn too fast, since it's high center of gravity make the entire thing propense to roll over itself.

Brazilian engineering at the finest.

Attached: Guarani.jpg (1276x849, 199K)

That happens to a lot of armored wheeled vehicles like that. Here in spain we have the bmr, a 6x6 armored vehicle from the 70s, that have had several accidents in 40 years, with several dead soldiers. Its well known that it hs a high center of gravity.
We had the same issue when we bought an italian marp, the lince. A lot of drivers had accidents during training, To the point that the spanish army developed a special drive simulator for the vehicle, and a software to assist the driving.
A lot of civilian drivers have the same issue with suvs or pick ups, they are used to average cars, and when they drive a vehicle with a higher center of gravity, they use to have accidents when turning it

But have never saw or read about a BTR rolling over.
Thewse things should be lower t.b.h. As if 5 inches higher would disperse that much energy from a IED below the deck.

FYI this story has been debunked as fake news. Pooperpower memes are still good though.

The thing didn't sink, but the interior of the sub was allegedly a total loss. It was a pretty major fuck up.

This story came out a year or two when they flooded their decks with some water from leaving the hatch open. It didn't 'sink' it. It just fucked it up for 10 months.


Challenger 2

Except it flooded the part where the nuclear reactor is, and since this was made in india by indians....

Still, they are not the only one with said problems:

>First it couldn’t float. Now, it can’t dock.

>Years ago, the S-80 submarine suffered a major engineering setback: It was overweight and at risk of not being able to resurface after submerging. In the latest hitch, first reported on Wednesday by the newspaper El País, it can’t fit into the port of Cartagena at the military base in southeastern Spain where the submarine will be stationed.

>Now, the port will need to be dredged and reshaped — an overhaul that alone will cost about $18.6 million, according to the newspaper. The submarine project has other issues, and engineers have still not settled on the design of its propulsion system, according to El País.

>You are brain-drain secure
Smart people usually get jobs that allow them to repay their debts, people that get into debt for a purple-haired feminism degree are fucked though.

The submarine has a problem of overwheight, and in order to solve that the submarine was made longer. That was a issue with the old pier

The btr has a bigger width, and is a lot lighter, too. So basically it has a lower center of gravity

>That vid
Shouldn't they have engaged the parking brake before picking it up with the crane?
Harsh, but true.

Fucking hell, southern Europe is such a shithole.

His CO will fuck his ass with powndered glass latter on.

this is what happens when you have a woman as your Defense Minister

Attached: William D Porter.png (1350x1152, 162K)

A coworker told me a story about the original INS/GPS guidance unit for the F-35 running so hot they had to flow cold fuel from the tanks through the package. Truly an insane design for an already terminally fucked up aircraft

Eurocopter Tiger

Last I heard Australia was planning on completely dumping the damn thing due to maintenance problems.

What an absolute legend

Not a total loss, they had to replace a lot of it, especially the coolant piping.

>Last I heard

[citation needed]

>We bought Leopard tanks after Vietnam
>never used them
>bought Abrams tanks
>upgraded them
>never used them
>bought Tiger
>never used them
>$100 mil spent on new EF88 rifles
>0 conflicts on the horizon and we're leaving Iraq and Afghan
>we're never gonna use them

Australia and NZ have a fucking legendary track record in Boer War, WW1, WW2, Korea and Vietnam
>1973-1993 total of 0 deployments
>deploy fuck all in Iraq
>deploy fuck all in Afghan
>headed for decades of peace time now

some mouthbreathing shipyard bubba wanted to go home so he set a bunch of vacuum cleaners on the boat on fire (it was in the yards). I mean, you can blame the below decks or topside watch i guess but that's what someone who doesn't know the circumstances would say. Pretty big fuck up but you can't stop people from intentionally doing dumb shit. They only caught him because he tried to do it a 2nd time.

There are a lot of places to hide stuff in a submarine. If someone wants to start a fire, they can probably start a fire and not get caught immediately no matter how many watches you have going.

i really wonder how he'd imagined the whole "set a billion dollar sub on fire because i want to go home and drink beer" plan would work out

Well it worked the first time, apparently. He might have gotten away with it if he didn't go for the second round.

He'll also get wages garnished in prison. He will essentially be permanently broke in prison, which is a pretty bad place to be.

Holy shit.

>Vatniks blaming the Kursk incident on an American SSN allegedly tailing the thing and colliding.
Well that's stupid because we already did that exact thing to another Russian sub and they turned out fine

Why does Australia spend so much on its military? Who's going to invade them? Tonga?

Their only real potential threat is Indonesia. But Australia is a Western state, so may be called to action by US decisions in the Asia Pacific region.

>Australian GDP 1.3 trillion $AUD
>Aus defence budget 34 billion $AUD
>Entire defence force is 80,000
>Active duty Army 30,000

Pic related is from our faux Marine Corps which is actually an understrength Infantry Battalion + support. Fucking good soldiers, but they have not deployed since 2011

Their dignity

not exactly, a problem with the intercooler on its generator means that on very light loads - station keeping- it can suffer occasional power failures in very warm waters. at combat power they have no problems whatsoever and problem is a easy albeit annoying one to fix


Well, now you have two lhd, havent you? I am spaniard, and i have envy of your politicians, that have a clear vision of your military needs. And better to have weapons and dont need to use them, than.... think thataybe because you had those weapons, nobody bothered you.
Btw, i thought that your biggest concern was china, and that all your naval program was geared to counter chinese expansionism

You might say he was... Furious.

I love this headline, "SUBMARINE SUNK DUE TO HATCH BEING OPEN" and then one of the first sentences in the story is "submarine was nearly sunk because the hatch was open". They literally lied in the headline for clicks.

The Australian Navy exists to pick up illegal immigrant boats, and to stop the Indonesian and Chinese Navies from sailing into our back yard whenever they want. We train the Indonesian military all the time, and have the Chinese military here on exercises all the time. We're friends on paper but behind the scenes both Indo and China have their own agendas.

Welcome to every news source since 2005, user

If you have the hardware; ships, bases, extra guns in the armory with a skilled cadre you can train up a respectable force fairly fast. At least you have something competent. Unless Australia is gonna have a massive naval action or tank battles your not bad off. Several Euro countries barely have enough military to do security for a big football game.

>USS Miami


user, is not polite to bring the Emu Wars when talking about Australia.
This is still an open wound to them, you know.

Not military hardware

i'm sure this totally happened

Not sure if it counts but does anyone remember the unlucky destroyer during WWII that almost killed a President who happened to be on a nearby ship?


and thats not even counting the non-hull loss accidents the russians had.

there was the time one of their typhoons almost had an ICBM explode because a fire started while they were diving.

>My entry to this thread is this new APC from my country.
>Brazilian engineering at the finest.

No, japanese.

What exactly is a fuckup about it? When it has deployed it has performed well.