Smg thread

Smg thread

Attached: Si35.jpg (643x387, 45K)

I wonder if we'll ever get a video of someone shooting one of these.

Attached: Danu3943.jpg (610x198, 10K)

gonna dump

Attached: Steyr-MP34-2.jpg (684x384, 22K)

Attached: AustrianSteyrMP30_.jpg (785x291, 53K)

Attached: Beretta Model 1918.png (776x255, 81K)

rare non top-feed 1918

Attached: Beretta Model 1918-30.jpg (1024x209, 18K)

Attached: Beretta mp38a.jpg (1024x271, 23K)

Still as sexy as when it came out

Attached: 0a6b0fe24a199580eca0ae2019ad3ecd.jpg (500x166, 9K)

Attached: Beretta Model 2.jpg (650x152, 12K)

Attached: Italian TZ45.jpg (1600x806, 136K)