Does Jow Forums like rocket artillery?

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Other urls found in this thread:ürfkorper_42_Spreng

hell yeah, rockets go BANG

that's cool af

yes, but M270 is shit.

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>*scary silence*
That's rockets

They all tremble in the face of the rocket system of Allah himself, the mighty rocket artillery arsenal of the Hizb'Allah.
Soon, they will drive the jew back into the sea. The days of Israel are counted.

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there's no silence. when i was over we were shot with rocket artillery exactly once, all the other times it was mortars. those things are loud af, especially when they fly over your head.
they were even less effective than the mortars though. they were shooting over a hill, no idea how far they were, and thanks to the angle, they all exploded like 50 or 100 meters behind our position. and after a few shots, a jet came and put an end to that misery.

Quick question: how hasn't hamas acquired a missle that isn't total dogshit and easily intercepted by Iron Dome?

Mossad infiltration.

Were you deployed in Afghanistan? Was this improvised Hezbollah style rocket artillery or some Slav/Chink shit?

that way they expose themselves, and israel can fly penalty missions as retaliation and immensely weaken them. while not really putting their own people in danger. that's my theory. mossad is one of the most effective (and rogue) intelligence services out there, and they had decades of time to infiltrate the pallys. i wouldn't be surprised if all positions of leadership of hamas were in some way controlled by mossad.

they can't stop young arabs from revolting and hating jews, that's for sure, but they can find ways to control the ways that the arabs have to canalize their hate. and they probably did.

it was in syria, i've been with ypg in 2015. halfway between tel abyad and raqqa, iirc it was like 80km before raqqa. and i've never seen the rockets or the people who fired them, but my guess would be some improvised qassam tier shit

What did you eat over there?

a lot of bread and sardines

>yes, but M270 is shit.
Posts TOS-1 and BM-21. Tone down your delusions vatnik. Only major fuckup with M270 so far has been cancellation of XM135 nerve gas rockets.

Sounds like the typical MRE from the Middle East. That's basically 50% of the protein in my bug out/hurricane stockpile along with spam, tuna, and canned chicken.

What country are you originally from? Are you a Kurd?

yeah, we had some spam from time to time, too. heavily depended on where we were and what we were doing. when we were near to a town, we even had fried chicken once, and great shawarma one other time. but most of the time it was arabic bread and sardines.

germany, with one turkish parent

Yeah, my SPAM is mostly pork or the SPAM Lite which is a blend of pork and chicken, but I know there are halal options that are chicken or chicken and beef.

>germany, with one turkish parent
Interesting, the Kurds didn't have a problem with your Turkish heritage? Did the German law enforcement/intelligence services give you any shit when you went back to Germany after fighting in Syria? Also, I assume the airstrike on the rocket artillery was American? Did you have American SF embedded with your unit for the purpose of coordinating air support? If so, what was it like working with those guys?

No, their leader Abdullah Öcalan was half turkish himself. And most of them were from Turkey anyways. And there many "real" ethnic Turks, too. It's pretty diverse over there in the YPG. And no, nobody gave a fuck. I expected otherwise, but nothing really happened. They did look into it though, after my mother learned where i went she called a number for parents whos' kids went to join isis, some guys from the german central intellgence visited her then for a talk. but i never had any problems.
not sure which military carried out the airstrikes, most probably american/french. and no, i've never seen special forces or something fighting. i did "meet", or better see, french special forces in a FOB. white guys carrying pistols, which are very rare over there, who carried tacticool pimped AKs and did some business with kurdish commanders, involving tablets. i'm 100% they were coordinating airstrikes. they weren't too interested in talking, so we left them alone, but they spoke french, and when i first asked one of them where they were from, he said belgium. so i assume they were French SF.


That's fascinating man, thanks for answering my wall of questions. I had Arabic classes with a kurd qt3.14 that once mentioned that her father was a Colonel in the Peshmerga after being questioned by a guy that was in ROTC at my school and is probably over there now dropping bombs (he was like a Captain America GigaChad, cool guy though). It was an interesting Arabic class to say the least. Wherever they are, I hope P and W are doing OK. They were really nice people.

Fuck, rocket artillery is right up there with helicopter gunships on the list of shit I never want pointed at me.

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>Has shorter maximum engagement range .
>Same HE yield


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who gave the truck the unlimited ammo cheat!?

>what is love baby dont hurt me

>have to explain to wife
>get that look

Can you imagine those WW2 artillery offenses when he soviets used hundreds of these at once. That would have been pants shittingly terrifiying

Had to go to war, to realize how fucking loud war is. Gave me a very small glimpse of what those men back then had to go through.

Archival footage of my face breaking out when I hit puberty.

why do they fire one at a time rather than all at once? What's the point of a pepperbox if it fires sequentially one small bullet at a time rather than just letting rip with all the shot at once?

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Kim's is bigger

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Aerodynamics and accuracy.

the nuclear rockets would've been badass

pretty sure sending them all into air at once would fuck a lot of shit up, accuracy, lots of backblast at once, and they'd probably touch each other in air, which would pretty much fuck up everything

>sound makes me rock hard

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man, i loved those things in sudden strike 1+2 and blitzkrieg when i was little. used to stack them up and let hell loose.

PHL-03: Bombarding Taiwan from across the strait, one salvo at a time.

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Wouldn't it be more effective if it exploded a dozen meters or so above the ground? It looks like it's strike the ground then exploding, which would spread the shrapnel and concussion laterally, which can be avoided by foxholes.

modern mortar system do that, i suppose rockets, too.

>Wouldn't it be more effective if it exploded a dozen meters or so above the ground? It looks like it's strike the ground then exploding, which would spread the shrapnel and concussion laterally, which can be avoided by foxholes.
It does. those are thermobaric warheads. it's just that it's damn far and on a mountain that it doesn't appear like it explodes above.

termobaric munitions are the most horrifying thing ever. that shit sucks your internal organs out of you and even if you manage to "survive", internal damage means that you cannot be saved and will die slowly in agony.

Thermobaric is a bit different in that the aim is to suck air out of bunkers. So a nice precipitant FAE cloud seated right along the ground if possible, meaning center of the cloud is a couple meters up. No intentional fragmentation.

motherfucker beat me to it

Loved this thing ever since playing World In Conflict. It's just neat.

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I was in Afghanistan and they used individual chinese rockets propped up on rocks etc, they took pot shots at us no sustained barrages

the armoured guys on overwatch took out two guys that launched one with the main gun of a Leo2, good 120mm times kek

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Thermobaric is just explosive gas, isnt it?

Looks like it could fit fairly inconspicuously at a playground.

I mean, sorta? Thermobaric weapons, specifically fuel-air weapons, operate by dispersing an explosive gas with a small bursting charge, then detonating the cloud after a precalculated length of time (by which the fuel-air mixture should be at its ideal ratio). The result is an incredibly powerful blast, at the expense if being heavily dependent on environmental conditions.

probably as intended

These frame things are probably the ideal economic artillery solution. See the discarded frames in front of the launchers in this pic?

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"dug in" to shell holes

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One thermobaric gas is ethylene oxide. In addition to being explosive at any concentration above 3%, it will also kill anything with a metabolism by contact or inhalation.

When I was a hazmat tech, there were only 2 things that gave me the creeping shudders. Ethylene oxide had first place on the list.

what was the second one?

Goddamn fuel-air bombs are Jow Forumsino

not him, but chlorine trifluoride is hella scary.

How did that pill shape work as a rocket? Doesn't look like there were any stabilizer fins fitted to those.

Hydrofluoric acid. would probably be another, but I’d never had to deal with it. There’s something else, pyrophoric white powder that burns vigorously with a deep orange flame, that I’m mildly paranoid about. We never did figure out what it was.

Wikipedia quite comprehensive onürfkorper_42_Spreng

If you let them all off at once you'd be running a serious risk of having them collide against each-other on the way out and detonate right next to your launcher.

its impossible for 300mm rocket to cross taiwan strait btw

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Is the guitar part of the operating procedure?

Why aren't navies making more naval MLRS for shore bombardment?

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Standard issue.

Some user posted a youtube link to German use of man-portable Nebelwerfern in a thread a few months ago. I always underestimated the impact they might have because I misunderstood doctrine of use. Everyone carried a manpack onto site and wired them into a battery. One dude remained on site during a tactical retreat to devastate an advancing enemy armor column. It was fucking kino. I tried to find it again but failed.

my father did conscription with the rocket artillery during the cold war

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Love launching 2 or 3 of them at interctions filled with inf in Wargame

not all of them. some are regular HE loaded up with aluminum


Type 63, i loved it when i was a child and saw it on tv, on a jeep, somewhere in middle east

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Mother of all mrls. Its real, itsnt photoshopped

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When it’s raining down on me? No.

tube > rocket

But why

Even better it is made by or more likely made for Arabs.

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Some Arab thought it is a bright idea to put entire battery into a single vehicle. Look at the advantages, slower rate of fire, slower relocation after firing, slower reloading...

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Green zone in Baghdad was attacked by (supposedly) Katyusha rockets not even an hour ago.

Britbong here, it's certainly kino, only my field is primarily firearms knowledge, I wish to expand but it feels a little overwhelming.

The disdvantages outweight the advantages but I can see a certain logic in increasing economies of scale. Less drivers, easier FCS.

>slower rate of fire, slower reloading
I don't see the logic behind thinking this.

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>I don't see the logic behind thinking this.
Wake turbulence from rockets may limit accuracy and rate of fire. It may become issue even just two of those launchers are firing rockets at same time. They are far closer to other launchers than those would be with on individual vehicles. Main advantage with rocket artillery is rate of fire and lots of ordnance hitting the target at same time, even when accuracy is worse than with conventional artillery. To reload that as fast as regular rocket launcher battery, it is going to get crowded around that truck.

Most importantly, it is entire battery on single vehicle. Once enemy counter battery fire finds it, it is all gone with one hit or couple near misses. It is less survivable than same rocket launchers on four lighter trucks and also less mobile.

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You missed the biggest problem, its a 5-axle trailer about 20 meters long, good luck driving off a road