What are your thoughts on the new PPK/S?
I'm thinking of using this .380 ACP version for EDC.
Are there any concerns or other things I should worry about?
What are your thoughts on the new PPK/S?
I'm thinking of using this .380 ACP version for EDC.
Are there any concerns or other things I should worry about?
how do you like your martinis?
Only that .380 is for faggots and shit. PPK be bretty cool tho.
They don't bevel the backstraps so it's not comfortable to shoot and it eventually makes the web of your hand bleed. It's just not a good gun.
Just take a look at the backstrap in that pic.
Such an easy fix, too
i don't know if that's sarcasm of not
dumb question but what do you mean by BACKSTRAP?
I mean from Walther's side. They could have removed just a bit of material and it would probably be 10x more comfortable as a result
I only finger fucked one in the LGS.
It seemed heavy.
I would like to shoot one.
so monitoring this thread
What touches the web of your hand (in-between your thumb and index finger) when you grip a pistol.
I know. It's stupid. You get a heavy gun that isn't even pleasant to shoot.
new ppk? tell me more
wrong answer. clearly your an impostor.
im very sorry but im going to have to pull this lever which opens up the floor below you and dumps you into a pool full of alligators.
would you like to hold my pee-pee, k?
Why don't they make a 9mm PPK? It's steel frame certainly could handle the extra pressure.
.380 is so gay.
You ever a PPK before? That will answer your question.
I bought one, had it for a week and then sold it. First time that has ever happened.
It's awkward to handle, uncomfortable to shoot, too big and heavy to conceal, and despite all of this still under powered and inaccurate.
It's a shame because it's a good looking, well built gun. Every inch of it is stainless steel.
Save your money.
My wife really wants one. Should I let her, or steer her towards something better.
Would be primarily a range toy, maybe purse carry rarely
The .380 ones have oddly snappy recoil owing to their size and grip shape.
Make sure this is a gun you'll comfortably shoot and be able to use, properly.
Because it's a small blowback gun. Pic related is what you're looking for.
Please restate your comment in manner that makes sense.
Thats called a beavertail user.
>real f'n nato
how new are you?
Ppk has a fixed barrel, so it has a snappier recoil. A 9mm will make that shit feel like youre shooting a 357mag. Reason why fixed barrels are popular are because it makes the gun more accurate.
The .380 PPK is not nice to shoot like the other caliber ones. This is a widely known fact.
>im fine with pointlessly uncomfortable guns because i bought into the calloused hands meme
>my hands feel nothing
.380 is a fine defensive round with the right ammo, don’t let these faggots tell you otherwise. The only problem I have with the PPK is its relative weight; there are much lighter .380 handguns available.
No, the barrel is fixed because the action is unlocked blowback and the barrel doesn't need to go anywhere (and shouldn't). That the barrel stays in place and the slide moves backwards linearly promotes some better inherent precision but it's just a bonus.
I've fired a vintage one. Straight up had recoil like a +P 9mm. The Sig p238, p938, or springfield 911 would all be a better choice and have less felt recoil.
"You ever ______ an elf before?"
I bet you can give yourself The Stranger just casually.
There's lighter .380 pistols of a similar size which have nicer recoil.
No-guns faggot w/o experience.
Where a beavertail stops and a backstrap begins is kind of nebulous.
Fixed barrels dont increase recoil.
Does Walther have any plans to chamber their new production ones in .32?
What do you guys think of the Walther CCP M2?
probably better choices out there..
everything's bettera with Beretta
There's also a single-stack version with a tip-up barrel if she has particularly tiny hands.
With some ammo like Underwood or something you would have a pretty decent compact pistol.
I have a cz70 in 32acp (It's a PP/PPK clone with a PPK length grip and like 3/4" longer barrel" I like it. It's a decent carry gun, shoots good, will hammer bite if you don't grip it real tight.
I carry it a decent amount if I'm just going to be in my office that day(where I have an ar15 and a p226) and will only need my CC gun when I walk to/from my truck and go to the gas station.
Actually it'd be sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their freaking heads
The PPK/S is Austin Powers gun
Don't do it. I had one of the interarms imports. Hammer bite from small beavertail. Blowback not Browning. Recoils sharp, too sharp for a .380, and too heavy for it's size. Many much better choices.
Shaken, not shtirred
I would tell you, but first you need to turn 18 and learn the difference between blowback and recoil-operated auto loading designs.
da trigger pull about 15lbs
blowback is snappy even for 380 at 21oz
and of course, the design is jam central unless your springs are exactly calibrated for the ammo & your shooting style
this design worked fine as 32 but has some problems with 380