Do people really buy $250 automatic knives or is just a meme?

Do people really buy $250 automatic knives or is just a meme?

Saw a few HK switchblades at the gun shop but couldn't ever picture spending up to $300 for one.

Attached: HK-Hadron-OTF-Tanto-Auto-FDE-Aluminum-Black-Serr-54003-BHQ-80685-jr-large.jpg (711x800, 72K)

Yes, mallninjas are chumps.

Yes. No ragrets.

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they're toys, and not even in the butterfly knife sense. at least butterfly knifes keep their rigidity when locked into place, an otf will break so easily if you do anything wrong with it. only braindripper mall ninjas or budk scum would pay madmoney for a knife with tiny working parts that breaks easily. not gonna lie though, just fingerfucking one is pretty fun.

Mostly a meme. Best choice for a carry knife is a balisong. They have a bad rep because of retarded hollywood theatrics but in reality the design is impeccable. The best blade to grip ratio of any concealable knife and they are very simple to deploy.

Knife prices in general are absurd. For actual usage I don't know why anyone would by a knife over $100.

I really like OTF's. So I picked up that chink lightning. Thing is pretty good actually. Works well, I've been carrying it. Literally beat it on the back with a hammer and it held up with no issue. Blade steel is a bit soft but locking works well.

ironic thing is the more expensive the knife the less good they are as weapons

you can't stab anyone with one of those HK oTF's it would break internally in a fight and fail to lock into place

and a shitty bench made pocket knife is a tool more than a weapon a boyscouts tool

but a fixed blade shitty $4 mtech

which is just a large, sharp hunk of stainless steel will easily kill someone if you stab them in the chest with it

>you can't stab anyone with one of those HK oTF's it would break internally in a fight and fail to lock into place
>and a shitty bench made pocket knife is a tool more than a weapon a boyscouts tool

Who the fuck told you these fairy tales?

yes, retards do.

go about 2" away grom a wall and deploy your OTF

report back

Honestly I don't get automatic knives in general.
If you want a weapon, carry a fixed blade, or better yet, a gun.
If you want a tool, carry a folding knife.

because it can't lock into position without fully extending, what's that have to do with the locking mechanism breaking from stabbing someone?

Yeah, and only few of them use them for real

>fancy letter openers
you do you user

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Yeah some faggot retard in my unit did that
At one time in the past, my unit found a way to justify getting benchmade infidel knives via the army, it was long before I arrived and even longer before this kid arrived, yet he went out and bought one like a fucking mongotard

>gives their anti-PC OTF an anti-PC islamophobic (fuck you kikrome i'm not capitalizing that) name
>grinds guns and donates to dems
lol wut

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I have a benchmade infidel. I got it for free from a coworker though. I'm fairly certain I would purchase one myself, maybe I'd go microtech though. I think they are useful for self defense but not as much for utility. I always carry a glock 26 and/or a 19 too though.

Attached: infidel.gif (400x400, 3.82M)

Rich autists.You have to throw them into a river if you actually use them, so it's a huge waste.
I carry a used cold steel counter tac I got from a guy for 20$.

This meme has to end. It is the greatest signifier of being being a functional retard.
Do people not understand how fucking stupid it is to wear "infidel" patches, shirts or anything with this label?
It's literally the Latin pejorative for Saracens(and other non-Christians) from Medieval times. Westerners labeling themselves as infidels is like American slave owners wearing shirts that have "nigger" labeled on them, of their own accord.

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>anti-PC islamophobic
it isn't, seeand unless is named mohamed, his friend is an absolute brainlet

Brb buying a shirt that says nigger

They call us
>illegible scribbling
which means, roughly
so edgy infidels use the term as a self identifier
It's meta, dumbfuck. This shit doesn't exist in a vacuum. It's like saying
>fag means bundle of sticks bro
>queer just means weird
>spook means to scare someone

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because rednecks love believing everyone hates them.

It's kafir btw, which ironically similar to kaffir, the African analogue for nigger.
But you knew all this already, because you're such a smart boy playing mind games with the enemy.

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>all those KBs for a 400x400 >1 sec jagged GIF
Yikers, get Xmedia recode and make a 100kb WebM of it.

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Yah i just got it off google real quick. I don't give a shit enough to take it further than that.