The country is poorer than Italy. Its navy is rotting and they are only building double digits of their 5th gen plane. Their army is large but conscripted and their armour edge over Europe is decaying with their ancient tanks. How long will it be before America doesn't need to protect Europe? How long will it be before a nation like France could defeat Russia in a war?
The End of Russia?
>How long will it be before America doesn't need to protect Europe?
About 29 Years ago.
>How long will it be before a nation like France could defeat Russia in a war?
Depends, in this hypothetical is France united under the banner of the prophet yet?
They have tigers though. That slone is worth 200 5th gen fighters
Why would France be under the banner of Russia?
Sorry I was referring to the Black Standard of Islam. Meaning when France tries to fight Russia, are they Muslim?
If things continue as they are, yes, Russia will crumble, the presidents will walk through the rubble of empire like the Italians after Rome. But there is immense potential, both in terms of natural and human resources, plenty of very intelligent Russians out there, just none that have a reason to stay in Russia. If Putin goes kaput and the post-kgb glowniggers that run the government could be purged, then Russia could eventually become big-dick-on-the-block it was in the 60's and 70's.
One of the key issues is that there are military spending on a bloated armed forces that serves no real purpose in combat, they could save trillions of rubles by cutting conscription and focusing on keeping their CAT A units at peak performance, which are the only units going to be effectively fighting the enemy anyways. All of the money saved, combined with a general purge of corruption and a more business (not oligarchy lol) friendly approach could be used to refresh the faltering infrastructure and medical systems of the nation while raising the average wage of the Russian worker (which have been falling every year). Alcoholism and drugs could be tackled by said funds for the healthcare system and a general uptick in wealth, which would help in combating the general hopelessness and depression overtaking rural portions of the nation.
Overall, they need to recognize that they are now the status of a medium-tier European power with serious issues, ending the post-soviet delusion of super-power status will only save the nation, and it won't happen with the current regime. Then they maybe, in fifty to eighty years, rebuild into the juggernaut they once were.
t. Russian
But Russia has a lot more muslims, a higher % of muslims, and the biggest mosque outside of the middle east is right smack in Moscow. Sounds alot like a caliphate
This is a really weak bait.
How do shitposts like this not get you banned
Muslim Russia vs Muslim France: who ya got?
How is it bait?
Because it's a total shitpost, and so badly informed and low effort, it deserves nothing but a ban.
Clearly it's a bait to start a flame war with people who are sympathetic to Russia.
Explain what's so wrong.
Russia has the proper hardcore jihad guys. France only has the 1-in-a-million edgy syrian, rest are soft and lazy
Delete the thread, start a new one that isn't a loaded shitpost, and we can talk.
Oooh, a penal battalion
>The country is poorer than Italy.
Italy is way ahead of Russia. Russia is behind Canada and baaaarely ahead of Korea.
Do not make the mistake of projecting American thresholds of austerity tolerance onto the Russian people. Even the Serbs, who are diet slav confounded NATO’s expectation that a brief bombing campaign would break their will to fight on. In spite of the AIDS, lower than average western GDP, lower HDI, etc the Russians are doing better than we would under those same conditions- let alone giving a strong showing in an existential conflict.
Based and Lobanovpilled
you mean the black flags of khorasan?
Yeah we saw how easily Islam gets slaughtered in an Open war.
The only thing they can do is hide against and invader and use carbombs and IED's.
they are complete shit at war.
In a TOTAL ground war...islam, muslims and brown people everywhere will be slaughtered whole sale
Say the word and the world is ready to cut the head of islam and let all of it drain into the gutter.
ALL shall be put to the Axe.
>t. Russian
Where are you living?
Unfortunately that's not gonna happen.The natural russian reaction to reality is burying their heads in sand and singing "Soyuz Nerushimy Respublik Svobodnykh Splotila Naveki Velikaya Rus!"
I see a coincidence
What happened in 2009?
>fear 5%
Jeez, he's been dead for 60 years
Are you sure comrade? I mean are you really sure mecha Stalin isn't going to burst forth from the Kremlin and complete his 100 year plan for world domination. You see once western armies are full of trannies and fat lives matter activists and Germany is completely cucked no one will stand in his way. And scum like you will be sent to the gulag for your insolence toward me.
2053 is coming you filthy kulaks.
I'm a dual citizen living in an English speaking nation
> polenigger
You've always been our or germany's bitch, shut up fag
Comrade stalin please spare me
>bloated armed forces that serves no real purpose in combat
Big borders and an historically ingrained fear of defense in depth. Russian culture loves big spaces but it's a paradoxical humiliation-fetish for them. Combined with their great-power delusions, they've forced themselves into a forward defense.
Work will set you free comrade.
russia allows dual citizenship? since when?
This. The fact that the Russians are wallowing in their own shit under a kleptocracy should be commendable, the Amerifats would do MUCH worse in that situation, you know, if they ever were to wallow in their own shit under a kleptocracy.
Fuck off back to Jow Forums, Nikita.
Since all their oligarchs want somewhere to flee when their house of cards comes down.
If you are Russian born you can be a dual citizen
pechoty. Gosnodalyasnt kakoi nyet russkij medvedy dobyetcya pobedy nad amerika i HATO avantyurismy
The Russians with money will send their kids abroad to school and work. Also you avoid conscription that way.
t. increasingly nervous Russian
>shitting on France as a future muslim nation when Russia has 10 million muslims and actual civil wars with them (where the russian army got thorougly wrecked by chechen militia)
Lol, can the vatniks get any more pathetic than that? I don't know whether russian men will get raped by gays or by islamists first; France or US nuking the country would be mercy killing at this point.
Dear CIA scum. If ever there was a case for neocon regime change it was Maduro and you still screwed up. There is no popular support for war with Iran. People aren't brainwashed by Russian hackers, they're inevitably appearing to relatively "like" Putin only because you decided that "Putin is Hitler" would be a reasonable starting point and barraged us with domestic propaganda. He's not Hitler. He's not Stalin. Your agency should be disbanded.