Jow Forums
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Weapons #415
Has Jow Forums ever met anyone in the Atomwaffen Division if so what were they like is it just faggot larpers inb4...
Be 22
Tfw CZ releases a new product
Ask a Civil War reenactor anything: Birthday Edition
Whats gun is she carrying ?
Mid atlantic meet thread recap
Canada General
Tl;dr: we civilize Slab City, CA. By force
More memes like these (ATF, etc)
Celebrating Jow Forums's dads
What do you do if you’re prohibited from owning a firearm?
Ammo storage ideas? I’ve seen pic related and can’t figure out if meme or not
Illinnoyed Jow Forums- Non Jow Forumsfag edition. Finally reset the Discord
What is your opinion on F-18, Jow Forums?
Buy Sell Trade General /bstg/
Which is the best martial arts?
Anybody have a good story about weird or troubling things theyve found while searching a house/compound...
Bismarck sank 78 years ago today
I don't get it
Canada General
Rhodesian memes?
Two Questions
Does Dearborn, Minnesota have a very good Police department?
About to place order for this pistol. Quickly give me the cons and pros of it
AR thread /arg/
Show me a more aesthetic shotgun. I'll wait
Bubba/Cursed guns
Russian landing ship burns down
Airsoft fags
Hey Jow Forums, my girlfriend wants to get her 14 year old niece something to protect herself...
Who would win in a war
IWI Masada 9mm Striker Fired Pistol
NATO minus the US
Spend some time to test a few things today
Jow Forumsommando friendfinder
Family thread
Does anybody else find beauty in the engineering and the reliability of engineering in guns?
Hey polk this me and my squad. What weapons should we use in the civil war? We thinking about getting some MG42 rifles
Did the massacre on Sandy Hook Elementary really happen?
Who else has a fudd dad?
Have any firearms in history ever sacrificed function over form?
Earlier today there was a tread about spc. Ketchum
What are they up to
Post unlikely 2A supporters!
Glocks are a poorfag gun
How do you kill or capture a sandworm?
AR thread /arg/
Hawaiian shirt for conceal carrying
Owning Land and making your own range general
Gun culture
Flex on Russia and China thread 3
CZ 75B vs CZ 97B
Jow Forumsutaway Drawings
WTF with this bolt
You've been dropped into Operation Desert Storm
Help Jow Forums
My local “Army/Navy Store”
Canada General
I want information on making firearms
WW1 was the most devastating and horrific conflict in human history
Can you be Jow Forums if you don't incorporate some Jow Forums into your training?
You get teleported back in time to WW1
Why did the germans use their outdated Bf 109's, Panzer III's and Panzer IV's through the entire world war 2?
Any info pics on organised crime?
Why hasn't the Pancor Jackhammer been revived?
Best of armslist
Worst Ironsights Thread
I am quite new to guns and wanted to buy a shotgun for selfdefense. Do you guys have any recommendations?
SHTF/ getting lost inawoods
How do you train them to be effective guerilla warriors?
Old Rifle
I guess we can kiss braces goodbye and certainly fun triggers as well
When will usa start proudcing mecha?
Handgun General - /hg/ - #297
Favorite milsurp guns?
So word is Russia just moved 250 tanks to a base near the Ukrainian border...
Recent acquisitions thread
What kind of pets does Jow Forums have?
Do you wear a shemagh?
Whose seen it? Your thoughts?
What do you Jow Forumsommandos think about a soft coup in slab city...
You can only post in this thread if you've been demoted
A E S T H E T I C thread
Has your rifle ever killed anyone /k?
Russia’s Armata tank will be hooked up to a drone which will fly above the tank to ensure a 360 degree view from a...
What's a good gun to attract southern belles?
/ca/ - California General: Hellworld Edition
How many of you Jow Forumsommandos have tinnitus? I do. All of close friends do. We should definitely have a poll
The fact that guns are made with serial numbers is a blow to liberty, change my mind
/arg/ AR thread
Can we count on him saving us if Dems win 2020 and implement Autistralian laws nationwide?
Memorial Day
Wtf, these were $500 last time they were imported
Why do a lot of the most major heists in American history not involve a lot of death in the heist?
I feel safer already
9mm AR pistol build
Texas Thread-Whataburger best burger Edition
How long can the Philippine military hold back if USA hypothetically invades us...
Girls und Panzer
They never gave this poor boy a chance
First M1A2C brigade to be ready soon
Please say something nice about the best CAS jet of the Vietnam war
Canada General
Its that time of year, can we have a Bismarck thread?
The AR10/ .308 Platform is Not Standardized
Is there a point to carrying a threaded barrel?
Hey Jow Forums, I'm looking to get a shotgun for home defence, any suggestions on what I should buy?
WOLF t-91 upper
Ar thread /arg/
I currently only have rifles and no handgun. im looking to pick up a handgun in the range of 400-500...
‘This is despite the fact that Russian military spending has fallen for the past two years.’
It finally happened. That SHTF scenario
Hypothetically if the USA was invaded...
Camera thief from FMJ
Name an edgier gun
How can the F-22 and F-35 even hope to compete with the SU-57?
Gay and trans people should be allowed to own gu-
How long until China take over America as the greatest Army?
Any nation that is currently at war with Japan right now...
Question why do you guys have such a fascination about guns...
UK self defence
Gunna get a dizzy upper
Ugly guns thread
Fuck korea
Would come to the range with us? :)
Moving back to Texas what Loadout?
What are some of the most James Bond pistols on the market?
Ar thread /arg/
Stainless steel slugs, armor piercing
Streaming Forged in Fire at
Found a PTR91 for $700. I have a full length metric FAL from DSA. It was my first rifle I bought though...
Sales and Deals Thread
Infographics thread
"largest standing military in the world"
Forces of the unknown have caused our world to merge/combine with a typical (or not-so-typical) fantasy world...
Canada General
F-35 Appreciation Thread
Should I?
Britbong here, serving for my country is an ultimate backup plan if all else fails, I would aspire to join infantry...
What are some prepper survival necessities? Practically speaking should I really get a gasmask or is it a LARP?
Hi Jow Forums
Your favorite Darknet weapons marketplaces
What is a general way to destroy a tank/armored vehicle as an infantry guy without using artillery or planes?
Is it possible to mobility kill Abrahms with just grenades? Like tossing one at the gunner
*Lights turn to red with sirens blazing*
These things were supposed to be extremely well armoured...
The AR-15 isn't DI because it uses an internal piston
Dragunov's for sale
How would Jow Forums redesign the AK-2012 to be functional
Shot Placement
How effective are rocks as a weapon ?
/ak/ Thread. Motorcycle Edition
How come Euromuslims and Americlap don't have a analogous system?
Why have stick grenades fallen out of use?
How is it that there are NO sightings/photos of these things flying anywhere? No real images, no video sightings...
Will individual Western Euro countries ever develop new world-class fighter jets on their own again...
Let's have an improvised weapon thread
Need a good gun
France in WWI
Best Knife
Ribbon question
Galactic Empire surplus
What gun is he using?
Post silver, preferably with guns
*tink tink* ahem
Family Photo - Cozy Safe Edition
PTR industries ladies & gents
Use of stereotyped Muslim attire in ROTC training perpetuates Islamophobia
Looking for optic suggestions
What is the best non-polymer 9mm?
Who are the most Jow Forums badasses?
Hey Jow Forums
How much did the Russian military decline during the low points of the 1990's? Not just the Chechen war...
Post retarded looking stuff
Worst Gun Restrictions Thread
JewTube just terminated Kocayines account, does anyone have an archive?
Is this a viable maneuver?
Is it true that the Canadian's have some sort of barrel technology or treatment that makes the barrels last radically...
Road rage
FNH is the greatest and most 2A friendly gun company
Only One
On a scale of 1-10
OPFOR shenanigans
LHA Trieste has been successfully launched yesterday
/NFA/ General - “solvent trap” edition hehe
Explain something, Jow Forums - why were Vietnam-era US pilots so awful compared to modern US pilots...
Everyone on Jow Forums is a FUCKING POOR
Family photo thread
Woman gets "lost" for two weeks in a park on an island
I actually kind of like it and thinking about getting one. Thoughts on the upcoming hi point ?
So I'm cleaning my boots and I am drying them put. This weird brownish liquid keeps getting on me when I touch them...
Jow Forums develops vehicles
Acid attacks
Canada general
Blocks your path
What is your dream Africa mercenary operating loadout?
New Grenade Launcher-Deployed Drones
When the fuck are we going to war with China?
Any Arizona shooters here? I recently moved to Gilbert...
Jow Forums humor thread
Bumpstock Killer!!!!
Comms/Cheap Chinese Radio General
What's your favorite Jow Forumsamo?
I find it odd how the same people who preach "mental health" after every school shooting are the same people opposed to...
Why have the boomers adopted this?
Why aren't we making more F22s
Post good camping guns
Well Jow Forums?
Compact assault rifles thread
UK lever release rifle ban
Have 1000 bucks. Thinking of getting one of these. There is a 9mm version and 40 version. Still sort of a newb
AR Thread - /arg/
This thread has two rules
Sources: Russian stealth UAV "Hunter" for the first time rose into the air
A platoon of pic is coming your way
One cheap and reliable weapon system pls
Tank porn thread
Strange beliefs/misunderstands about militaries
ITT: weapon tropes you hate in any medium
Why the fuck you're not in army yet?
Hello Jow Forums, let's play a game
Armour brothers
Can you use a frying pan as a makeshift body armor? Can the pan stop pistol calibers?
Its often commonly said that one of the benefits provided by the US Navy is that it ensures the safety of global...
Polymer80 thread
Defend against your GF/wife
I haven't shot any of my guns since i shot myself over two years ago
Palmetto State Armory? Big fan! They provide quality affordable milspec rifles for the everyman
Low cost quality builds
Bump stocks should be banned
Axes > Swords
/akg/ AK General
Im scared
Could you make these shots Jow Forums?
If you absolutely HAD to go cryptid hunting
Gas or Diesel
Why did everyone spergout about the bismarck? It was a big and modern ship sure, but it's just a single ship...
First ar:
Just went a got 500 round of this for cheap anyone know anything about this company?
Twin Mustang
Patch Thread
Shit on wehraboos thread
Really user?
"user why don't you go see one? Why are you so afraid of visiting one so much...
A platoon of pic is coming your way. How you defend yourself?
Man I sure do LOVE these CHADmerican weapons!
/gq/ gear queer
Canada general
SW Bodyguard
Frens, I'm about to be flooded out of my own house. Press F to pay respects and what's the best CLP for rust protection?
META THREAD: KEEP Jow Forums IN Jow Forums
Ww2 italy thread
Japan is a scary place
Closs kidnap sicko used slug loaded shotgun
Tell me about him, Jow Forums. Tell me about John Moses Browning
New super Anti Gun A.T.F director nominated
Memorial Day Sales
What do you think about the ar-180 upper brownells is selling...
Recent Acquisitions Thread
Handgun General - /hg/ - #296
Tom Givens is an old ex-cop who teaches CHL courses in Memphis, TN...
Everyone else's camo is so much more aesthetic than america's
Name a better 6th gen plane than the Tejas
What's your goto food for when SHTF?
How would you fight a meteor?
What's Jow Forums opinion on micro roni and stuff like that ?
Who has a good military?
The decline of the US Navy
Hi Jow Forums
Just bought this as my first semiautomatic
Claim: majority of guns used by Mexican cartels are from the US
Being American
Pol get out, part II
How to kill big wind?
*tap tap*
Found a couple of guns and some ammo
Scope drift
/arg/ AR thread
Arctic Warfare
Why do people hate the IDF?
Does anyone here have a pepperbox revolver??
Senior Russian Naval Officer says they only 5 deployable SSNs
Uh, should we be worried?
The ATF is watching and they can suck my dick
'Murica and Finland VS opposing force
Hurrr durrrr, my ayar weighs 7lbs!! I must do a pencildick build quick, its just too heavy!
Virgin hear protection vs CHAD Natural
Inaccurate, bad portrayal of weapons in movies
Canada General
Properly armed gentleman
Help me choose
Next Generation Squad Weapon
Knifefags are fucking cancer...
Yeah, I'm thinking IV8888 is back
Can a Hind helicopter shoot down two F-16s ?
How do you reload on tactical mittens?
Is this legit and is it a good deal? I don't own any guns yet...
Doesn't operate in rubber boots
Is Pencott the ideal woodland camo
Anti-Gun World Movement
What does Jow Forums think of the Philippine Navy's newest frigate?
Jow Forums humor thread
Flex on Russia and China Thread
Post Jow Forums musicians
K98 for 1.6k CAD worth it?
Polish p83
Why can’t my country Philippines eliminate terrorist groups? Military budget is 3.9 Billion USD...
What's the most advanced type of gun you could make that uses black powder?
How do I prevent my holster from rubbing off more of the coating? Is it worth trying at all?
Best Ear Protection?
Ar thread /arg/
Everyone who told me not to buy a C308 is a fucking faggot and this gun is awesome
My bitch tries to tell me not to buy an AR lower kit because it's my last 300$ and I'm in between jobs
What would a socialist confederate army look like?
3D-printed guns are back, and this time they are unstoppable
Quick! Some crazy women wants to molest the youngest girl in your family! what do!?!?
Any purpose in owning a bayonet?
Everyday Carry Thread
You have 6 seconds to post the best gun in the world
.375 H&H magnum vs basically everything else
Why did muskets immediately become ubiquitous in warfare even at the time when they were more unwieldy...
Lower receiver differences
Melee is unironically becoming the new IRL meta
Fell for the ruger is just as good meme
Any Machine gun owners here? if so, what do you have? and how much did you pay?
Is the Air Force the best branch?
/WP/ Warship porn thread
Patch Thread
What's going on with the NRA right now?
"Soviets made shit that is very reliable, but not high quality."
Canada General
What are your thoughts on automatic knives vs fixed blade and folders?
What's Jow Forums stance on those who rebel again t the Government?
Future of conventional military small arms
After the F-35, the Navy Will Make Its Next Fighter Without the Air Force
Was the American Civil War era peak Jow Forums?
ATF on the hunt for thousands of illegal machine gun conversion devices smuggled into US
How much (if anything) would somebody pay for what I assume is a mortar shell...
Nobody needs a weapon : )
Its clear that china has exceeded US military might, how can the US save itself?
Talk about the Italian military
This douche is a fucking idiot. Prove me wrong
Archite/k/ture General
Jow Forums goes to space
Post pics of fudd guns you’ve been lusting after
So Russia deploys a wide variety of ICBMs, most of which are presumably a counter to US nuclear forces...
Britbong here, as of recent Jow Forums has proven to be a really gatekeepy, unaccepting board, why is that...
This warlord appears before you
Why don't they make the coning tower an escape capsule?
What practical surplus items do you use in everyday life?
Can I still join the US military if I'm a tranny (post op and everything)
Tommy Chong - "Gun Owners aren't very Intelligent"
Is this possible?
So i just bought a K31
Thoughts on the Mossberg Shockwave for home defence
Law-retarded nogunz here. I'm planning on buying a gun soon, but I'm unsure if I need a license or any paperwork...
Ol' Ron
How hard is it to get a Concealed Handgun Licence in your state?
/arg/ - AR General
Best backpac/k/ for innawoods thread ?
5G a Modern Weapon
/wfg/ Writefag General: Wild Ian spotted edition
Which is the best dagger suited for straight grip?
Homemade weapons
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Tikka T3X vs Ruger American in 308
Is the Bersa Thunder in .380 a good conceal carry weapon? I kind of just want to LARP as James Bond
.22LR is a glorified BB
Is this a viable manuever?
What does Jow Forums think of Lindybeige. Personally I'm a pretty big fan but I'm curious to see what others think
Ok lads I'm looking for a 9mm carbine
How many bad guys can the average Navy Seal eliminate per minute? How many kills per second?
Where is the combat happening?
Aviation Factfiles
How is it
Yildiz SPZ71 for 700 dollars. Is this a good starter shotgun Y/N?
Gun store sold me a mag over legal capacity in my state, what do I do?
What is Jow Forums's consensus on +p ammo?
Kalashnikov's 7.62x54R Tigr for 1200$ y/n?
I’m about to join the marines and I wanna see some war stories good or bad funny or gruesome your own or someone...
Why does Jow Forums dislike Glocks?
US vs China
Wars where the good guys lost
Is it even worth buying an SKS in 2019? can't a $300 AR or AK platform do everything way better and cheaper?
How combat-effective is the average American militia compared to say, the National Guard or a MENA militia?
Why did he take down his remove kebab patch? Is he secretly a lib or something?
What went wrong?
Bird vs F-35
Double bladed swords for self-defense?
Would you play war thunder if they actually gave a shit about accuracy and realism...
Is it safer in a tank vs infantry?
Soviets actually got Bazookas?!
Jow Forums's favorite camo
Spetsnaz suck
What surplus coat would you recommend for freezing conditions, Like The Day After Tomorrow, or more realisticly Alaska
How do you go from this
Canada general
Can you truly be Jow Forums if you don't include physical fitness as part of your being?
He will be arming the right wing in the upcoming civil war
What guns does your local police force carry?
Biggest IS West Africa province video just released
Captured equipment
Bear Stopper
/MSG/ Military Surplus General
/msg/ Military Surplus General
Would you buy a levergun that ran 5.56?
Do you have the skill to make the shot?
Denied FFL Transfer
It’s the nightmare where a revolver won’t functionally index/cock in the dark while niggers are breaking in
Electroless nickel plating cz75 at home
Big Irons
Greetings from the best state in the union
Post intimidating outfits for psychological warfare
Anyone have cool jackets they know of/own? I would like a new jacket...
Jow Forums meet up thread?
Jow Forums knows famous people?
Assault Rifle is a thing
Use of Multicam
>he doesnt own a shotgun
Dumb gun trends
Most A E S T H E T I C 5.56 rifle
They took this from you thread
>SHTF is just a mem-
Charter arms just released a sightless revolver called the Boomer
ITT, post things that never should have been made
/arg/ AR Thread
I'm planning on going to the Royal Marines in 2 years time. What kind of training should I do?
Caseless ammo
Why doesn't the military kick out fatties?
Have you ever gotten drunk and told somebody your war stories?
Browning Hi-Power Exotic Weapons System PDF
Best Jow Forums gaym about ww2 imho
You do have a german Mauser user, dont you?
Best tanks of ww2
Oi *wheeze* Mate *gasp* You Got A *pant*
Having just seen this, I was wondering what everyone here thinks of Tactical Traps. Does one belong in your bedroom?
Cold War Surplus thread?
Naval Rust
Is what gramps doing over here legal? Not sure how to timestamp, so it's at about 1:30. Isn't he making an SBR...
Russia shit thread two
Jow Forums flex
Are you a member of any local firearm organizations?
Restoring old guns
What does Jow Forums think of water canons being used against rioters? Too much force? Not enough? Just right?
What’s better; longsword or katana?
Don’t talk to me or my son ever again
Milfags and welfare queens, what was the highest ranking officer you ever met? What were they like? Any anecdotes?
Which one of you meme faggots made this?
Can lanklets be capable warriors? Other than range-traps, what combat roles best suit them?
What's your job, Jow Forums? anyone with a Jow Forums-related trade or militarycuck here?
Get brand new SCAR 17s
Highly trained, augmented, acrobatic-sniper-mech-pilot
So what kind of caliber should you use for a werewolf? I know you need silver bullets but would a...
Did I fuck up? Should I have just gotten the Aimpoint Pro instead?
What’s the comfiest gun and why is it the SKS
How come 'Nam produced so much damn memorable music?
Against flesh, bone...
Why do people buy more guns instead of upgrading existing ones to their maximum potential?
What's Jow Forums consensus on these?
Taurus G2C
Canada General
I just got approval from my government to buy a pistol. My country only allows one. What do you recommend...
Soldiers of the Royal Thai King’s Guard were spotted carrying golden Israeli Tavor assault rifles during the...
A while ago I shot a raccoon that broke into my house and got in my cat food...
400 clams and every review says it's reliable... talk me out of buying this for home defense please
Tfw live in New Zealand
/ak/ Thread. United Nations Edition
That guy who goes to the range a few times a month just to shoot his AR nonchalantly...
Could a small private military like Academi (blackwater if you don't know) invade a small country like Chad for example...
Tools in this meme
Looking at this infographic, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the full air to air loadout...
Should veterans be euthanized after their service ends in order to protect the public?
Are fortifications and castles Jow Forums?
He doesn’t want to serve in a fictitious military
Mods are asleep, post Marty’s
My friend and I just moved into an apartment in the north Bronx which we’ll live in for our junior year of college...
What would be a better material for a sword?
In the UNLIKELY scenario that the gubberment were to attempting to go door to door confiscating
Story time - Yakuza vs the US Armed Forces
/arg/ AR Thread
ITT:Post Tribesmen aesthetics
Ok Jow Forums, let's settle this once and for all
Anons near Pelzer - South Carolina, second call to action
Handgun General - /hg/ - #295
This piece of shit was used along with a KNOIFE to kill an MP
Quad rail carbine-length fsb is peak AR aesthetic
Why didn't they just equip each rifleman with a grenade launcher...
Hey Jow Forums what's your apocalypse plan?
Have you taken the Star BM pill yet anons?
Recent acquisition thread
Post rare and obscure shit from ww2
Why did Tapco stocks for the SKS get so popular? Seriously...
Home defense general
How do I tell my parents I’m joining the military? I chose combat medic as my MOS...
Ar thread
About to order 4 more lowers help me Jow Forums
Without daddy America covering their asses how long would Taiwan last against the PRC?
What am I in for bros?
UK to give its carrier to the US Marines
Is it a meme, Jow Forums...
Poland to buy F-35s
Talk about the isreali military
/akg/ AK General
What if we removed the rifling on a rifle?
Hey Jow Forums how much do you think this is worth?
Do you think Germany could've won WWII if they won all the battles?
Just got my pro mag 65 rounder, and
Real or reproduction?
What is it best for?
Are Hull techs the unsung heroes of the Navy?
Patch Thread
What's a good punch dagger or concealable self defense blade, Jow Forums?
I've only seen it happen twice
Aesthetics Thread?
AR thread /arg/
SIG P320
How cringe would it be if I painted/stained/embedded/burned a pattern on the buttstock of my hunting rifle...
Canada General
What is the most dangerous thing you can put in a shotgun shell?
Greetings Jow Forums
The majority of posters on this board are eurofags and dont own any guns
Hunting carp
Jow Forums choses the weapon
Humor thread
Forget something this morning, Jow Forums?
Anyone Shot Full Auto?
What's the legal argument in defense of publicly owned spaces being designated as no gun zones...
A M113 for the cost of a small car
Weapon Mounted Lights Discussion
Just found this gun in grandpa's house and need to know WTF it is and what its worth?
Would you choose to be a velite, hastati, principe or triarii?
In what way are Daniel Defense parts meaningfully higher quality than Aero Precision?
PDW thread
Gunpowder Weapons Thread
How could the military be fixed?
Remove squirrel
What trap shooting guns are least likely to attract police attention...
Us special forces or russian?
/meg/ - Military Enlistment General
Magpull compact guns
"Muskets are 20 times more effective than modern assault rifles"
Sweden is in talks with the UK for the Tempest fighter
Armslist thread?
Optics for a 45-70 levergat?
Nearest object to your right is now the base for your makeshift weapon
Family Photo Thread
Let's say stupid Americans try to defy their government because of simple reasons such as erasing the 2nd Amendment
Imo ALL pistols are overpriced...
Battle Buddy Thread
How does a nation get the highest quality soldiers possible...
Arming filthy noguns faggot:
Anyone listen to music while shooting? I use these beatsx earbuds and play music while I shoot at an indoor range...
Is there any benefit to legally build your own solvent trap suppressor with a form 1 over just going and doing the...
Would the military be improved if officers were chosen from rich aristocrats trained from birth to lead?
How good is the world's fourth most powerful military?
Soft Armor
/pcc/ - Pistol Caliber Carbine general
/wg/ here lets get some good ol wallpapers
Is it important to learn how to throw a punch?
Does anyone have that picture of the bomber jet with the bay filled with 100 American 180s pointed at the ground?
The grooved slots on my AK bolt have very small imperfections/cracks on the surface
How would you rate their loadout for assaulting Area 51?
Plastic fantastics
Police trade-in full-size M&P .45 w/ 3 mags for $260
Canada general
When if ever is a good time to dualwield handguns?
I’m in charge of a university shooting group and one of my members said the C word to another shooter...
What kind of depraved shenanigans have yall been up to ?
How is discipline in subs with nuclear warheads?
Does thicker bow string mean slower arrow?
/arg/ AR General
New to CCW- how much printing is obvious?
Stories thread?
Greyman/Urban camo
What would naval war look like with China?
Help me choose Jow Forums
Re-loading thread!!!
Any advice on what i should buy and do if war with iran is a go ahead?
There was another USMC harrier crash today
Which is better
Could a modern MBT survive driving through f5 tornadic winds?
Why does Jow Forums seem to hate competition shooting so much?
I have an MSA Paraclete plate carrier. It's tan and has the Velcro front flap (not zipper). Will pic-related be alright...
Why was this scraped again?
Meanwhile, on 1900 Jow Forums
Wehraboos, what the fuck is this? Also, anyone know what that specific insignia is for? I have literally no idea
Loadout Thread
Axe, Sword, or Spear which is the greatest weapon?
Anyone with advice for becoming a police officer...
How do I shake this guys hand?
ITT: Guns that are better than glocks
Optic”s for carbine 5.56
Wake up
ALICE chest rig
ITT: guns that make you go hmmmm
/arg/ AR thread
Jack Of All Trades; Master Of None
Help me get over my fears of carrying for self-defense
Future of warfare
Canada General
Aftermath of a massacre as Pakistani soldiers under a UN mandate opened fire on demonstrators who were protesting the...
Military fags
ITT : Weapons being used way past their intended shelf life
How good are pickup trucks in war?
1911 Desert Scorpion
John Wick
How are AR pistols?
A few years ago a Frenchman wrote what the Americans were like from his experience in Afghanistan
>this kills the Jow Forumsommando
If Canada decides to invade Philippines, how long would it take for them to take complete control of Manila?
ITT: Fictional weapons we'd want to be real
What's the plane 2nd from the bottom? Looks too small to be a MiG
His own seal buddies say they fucked with his sites so he wouldnt kill civilians
CC for short skinny trap?
Who sells the best swords on the internet?
My girlfriends birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise her with a gun for her birthday so we could both get our...
Characterized by social awkwardness and all-consuming interest in specific topics
Can women be operators?
Operator food thread?
Okay Jow Forumsunts. I hate everything about this life and this society and as much I'd like to sob about this...
Tinnitus support group general
I'm a noob and plan on buying my first gun soon. Talk me into buying a revolver
Does anyone know how gun ownership works in Poland?
Vigilance elite
Great bombers of ww2
Anyone else get on edge, or paranoid whenever watching a movie at the theaters...
Russia shit thread
Dude just go to war with them
So when are we going to use SportsMan Warehouse as Dimensional Pocket to travel around the county in seconds?
What’s with all the hate?
The first gun you ever bought is now the only gun you will ever own for the rest of your life due to the Jow Forumsube...
What's Jow Forums stance on war crimes and war criminals? Reprehensible and deserving of death? Commanders/Soldiers...
Corporate Rivalries
Fishing vests will get ya killed in the streetz
Be me
Pardon me sir, but I'd just like to see your permit for the sawed off shotgun you're keeping in your car
The fuck is this?
/akg/ AK General
You're pinned down by enemy fire, you're low on ammo, and practically immobile. If you were to make a last stand...
Favorite Gun Oil for Different Tasks
Trump: We have a military industrial complex and they like war
How many of you Jow Forumsommandos have a C&R
Full auto vs semi auto for home defense?
Pain-inducing venom as a non lethal weapon?
How long could South Korea hold up against North Korea in a war?
Pretty simple shit. Favorite gun thread
You've been dropped into Custer's Last Stand with the last image/gif/webm of a gun you saved
Choice of modern gear and armament in the Fallout universe
What is the most boomer gun on Earth?
ITT: Jow Forumsnights make bayeux tapestry scenes
Smg thread
Canada General
Hello user, I hope your weekend has been as pleasant as mine
.22LR out of a rifle is boring as fuck unless hunting
Steel Cased Ammo for Handguns?
Sub-MoA Precision Rifles for $1K
Can we have a thread for wildcat and general weird cartridges?
ARG AR General LMT Thread
Thoughts on the Rugged Suppressors Obsidian 9?
Thoughts on girls who like guns?
How many of you went to anime central? i know some of you went, don't lie
Muh Glock Perfection
Jow Forumsolorado General
Edc carry thread my dudes. Empty those pockets, and r8/b8/h8
Armslist thread :A giant fucking moron or the atf edition
How can I adapt my 5 pronged, 1969, Soviet TSH-4 tankers helmet plug to fit a normal headphone jack?
New milsurp in coming
M1 grand
Does anyone know when additional matebas are gettting into the states?
A wild Lena Dunham starts approaching you
Are magwell grips Jow Forums approved?
AMA thread
Gun rights and international pressure
/prg/ - precision rifle general
Any annon living near Pelzer - South Carolina?
Rate my gun design
Post aesthetically pleasing weapon images
Anyone own one of these bad boys?
Is it true that wadcutter bullets loaded backwards (with the hollow end facing the front) are more effective than...
This is the high tower armory bullpup hi-point carbine
Saiga vs vepr
Why would anyone choose weak american guns made from recycled plastic over superior wood'n'steel guns?
SHTF comms?
Attack Doggos
US airstrike accidentally killed as many as 17 policemen fighting Taliban
Being fit is essential for military/shtf so that leads down to the question
Hunting 'yotes
What's a Jow Forums use for these
Sup Jow Forums, Satanic Karl ™ and Ouiboo Ian ™ here with a meme pistol...
"In Service" is a bit of a stretch
Yesterday I was here asking about advice for my first time shooting a gun...
Hey Jow Forums, been browsing here for a while, ex IDF combat soldier and senior combat medic
Canada general
Jow Forums Draw Thread
Reminder that pic related is actually top tier chinese tech
What would be the most effective modern personal weapon against vampires?
If an American citizen receives the equivalent of a felony in a foreign country and serves prison time...
This is the future of target shooting
Babby’s first shotgun
NC Hog Hunting Thread
Why do brits like this trash plane?
Hey Jow Forums...
Hypothetically speaking could the royal navy have made a difference in the pacific against the IJN had they moved a...
Stabs your native species
/ak/ thread: fluff edition
I think I might have permanently damaged my hearing by shooting 7.62x39 without any hearing protection...
Looking to buy my first rifle soon. I have a bolt action in .223/5...
Be me
Literal perfection
Are police better shots than the average criminal?
What would a Socialist American military be like?
The Swiss are going to fuck themselves, not bringing gun control to a vote is Paramount
You are approaching an armed opponent from behind with a knife. He is bigger and stronger than you
Best edc knife under $100?
Jow Forums needs help creating an Armor force for The Boogaloo
West Point is about to graduate its largest class of black women
Need Gun Recommendations
AR thread /arg/
The .45 Colt is the greatest revolver cartridge ever made
Guestions i need answered about the THIS SPECIFIC SOVIET GAS MASK
Law enforcement of Jow Forums, I present you a situation...
Deadliest Warrior
You are a SA farmer
What the hell is this?
EMT thread
Handgun General - /hg/ - #294
Homemade bioweapon
USAF copied Russian paint scheme
I wanna buy an M1A was always a big fan of the M14...
Bull pup general? Just picked this up the other day and I’m going to take it to the range for the first time tomorrow
Military Surplus General - /msg/
It seems like a meme, but damn I want a 7" shotgun
The AK2012 from "Metro: 2033" What exactly is the Grip on it from? Like what firearm...
Purge Thread
This makes the Jow Forums fags erect
Just like clockwork work, teacher stops a school shooting and now he wants your guns
Where were you when it hit you that you were born in the wrong generation for peak Aesthetic
AR thread /arg/
USS-stark vs a commercial jet
Guess the gun thread
Last threads
Sum up your country in one image
Why is open racism towards wmaf so accepted?
France has fallen
Brit/pol/ - Joris Bohnson edition
Why yes, my husband is Swede. What gave it away?
Battle of the Century
Ivanka wore this to the UN today
Poland need to pay us (me) reparations for their deathcamps
Is Jow Forums actually too stupid to understand the greenhouse effect?
Franco being removed from El Valle de los Caídos
How does it feel being on a sinking ship