I found some fuckin weird thing in the desert a few years ago, still haven't figured out what it was. Any ideas?
Backstory: The desert near where we live (Idaho) is commonly used for military target practice and training, as well as a pretty good spot for both plinking and shooting whistlepigs
>be me
>few years ago
>hunting in desert with father
>Plinking with dad, using .22s and a 20 gauge shotgun
>see a shitload of chemlights on the ground
>like, a LOT of chemlights
>maybe 40 or 50 chemlights, all used. Most of them were red
>in rough center of all the chemlights, there was a weird tube thing in the ground
>green, soft plastic on sides, hard dark green on top
>mistook it for giant tank shell at first, looked like it even had a primer
>closer look, ontop a dog tag is stamped into it
>Only had “J.F.” or something like that on it, roughly stamped into the dog tag
>shoot it cause why the fuck not
>nothing happens, no impact marks from a .22 or .20 gauge
>decide to dig a bit around it
>its in the middle of a wooden box
>don’t have a shovel or anything, basically move only an inch of dirt
>thing has a metal pipe attaching it to the ground
>green thing is hollow cylinder
>had to leave, dad was on a strict-ish schedule, dont remember where it was
Pic related, drew it in paint to help visualize it