How would you win a fight against yourself

Rules: This “other you” has all your knowledge and training and also is in sync with your movements.

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Another rule: you can’t kill yourself, you can only kill the other you

I would simply let the other me kill me
>either way I kill me and win
>I win

We'd fuck

The easiest way to kill someone is sit 300m away from their front door. Wait for them to wake up, go outside, and boom. They don't know what hit them.

The other me would also do this, since we both use the same GPS, we will most likely pass each on the way to each others house at 4am. After waiting on a stakeout until 10am I would break into his house discreetly. I will wait there until he comes back.

Since he is me, he is doing the same thing. Since he is me, he will also have 3 months of food and water stored. After 3 months we will go back to our own respective house, passing each other again at the same spot on the road.

We would both assume that if we just left, the most logical option would be the the other had ran away to evade death. Since he's me, he has assumed that we would probably go to a far away secluded place and wait out the hunt.

We would take a plane, probably a few rows away from each other in seating, and fly to Montana, since we've always loved it there.

That's 15 steps of planning. I cant assume what would happen after this.

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>has all your knowledge
We team up in a buddy cop movie and call it "Twins".
One of us will have to shrink in size but I think we can do it.

Same. I’m cute. We can take turns dressing up and fucking each other. There’s literally no one I would rather be in a relationship ship than myself.

Why kill yourself? Why not jerk eachother off or DP a chick?

If I were to meet me, we would probably talk. We would work together, essentially having a competent clone of yourself, we would be unstoppable since we can be at 2 places at once.

I can only guess we would take over the world.

I'd just give myself the succ

The only way to win tic tac toe is to not play

Celebrate! Now neither of us will be virgins!

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Never change, k.

You're weak. Just hire a prostitute to flirt with him and get him to lower his guard/drawers/gun, then shoot him. Otherwise he's going to kill you and make it look like an accident. 2 people doing 1 persons work can never succeed in the current world even if they took turns pretending to be one another 24/7 and just worked and slept in cycles. You'd be working at a mcjob for your entire life to even have the kind of lifestyle you could pull the switcheroo at.
The weak should fear the strong.

Happenstance I guess. It depends on where the light sources are and what other objects are in the area with us. Besides, we're both me, and if we were cloned in such a way that it's impossible to designate who came first, so even if I lose I win, and even if I win I lose.

Finally I can suck my own dick without doing a folding chair impression.

I'd tell him to go fuck himself. Then make him do it.

Remind him of his exes until he weeps and we hug. Then we both go find some modelling glue to huff as friends.

two of me would be great, I think you're just gay

we generally avoid unnecessary conflict, so we go on our own ways.
