AK General /akg/
Drums Of Various Sizes Edition
>Thread #826
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AK General /akg/
Drums Of Various Sizes Edition
>Thread #826
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>AK Buyers Guide
I feel like those meme JMAC brakes are made solely to piss off everyone in your zip code.
fuck em. concuss back
>braced AKs
I understand why you'd do it but man the aesthetics sure do suffer
Why doesnt your AK glow?
I can’t wait for my krinky boi to return to me. A drum is going on it for sure.
I’ve also considered a fancy safety, like. Krebs, and maybe an extended charging handle knob. I have one on a Vepr 12 and like it.
I’ll also need a couple more drums so I can take a lineup like that
>aesthetics suffer
I also don’t know if I want to keep this new style dust cover/rear sight. It has an aperture on it, which seems like it will be great for irons, but kinda looks weird. Idk, maybe a dot would be better.
Mine do. Albeit, slightly differently
I hated the Krebs safety. A flat surface like the Polish safeties requires less mechanical force to engage/disengage with your thumb or index, or even middle finger vs the bottom or top of your index knuckles for the Krebs. It was also very loose across two different AK's, I had to really warp them in order to get a secure fit, and even then it didn't feel safe.
Really a shame, I had heard so many good things about Krebs, and that was my first experience with his products.
life is suffering
>find an sbr AK that I love
>it's popular so parts are abundant and price is good
I fucking hate this retarded country
How do Bulgarian thumb safeties function? Does it operate the lever on the right side?
I think they are favorably comparable to to underfolder stocks, having an actual place to rest your cheek on.
It does. It’s a little wierd, but it works
What happens when I put it on this?
So what you boys doing?
Recreator Or Childers? Thinking of doing a Bulgy 74 kit hopefully soon.
alright boys
my 80% from childers coming today for an m72b1 build. I have a side rail laying around. if i put the rail on it am i big gay?
I just got an SGL-21 with a 200$ optic, rail mount, a set of wood and polymer furniture, 2x mags, and 2 slings for 1500$. Did I do alright? Russian AK's are so fucking overpriced these days.
Perfect for those stuck in vehicles all day or for people who don't want to carry a gun but have to because they joined the Russian army as an officer.
They are. JMac likes to try and say shit like how they reduce muzzle climb by x amount or whatever but it's just them beating around the bush
Did someone say drum mag?
Those anons that own both AKs and ARs, do you enjoy shooting your AK more? I've heard some find AKs more fun to shoot.
based and father pilled
Nice shoes manlet lmao
Am I fucking retarded, or is it difficult to find a drop-in wire sidefolding stock?
These things must be really easy to manufacture, what's the deal?
They are on the files constantly. Put out a WTB and you will have bites in a week
After a while ARs get boring to shoot since there's no recoil and they're so easy to shoot comfortably. AKs require you to put more effort into shooting and thus feel new and more fun. At least thats how I feel.
depends on the type of shooting im doing. If Im actually trying to get better at close range shooting and getting my holdover/ double taps/reloads tighter, I like my AR because its far more ergonomic. AKs are fun just to throw some chunky lead down range (esp when shooting steel)
Something about AKs makes them feel better when you're taking them out hiking, dirtbiking, and generally fucking around with them when you'd otherwise want to coddle an AR
So far, just about everyone I've taken shooting, even my girlfriend who hadn't shot much before, enjoyed the AK the most and said it was their favorite. It isn't the most comfortable princess to shoot and it stinks, but there's just something about it
ehh, you can make 'em work
Fuckin got me
I agree in full, even 5.56 AKs
Got to shoot a full auto AR once and it was pretty fun though
depending what we're quantifying as fu
for me, a quality AKM tops the fun list
It straddles new/old technology, and there's something about shitting out 123gr bullets thats fun af.
Howdy vatni/k/s
I am a degenerate southpaw, and as as such the stock safety on my gun is kinda inconvenient. What's a good safety I should get that I could operate with my thumb?
None. AKs are naturally left hander friendly, just use your right hand to operate the safety.
tfw no drum, it truly is the one greatest drawback of 5.56 aks.
Uh. I'm confused. Those are 5.45 mags, right? How'd you get them to function?
I find my AR to be good to the point of boredom. Theres little recoil, it shoots pretty accurately, it's ergonomic. My AK though, I dont even have an optic on it, I love shooting 50-100 yards with irons and just sending rounds downrange. Something about the way it cycles is viscerally satisfying. It's just more fun.
They're 5.56 mags.
black polish 5.56 beryl mags, they done make em anymore. but the green ones have better polymer so if you appliance epoxy them you cant tell the difference.
Not particularly, especially if we're including AR-10s as ARs.
Anyone who won't mudbath their AR is a homo.
How bad are PSA AKs really?
A tad better than IO but still below the acceptable level.
Well fuck. The mag situation was the reason I didn't buy a 5.56 one, and now I regret it. Those look pretty damn good. I figured my options were nothing, and even when they were available, expensive green clear shit.
At this point just buy a Romy (wasr/m10/RH10) before they get even more expensive
Most of /akg/ will buy one next generation. So make of that what you will.
They're passing tests so far but still a gamble. Stay away until more data is collected unless you're okay with potentially throwing away $600. I bought one for shits and giggles and am getting trunnion wear similar to what other higher round count testers are getting, which is unsightly at best. It's a range toy until long term testing yields conclusive results. My friends WASR has nothing of the sort after 10k rounds.
>Just get a WASR
That just means most of akg is retarded
I mean that price, for a forged trunnion beater that does what it says it does? I'll beat the ever loving fuck out of the thing and not think twice, or use it as a test bed for some of my more retarded build ideas. It's an American AK, who the fuck cares?
Not him but should I wait for Zastavas to hit the shelves or buy a wasr for my first AK?
I mean it's your money, if are rich enogh to throw it away at garbage products then why not.
>calling other things retarded
>replies with anime pictures
>actually save anime to your computer
The dunning-kruger effect is real.
If that's all you're going to use it for and you have a SHTF/G2G rifle or at least some other AK, go for it. They're fun to shoot and the finish is nice, but set aside the cash for an AKT, their trigger is easily the worst trigger I've seen even by AK standards, it has zero wall. As long as you acknowledge the rifle may not survive the long haul, I like the idea that I can send it in for free forever if something goes wrong. As other anons have said though, you'll get a better product for a little more money with a WASR/M10/RH10.
>wtf why is there anime on the anime website
Post AK tho
The point is though that it won't be "garbage" by then. It's borderline not garbage now. 600 for an AK is nothing, and we both know WASRs are about to go up another hundred or two at least for this election, and they won't come back down. I paid 723 for mine a few months ago tax and all, and that's roughly the going rate. In my opinion, at 800, a WASR stops being worth the price cut, so you might as well jump up the 300 for an arsenal. But the gap will need to be filled. This might just do that.
It will be a bit before zastava USA is a reasonable price, if they even decide to chase that market. Get the WASR.
WASR for your first, more things work with it and I feel like there are better options than Zastavas unless you find a good deal but that's my $0.02. They're okay, but I think the WASRs are a little more noob friendly.
When I bought my first wasr the trigger pin fell out twice, once during dry fire, the other time on the range. The second one I bought had the safety lever snap off. Wasr's are still filled with century's obligatory amerishit parts that not only make the guns suck but make them borderline incomplete from the factory. Yet at the same exact time you will hear everyone one hear scream in unison to stay away from century made AKs. Guess what century still has a part in at least half of your WASR (if youre buying used, which you should because $750 for a wasr is horseshit) so take that for what it is worth.
the fact that people are bitching about the fact the firing pin retainer flew out is laughable to me, come a few months in and one more rigorous review on youtube, people here will say they are good to go.
Remember the time in the US where wasrs were 350 and no one would buy them because they were poorly fitted hunks of shit (inb4 obligatory "B-BUT QC BETTER NOW, CENTURY DOESNT IMPO-" post) and still are to some degree, now they are the beloved basic bitch all because of the turning point video Rob Ski made showing the rifle actually does work. The AK community's opinion is subject to change
Now fast forward to now where PSA released the AKV which was a massive hunk of unworking shit for its first release, MAC made on vid on it and PSA made good on it to fix the issues and now they're great.
GF3 is the best american made AK out right now, bar none, take that for what it is worth, because the competition isnt that steep, finish isnt amazing and I would maybe wait until PSA makes a statement about the firing pin retainer issue. but if they dont buy another pin for 2 dollars off of somewhere and call it a day.
This is the most reasonable post you will see on this matter prepare for the shitposting that follows
Literally every thread
>ok but how bad are the psaks REALLY?
>just bought a wasr, am I screwed on finding bakelite mags?
>haha kilo guns haha remember that?
>how easy are saiga conversions? I have a dremel and literally no other tools available
>WBP Fox good to go?
because niggers refuse to change the paste bin, literally the only reason for any of this
Oh yeah forgot one
>new pastebin when??
There's a reason you replace the paperclip with a plate dummy
And the WASR is the baseline now because all its foreign competition is gone. I'd still recommend a SAR1 over a WASR but most retards don't want to look for one
No one puts the paper clip in correctly, so it always fucks up.
>There's a reason you replace the paperclip with a plate dummy
what do you think I did to fix it in the first place chief? still doesnt compensate for the fact the gun didnt come with that part and nearly fell apart because of it.
>WASR is the baseline now because all its foreign competition is gone. I'd still recommend a SAR1 over a WASR but most retards don't want to look for one
Another point I should have made, is that the import market right now is almost smaller than the domestic market for AKs. so the simple solution of if someone has an Issue with WASRs and their glaring issues is "buy an SAR1" or "Buy x" and youre at the mercy of what gunbroker fudds want to charge for them.
most people at this point would say "stop being poor and buy an Arsenal" and theyre great guns but not many people want to dump 4 digit into something that is supposed to be a simple ass basic bitch rifle. Which I can understand.
Yea that too
That doesn't make it a fault of the gun or the manufacturer
If you buy a car and it turns out I cut the brake line are you gonna bitch and me or Toyota?
Sar1s are still about the same price as WASRs, no excuse
Stop being poor
the green beryls are like 30 ea at arms of america now so its not as bad as it used to be.
Are there any wire folding stocks for slant cuts?
The fact that PSA looks at feedback and makes an effort to fix problems free of charge forever is the reason I bought a GF3, they've proven themselves with the AKV. This is my right trunnion after a little under 500 rounds, I'm starting to see similar wear patterns to what other multi-thousand round testers are seeing. I'll post the bolt in another pic, but I believe the issue they're having is due to the cam channel because I notice if I ride the charging handle back very slowly, the bolt sort of "pops" at the end of its rotation. If this actually presents an issue down the road, so be it, but it seems like it's just a spec issue that causes some unsightly wear and it seems like it just kind of smooths out. My GF3 is a gun I just intend to shoot for fun at the range, I have an AR for my G2G gun right now until there is more data on the GF3, I'm personally not a fan of having a gun that weighs several pounds more with more recoil as something I would go innawoods with but to each their own. For my purposes, the GF3 is perfect: an inexpensive range toy that I enjoy shooting. I just fucking hate the stock trigger, get an AKT. If something goes wrong, PSA will fix it for free forever. I recommend the WASR right now to others who need to rely on their rifle because they can currently be had for a reasonable price (relatively, given the current pricing landscape) and the paperclip issue can be fixed with a plate for a few bucks. Warranty is no good if the company goes under. Considering their year over year profits, I don't see PSA losing money anytime soon, but shit can change overnight if certain laws pass. You're most likely right though that the days of WASRs may be numbered if prices continue to rise. I'm pulling for PSA and I hope this doesn't end up being the failure point.
I like my AK more because of the cla-chunk it makes when you rack it and fire it, and the recoil is more fun too. But my AR is fun also, just not as fun as my AK. Get both and enjoy life.
Bolt pic, you can see a similar wear pattern where it locks behind the trunnion lug. Hopefully it's just cosmetic.
>That doesn't make it a fault of the gun or the manufacturer
never said it did, it makes it the fault of the government
>If you buy a car and it turns out I cut the brake line are you gonna bitch and me or Toyota?
well considering a factory in romania sold a parts kit to a company in america that bought parts from 3rd party people and assembled it then sold it to me I would say there is a lot more going on than car people with "muh brand" mentality can comprehend, the guns are made rough just accept it.
>Sar1s are still about the same price as WASRs, no excuse
>Stop being poor
when you can find them and for however much longer you can find them, I remember when maadi's were cheap but now you can buy an arsenal with the same money.
its not a matter of being poor, were talking about the state of the market as a whole, which is shit
if it hasnt cracked, and the wear doesnt progress its definitely more of a fitment issue than a failure point.
about the same amount of issues as through a low end imported ak though, for what it is worth.
>implying these newfags even read it
Not good Edith to compete with foreign built AKs/foreign parts kits. Although, when they release their 5.45 AK, I'm considering bring a guinea pig for /akg/ and buying one to try out, assuming it's still around $700+/- like their other AKs. I've always wasted to try 5.45, and I figured why? I can always sell it off later.
>parts kit
Congrats on proving yourself too incompetent to talk about this topic
hey I just bought an ak. Whats up with the bakelite mag cost??
Not good enough*
Supply and demand. They're a collector's item.
Are they museum grade?
I'm an AK boomer now, couldn't care less about your zoomer shart AK problems. Whenever you post one of you zoomer rifles I just feel a tinge of disgust and my soul says "faggot go back to l*ddit"
this goes for milled queers too
are they still worth picking up for shooting/collecting?
They're "worth it" in the sense that you'll be able to resell it later if you want, they'll only go up in value. They shoot fine. They're just glorified polymer mags with steel tabs, no matter how sexy and photogenic they are.
I'd never pay more than 20-30 bucks for one
Any good info on cutting/crowning a barrel? I've finally committed to +1ing my AK103 into an AK104, bubba style. Will post horrific results.
Also does anyone know where to get a Bulgarian front sight/gas block combo? They seem to be sold out everywhere ;-;
the cheapest 7.62x39 bakes I can find are on goybroker for 75$. every normal shop is sold out
Yea you're not gonna find any in the US for less than 60-65
Doesn't change what I said
ok :(
What he's saying is, in terms of function, they're not worth more than 20-30. I'd honestly recommend the Gen 3 PMAGs if you're wanting a decent polymer mag.
Fuck my AKs. Waste of money. Heavy. Loud. Don't suppress well. Steel cased ammo is the same price. Poor ballistic trajectory. Fuck em.
I have a Romanian wire folder in good shape I'll sell to you. Screws right into normal fixed stock rear trunnions. Asking $90 shipped.
[email protected]
Nice picture.
Haha get fucked retard
>Fuck my AKs. Waste of money. Heavy. Loud. Don't suppress well. Steel cased ammo is the same price. Poor ballistic trajectory. Fuck em.
wtf lads i hate my aks now
No one to blame but yourself.
Shut the fuck up fagget, KYS
Don't buy off gunbroker, go to the various AK forums
I've heard that unlike regular magazines, drums should not be kept loaded because of the sort of springs they use. Any truth to this?
Real russian one:
That is what I used for my build.
Then why do you come back here then? If you dont like the firearm, and nobody here likes you, meaning you almost never get any worthwhile responses when you actually DO have something halfway decent to ask; so why do you come back?