I want to get good with a katana both for exercise and meditative purposes. Where's a good place to get started? I need a functional grade sword but not too expensive and definitely not some China garbage. I also need instructional material, YouTube videos, books whatever. What materials are best for cutting practice? Any advice, Anons?
"To master the virtue of the long sword is to govern the world and oneself, thus the long sword is the basis of strategy." - Miyamoto Musashi
>Where's a good place to get started? A dojo...? Or a better place to troll.
Jason Richardson
I trained under Will Keith.
Julian Robinson
Start by buying a hardwood bokken. And I do mean hardwood. In fact, buy two because you're probably going to break your first one. Something that can give and receive strikes and not fucking shatter. Use this while you learn stances, footwork and blade control. Practice where you have a LOT of space all around.
Once you have the basics, buy what's called a "practical katana" which means it's a full tang sword meant to be used for combat. This will probably run you around $300-$400. Read reviews of the make/model you're looking at buying first. I started with a $250 (at the time) CAS Iberia sword and moved on to a Paul Chen before finally commissioning a sword from a maker in Japan.
Things to practice cutting include milk jugs, water bottles, tightly rolled and tied bundles of straw (wet), rolled up beach mats (also wet). You can build a servicable stand from 2x4's and a thick piece of doweling or broom handle just make sure you won't be cutting the wood itself.