You are approaching an armed opponent from behind with a knife. He is bigger and stronger than you

You are approaching an armed opponent from behind with a knife. He is bigger and stronger than you.
How do you take him out?

Attached: csgo knife.jpg (1280x720, 241K)

Other urls found in this thread:


switch to AWP and shoot him in he back

>unsheathes katana
but if you mean unarmed, I would poke his eyes with one hand and shove my other hand down his throat, successfully distracting and surprising him enough to the point where I could grab the knife, and stab him

>He is bigger and stronger than you.
I'm 6'6. Honestly, fuck this I'm out.

I would sigh theatrically, and apologize to my sensei that I must go all out, just this once.

Attached: stab-him-in-the-neck1.png (500x455, 125K)

Knife in the kidneys or shove it into the approximate area of the rectum.

drop the knife or keep it as a tool, make a club out of anything

Attached: bRBVp.jpg (990x659, 176K)

>How do you take him out?

I've got something else to stab him with.

Attached: BelgianTakedown-fake.gif (450x769, 21K)

throw knife

>for the millionth time
Alright you /lgbt/ shills have overstayed your welcome, and are just making sure I potshot at least a few obvious fags in the SHTF/Riots.

Attached: UnfitSlimIndianpangolin_1.webm (640x800, 2.96M)

tactical rape

>Alright you /lgbt/ shills have overstayed your welcome, and are just making sure I potshot at least a few obvious fags in the SHTF/Riots.

I'm not even gay, but since you're so insecure, I can only imagine you're in the closet.
Here, have a piggy back ride instead. You'll feel better.

Attached: BelgianPiggyBack.jpg (450x502, 51K)

It's ok, I suck dicks just cause I like the taste, I don't actually like dudes.

Attached: BelgianTakedown.gif (450x502, 61K)

I'm not even insecure, but since you're so sure I'm insecure then you must be insecure.

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What the fuck is that sentry even doing, checking his myspace?

Thank you for the kek, hungry skeleton/ubermensch

>you must want to fuck spiders

Attached: 1546084943502.png (1500x2001, 2.18M)

while the rectum actually does guarantee death, it's a slow death. armed assailant is still a threat.

he very well could be.

>Knife in the kidneys
is this really all that lethal? I see in vidya and movies/tv shows people get stabbed in the kidneys all the time and die within seconds, but somehow I don't think it's all that accurate to real life

Ironic coming from such a massive fag like you.

Kidneys have lots of blood flow, probably not dead in seconds like a sliced neck, but it’s definately a matter of minutes without proper medical attention.

It's pretty damned lethal not that quick or quiet. What disables them is a combination of shock and severe blood loss. Directly from behind it's one of the most vulnerable areas. If you stab someone there it's a guaranteed stun, which is what you use to deliver another strike. It's the same principle in any martial art. It is extremely painful getting punched in the kidney and you will stop breathing and reacting for a few seconds.

two different ways
>stick knife in kidney
>at the same time, loop other arm around neck
>step on the back of his leg, right below the knee
>fall backwards and twist body to bring him down
>stab in kidney again
>end result: kidney tramua and shock, shattered or twisted knee, fall trauma

>stick knife in side of neck
>grab hair if he has any
>if not, arm across face
>punch knife straight out

Attached: Warrior Season 1 Episode 2.webm (1920x1080, 534K)

Wow! Do you practice that on your pillow after school?

stab him

there are literally pictures from the book that lists this in the thread.

OP again
In other words, how do you kill him so that he doesn't spin around and kill you right away?

Also stabbing him in the back is risky, because the knife might glance off his ribcage or shoulderblades. Same problem with stabbing his head.

Attached: battle-combat-knife-trench-kukri.jpg (800x600, 188K)

This. You're not supposed to stop stabbing after the first one but hopefully the first one makes the follow-ups a lot easier.

based exarchia bois,
go for the neck or the lungs

Attached: 1523406378084.jpg (512x508, 52K)

Secure the chin, pull the neck back and to one side. Insert knife into that nice soft spot behind the collar bone next to the neck. Stir the knife around like you're making soup. Dead in minutes.


Simple. Half-nelson hold, slice from one corner of the jaw to the other.

Attached: dundunYOOOOOOOOO.jpg (1280x720, 76K)

right click

no i don't practice anything at all. one of my dad's friends is a unarmed combat instructor and he was telling me about stuff like this a few years ago. he said the best way to deal with someone bigger and stronger than you was to shoot him and if you couldn't shoot him have your buddies shoot him and if you didn't have a gun or buddies you were a fucking idiot.

stab the base of the skull, where the spine connects, the "off switch" of the human body

Stab in kidney. Twist. Pull out. Cut throat. Dead.

Attached: just punch through his fucking head.png (500x801, 186K)

Right-Click stab for a full 107 damage.

Attached: The Hunted.jpg (720x384, 103K)

user, people don't instantly spin around. Being stabbed multiple times in the kidneys/spine is not pleasurable. There's plenty of webm of people falling down when stabbed.


Attached: The Hunted Del Toro.jpg (1000x667, 108K)

God-damnit, drunk-posting.

Attached: the hunted.gif (480x270, 954K)

Stab in neck. As long as you connect you are going to deliver an extremely serious injury.

CSGO is gay now change my mind

Stab in the neck or kidney. Even if you don't get a good one in, a stab wound there is the end

Hand over mouth, knife in side of neck, punch forwards.

wait, why now? I haven't played in quite a while. did they fuck the game up some how?

Sleeper hold. Then you can draw dicks on his face while heem sleepy.

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Esports shit this and battleroyal shit that. Plus most community servers are dead. I just want to fucking play Office 24/7.

>OP is asking how to kill the chad that is cucking him

A bit like this

Stab him still he stops breathing I'd imagine. If silence is important, maybe just slice out the throat first? Stabbing aint no big thang

The CIA's own assassination manual dictates the most effective attack is severing the spinal cord with a stabbing attack. It suggests using a small hatchet instead since it's more reliable and requires less effort to make the chop necessary.

Fun Fact: This is how you bleed out deer too.

Attached: funinthewoods.jpg (1280x720, 47K)