Should soldiers be given steroids?

Should soldiers be given steroids?

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Probably not. I mean, it would help with injuries and recovery times, but is it really worth the additional strain on the logistical and medical side?

Not to mention the most physically demanding combat roles like SF by definition won't always have the logistics in place to give everyone the roids, aftercare and extra food necessary.


Literally no strain. In the field, platoon medics would administer shots just like everything else. You don’t need anymore food or aftercare on juice. If anything you assimilate protein better and prevent muscle wasting.

All them muscles won't do much if they aren't trained though. Dead weight


There’s steroids in the food you eat at basic
Also steroids don’t make you run faster so they’re pretty pointless in training

>Steroids in the food at basic.

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Which is why they train every day...

It’s true, they also give you combat readiness bars that have like 400% of your daily vitamin D and C that makes your bones strong

Lemme say this again.

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There aren't any steroids administered at basic training

Yeah prevention of them, partly due to the better recovery times.

There's always some strain. Not a lot on an individual basis, but enough to matter on bigger scales. Especially when you consider the need to properly cycle, give aftercare to keep the estrogen in check afterwards and the bigger risk for heart diseases especially when combined with combat stresses.



Dude they put saltpeter in the food too so you don't off!
>fucking retard

If it was a good idea they would already be doing it

Why would you cycle them? A slight bump would be plenty. You could stay low enough to not even need estrogen blockers, just cruise, no blast. Or fuck it, blast them when they're state side and in a controlled environment, and cycle them down before deployments. It's not rocket science. Then, if there are issues in the field or an interrupted supply, there's no problem.

>there's steroids in the food
>steroids don't make you run faster
Man, you are just a special brand of retard, huh?

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the issues with PED's is that their performance are not going to be the same if they get off the PED's and if they are maybe they are in a situation where they don't have access to PED's then their combat ability is severely compromised

Not if it isn't a massive dose, which it wouldn't be, since it's gubermint. They're not going to exceed therapeutic doses. Which is enough to enhance, slightly, and in a lot of cases, it's probably necessary medically as in it will bring them back in line with what their grandfather's test levels are. Most dudes are in the mid 300s these days. Normal is 1000.

i dont know if a slight enhancement is worth the price
if you're going to improve combat efficiency and pay money i think you should go full bore else spending that money on munitions is probably the smarter route

You could be right, but one of the biggest issues facing our military right now is military readiness, specifically medical. Some of them are at like 50 percent due to injuries. The faster they can recover, the better. Also, sorta unrelated, but it should be in women's contracts that they get a fucking IUD, or are on the pill for the duration of their contract. Pregnancies for anything other than desk jockeys should not be happening, and even then, logistics and bodies to manage it are important.

>a slight bump would be plenty
Any bump big enough to give noticable benefits would have to be cycled because their bodies will start producing less test to regulate. That's why proper cycling is so important because stopping cold turkey will stack the effects of your body turning excess steroids into estrogen while also not producing enough itself. Putting people with dysfunctional hormonal systems into combat doesn't seem like the best decision to make.

Granted you could keep them supplied with pills in the field, but then oral roids have their own health drawbacks that can be quite nasty.

>someone wants to create supersoldiers again
is achieving natty worth shrinking your dick and balls? how does strenght matter anyway? i thought it was all about stamina and endurance

Special forces maybe, but they already cycle.

That's not actually true, though. Antiestrogens are only necessary with higher doses, or cycling. I know, because I'm doing it. Right now. Under doctor supervision. They'll watch you at first, to be sure, and get blood work frequently. Because people's reactions can vary. But generally, for therapeutic doses it's not usually necessary. And it's made a HUGE difference in my workouts.
Pills for in the field would be smart, though. For periods longer than like 3-6 weeks, you could run into liver problems. But I don't imagine that would be a problem real often. And even if it were, you'd just feel lethargic and stuff while your system corrected if you had to come off them.
I think you'd find there's a bunch of SF who already do this. It's no real secret, you can go to any anti-aging doctor and they'll proscribe it easy peasy.
It does increase stamina and endurance. All the stuff you just listed is a myth. Except maybe the testicles, but it's not significant, and only occurs if you're doing like bodybuilder cycles.

>I think you'd find there's a bunch of SF who already do this
I wouldn't at all be surprised if they did. Hell, the prevalence of joint injuries over muscle injuries in young veterans already suggests such a thing.

About the therapeutic doses though, if you stopped cold turkey right now, what would happen? That's a contingency military users would have to plan around if they continue using in the field.

There would be issues, but if you're in that sort of a high stress situation, I'm not sure how much you'd notice outside of the shit already hitting the fan around you. I've had some guys tell me they feel kinda achey, lethargic, less motivation. Also, you'll face the inverse of all the benefits, while your system balances itself out and starts producing it's own again. So more prone to injury, muscle loss, etc. Antiestrogens at this point could mitigate that somewhat, but you'll get along ok without it. Maybe an emergency kit of them or something? I mean pills would be small.
The issue that you can never get around though is the longer you're on them, the longer it takes your body to bounce back. Someone who is on it for 5+ years, their system may never jumpstart test production again.

Combat virgin civiecucks confirmed
Even a jrotc basedfag isnt this delusional

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>Should soldiers be given steroids?
aren't they already doing this with their transsexed soldiers?

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To add to this, the return to "normal" with no exogenous would be like a few weeks, for people who haven't done it for long, and months, to never for people on it for 5+.

No for the same reason you don't want trannies in the military, mental instability makes for a terrible soldier

steroids are expensive.

Ok cmon, you have to give us a source

They should be given all the drugs to complete their missions.

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Fat Lauren Southern.

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Yeah and if youre eating mil chow everyday and are doing 5 miles plus pt every day, your levels are already above average you tit


What's her name?

April O'Neil. Are you even old enough to own a gun that you don't know a character from TMNT?

I would not have minded a little bit of natural enhancement.

No, because it doesn't matter how much your muscles grow. Your knees will always stay the same and they are already being overworked by the weight of your gear.

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>platoon medics
>carry enough roids into the field to administer to up to thirty fucking people
Nah cunt, there's no fucking way that's worth the extra weight the medic would have to hump around. It's a stupid fucking idea and anyone who champions it is a stupid fucking retard who's never set foot outside the wire.

The kind of muscle you build on steroids is not the kind of muscle you need. Endurance and stamina are way more important in a military environment than big muscles and raw strength. It's the skinny, lean guys who are generally the best at rucking. Extra muscle is a liability.

Let it go, dude.

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It's some fat april oniel cosplayer, who cares.

why not?
