Britbong here, as evident from a thread I started earlier today, there seems to be an awful lot of hatred and gatekeeping towards bongs, I don't know if it's just morons or if this represents Jow Forumss opinion towards brits, I really don't want to have to go through this crap everytime I start a thread or post anything so please, inform me on the reasoning for this.
Your country's all fags and niggers and your politicians hate you.
saw an image of a spoon that your police confiscated
You should feel embarrassed purely by the nature of being British
Also this
Kill yourself you disgusting fucking Albion.
what ? Everyone here gets bullied. We've all just realised that anglos are the most sensitive and fragile contingent on Jow Forums. Considering all the heavy mockery, bait, and banter directed at the amerifats, they handle it rather graciously when compared to anglos who only suffer a slight fraction of it and yet cry the loudest when faced with persiflage.
Oi, u got a loicence for this sadpost m8?
You can't even get quads you britbong why should you get freedom lmao
Don't you have sisters you can drink with at 18 and have incest with to forget your fish and chips dystopia? Go buy a vz58 and hunt muslims with it you pussy.
You’ll be treated as a person once you move to a free country and pick up a rifle stuiped fucking anglo
Stop encouraging island niggers to move to a better country.
Fuck the Brits and their gay leaf water
>vz 58
You're thinking of canada retard, bongs can't even own semi autos.
That was not civil, I see the war of 1812 left their children far more savage then the men of the time had hoped.
When replying to men try to realize that every man makes a choice each and every day, even by the hour to remain as civil as possible.
It is the duty of other men to inform their fellow countrymen of their better angles.
Now if you would be so kind, as to re-phrase your message to allow your better angles a voice.
Unless they have no voice, and you have chosen the path of the savage.
Oi cunt! 'Av a loicense fer dat trolly wolly?!
Bongs are welcome on Jow Forums
Oi bruv!!
U g0t a L0icense fer dat L0icense?!
Because you went from one of the greatest countries in existence, with an empire that spanned the globe, to your police confiscating cutlery because it's "dangerous".
لأنك انتقلت من واحدة من أعظم الدول الموجودة ، مع إمبراطورية امتدت في جميع أنحاء العالم ، إلى الشرطة التي تصادر أدوات المائدة لأنها "خطيرة".
What you have done to your country frightens and disgusts us. It is a mirror of what we will become if we nod meekly and lie down and let the progtards and their imported voters stomp their muddy boots all over us and the things we love. So we sling shit at you. Which is cruel and uncalled for, but nowhere near as bad as what you have done to yourselves.
I legitimately hate Britain and everything it stands for. You people disgust me: the spread of every evil of the 20th century is your fault. Communism, Zionism, Bolshevism, Capitalism, you name Perfidious Albion is behind it. The only thing you could do to make me stop hating you is to renounce the Queen and swear allegiance to the Republic.
this desu
There is no hate, only pain. The pain of your chains weigh on all men who value liberty and property.
Property means the right to defend it, or it is not property at all but a service, provided to you by your betters.
We know we're next. We have to laugh because there's nothing else we can do.
I came here for bargaining, but instead got a dose of the bad side of Jow Forums just shitposters, schizoposters, and furries, I unironically think this is worst than Jow Forums now.
Then fuck off and get truck of peace'd.
>what ? Everyone here gets bullied. We've all just realised that anglos are the most sensitive and fragile contingent on Jow Forums.
This. Brits are disturbingly enough, the only people on Jow Forums who have to make these damn grievance threads (OPs isn't the first one) every week about how they're being bullied on the board.
Not even Chinese posters are this asshurt.
I mean, you came to a weapon board to discuss a country that bans near all weapons. What the fuck did you expect?
Quality post
It saddens us to see what was once a great country go meekly into the pitiful state you find yourselves in
I literally told you what to do. Renounce the Queen and pledge allegiance to the United States. It's not personal, you swear allegiance to the Crown we expelled, making you my enemy and the enemy of all freedom loving Americans. Miss me with that special relationship bullshit.
Mad because we’re right
I haven’t seen any furry or scitzo posting
shut up cuck.
you let your county go to shit and allowed shitskins in. Don't be mad when you are mocked for it.
The only bargaining you should be doing is for the selling price of your house, so you can leave Britbongistan post haste.
How the fuck is Britain any different from France, USA, Italy, Germany and Canada in that regard?
I mean maybe I wouldn't be able to detect furries, but that is half of what Jow Forums consists of, and schizoposters? Plenty of them, you're also the furthest thing from right, that is what frustrates me deeply.
It isn't, it's even the most better off out of all of them, sadly that is their logic.
neck yourself you sensitive nigger
This desu
>"Americans can't take a joke hehe"
>Post about the hypocrisy of claiming the Falklands was just while bashing Americans for not letting Soviets overthrow our longterm neighbors
>Post a picture of the police violating their rights
Bongs aren't even human. Humans have rights.
It is a fully arrived police state. Criticize mudslimes or faggots or trannies and you get locked up. Yes, for real. Jesus. there was a woman who got interrogated by the cops for 7 fucking hours because she called a trannie a man online or something.
Lol get fucked cuck
Go sit on the dale and get dunked on by by your potato neighbors
you couldn't afford it otherwise
He says on a buttblasted bongboi sadpost about muh "discrimination"
I lived in your gay ass country for 4 months had to deal with your shit customs and retarded laws. You get mocked because you teasniffers think youre better than everyone else because so posh and proper but in reality everything around you is crumbling to dust, you're mocked on a board about weapons and guns because you're shit authoritarian overlords are taking away your "rights" which you never had in the first place. You mock burgers because they have Drumpf and are controlled by the jews but are forced to watch your mandated diversity show on the bbc while a mussie rapes your wife.
eh, I would support massive armament of the Anglos. Would love to air drop 10s of thousands of STENs and ammo across the British Isles. The elites in both our countries have betrayed us. Both our countries should deport all jews and muslims and seize their funds. But this is more of a discussion for Jow Forums than anything else. I don't really see how any discussion of arms concerning Brits doesn't become a political discussion considering how your country has disarmed the citizenry (unless you are talking /his/tory). Modern arms discussion for Brits seems to be an inherently a political discussion and Jow Forums jannies do not like political discussions.
Why did you post the fictional sign? They have real ones.
Apparently you're not a yank so name your country then. Want to see what shithole it is you hail from that is so completely without fault
fucking hell. please don't tell me this is real.
Nigga grow a pair
Hear hear
>Human rights
Horse shit. The only rights anybody has are secured by deadly force. An unarmed man can not protect his so-called rights and is therefore a slave. Bongs are slaves and cucks. The hatred bongs get is from those who know this is comming to the US soon... and will cuck like the little bitches they are.
It's very real, newfag
Welcome to Britain, now hav you had a bit too much to think gov'nah?
lol you're still crying you fucking faggot? goddam you brits are pussies
OP here, I no longer care because the thread is no longer getting shat up, shitposts asides, thanks for the uplift Ameribros, I truly don't care whether it was a shitpost or not because if it wasn't then you are literally retarded.
>goddam you brits are pussies
You people have to open carry everywhere you go to complete simple tasks because of how utterly paranoid you are and obsessive you are about protecting yourselves. You will counter this by saying "hurr durr well at least we won't get stabbed by a third world immigrant" but that literally doesn't happenl, every day, in my non metropolitan town I commute to college without running into any danger whatsoever, even in east London, perhaps tthe worst part of London, I've never ran into trouble. Fuck off Shill.
>OP here, I no longer care because the thread is no longer getting shat up, shitposts asides, thanks for the uplift Ameribros, I truly don't care whether it was a shitpost or not because if it wasn't then you are literally retarded.
Please, this isn't for self projecting.
>Please, this isn't for self projecting.
lmao imagine thinking that exercising your natural right to carry arms is being paranoid. This is why you can't even carry a simple tool like a box cutter.
Because you Brits can't even uncuck yourselves from a Muslim mayor doing part and parcel in a big city. How have you not learned anything from the past 300+ years???? Or do we as the US, need to invade bongistan?
No, they're happy in the horrifying nanny state in which they live. They should be left to rot in it.
Please stop adding to the horrible misrepresentation of your country, i.e being a fat, lazy, neckbeard but bragging about your countries power behind a screen as if it's invincible while having no real grasp on it.
Your country has no grasp on immigration and acid attacks
Immigration has been prevalent in western Europe, we have a much less worse case of it than say France or Germany, most of our immigrants have ties to our former colonies rather than being economically beneficial to the EU, and acid attacks are either gang related or occur in the poorest areas of London and major cities alike, just honestly pack it in, you know nothing about my country yet you all think your opinion is gold, you are literally a poster boy for American ignorance and it saddens me.
Most Americans are not worried about people carrying guns, which is why they can do it. Your country is so paranoid that they made it illegal to carry anything remotely pointy.
Haha imagine how an arab like me must feel
don't listen to this shit. gun owners all around the civilised world face more and more regulations. places like your country more than others, but it happens also here in switzerland or from what i hear in the us (fucking pistol braces, you can't be serious). we as gun enthusiasts shouldnt be all
>b.. but look, they are even more cucked than we are
we should help each other out and get other people into the sport.
Nice strawman, it's so cunning that I could see right through it and how you twisted my point around, I said that Americans typically open carry and what not because of how paranoid that are, I have no idea how you thought I meant Americans being worried about people carrying guns, they go to those lengths because of how paranoid they are amid completing simple tasks such as shopping which makes it hypocritical for a burger to call brits and euros alike pussies, because if we were to encounter someone shifty who was threatening us, 2/3 would just deck them on the spot, if they are wielding a machete? Obviously you run, but this is western Europe, not South Sudan.
This, I like Americans and most rational Americans like us, if it weren't for these uneducated morons pouncing on us, we would be getting along just fine.
lmao nice filename
>Still talks mad shit about USA
>Still can't see why cutlery requires a loicense to own
Keep bonging around soft cunt. It won't change anything about your "posh" country. Why won't you see pass the facade and uncuck, and say fuck the queen? You're no different from a fucking worker ant saying for muh queen the fucking lizard.
>I really don't want to have to go through this crap everytime I start a thread or post anything
So stop starting threads and posting.
Americans carry guns because they can. Not because they're paranoid. If they were paranoid they'd ban the practice like your country has.
>hoity-toity European pretends he’s relevant
Foreigner from an unspecified Western country living in L*ndon here, let me summarize my experience of living in England's capital city:
>my bus route to college takes me past London Central Mosque (no kidding)
>there are hijabs and full-face veils/niqabs everywhere
>there are 1984-esque public information posters plastered on every wall on the Underground
>the last time I saw a police officer carring a firearm was around two years ago
>halal kebab shops and convenience stores everywhere. I cannot emphasize the sheer density of muslim-owned commerce enough
>there are full-size advertisement posters plastered on the side of buses and at bus stops promoting LGBT tolerance, the Ramadan, as well as knife crime prevention, body positivism, etc,...
>the only gun shop I've ever seen in London was this super-exclusive Beretta store near Pall Mall, mostly catering to rich Arabs it seemed.
Oh and also, everything is expensive.
>if they are wielding a machete? Obviously you run, but this is western Europe, not South Sudan
I lived in England for two years
London sucks
>if they are wielding a machete? Obviously you run, but this is western Europe, not South Sudan.
o rly?
dumb frogposter
Satan has spoken.
Yeah but we can shoot that guy. That's the point here.
Nice shitpost.
Ignore it. There genuinely, unironically is a Russian shill problem on this site. They get paid to undermine the UK at all opportunities.
We still have the most professional and well trained military in the world.
That's always your point, thank you for proving mine in
It's not a shitpost though? I can prove with my student ID that I currently live in London, if that's what you want. England is the most cucked country in Europe, by far. And I've been in many.
Sorry but I'm not self hating or weak minded, listening to a bunch of morons on an anonymous board who know nothing about my country isn't going to demoralise me.
As if anyone needs to be paid to mock bongs
>We still have the most professional and well trained military in the world
I also live in London, and it's fine. I have a comfy flat, a good job, and live a nice upper-middle class lifestyle.
For you to be affected by all of the things you complained about basically means you're a useless poorfag with no reason to be in London at all.
> If they were paranoid they'd ban the practice like your country has.
You continue to miss the point entirely with this absolute low iq take, so I'll spell it out in clear, I ' M T A L K I N G A B O U T T H E C I V I L I A N S N O T T H E G O V E R N M E N T N U M B N U T S
>being able to defend yourself is being paranoid
Ok dude. Whatever. I see you failed to respond to because you know that restricting the rights of others is a symptom of paranoia.
It's true? We have a more skilled military, the US has the most advanced, it's that simple, you can pass it off as a delusion because of how ignorant you are, but it's no lie.
Unironically the worst thing about Jow Forums is the gun owners. When it's threads about warfare and military kit it's a great board. When it's just MUH GUNS shitposting it's awful. Imagine how much better the board would be if gun rights wasn't discussed any more.