The fuck is this?

I found some fuckin weird thing in the desert a few years ago, still haven't figured out what it was. Any ideas?

Backstory: The desert near where we live (Idaho) is commonly used for military target practice and training, as well as a pretty good spot for both plinking and shooting whistlepigs

>be me
>few years ago
>hunting in desert with father
>Plinking with dad, using .22s and a 20 gauge shotgun
>see a shitload of chemlights on the ground
>like, a LOT of chemlights
>maybe 40 or 50 chemlights, all used. Most of them were red
>in rough center of all the chemlights, there was a weird tube thing in the ground
>green, soft plastic on sides, hard dark green on top
>mistook it for giant tank shell at first, looked like it even had a primer
>closer look, ontop a dog tag is stamped into it
>Only had “J.F.” or something like that on it, roughly stamped into the dog tag
>shoot it cause why the fuck not
>nothing happens, no impact marks from a .22 or .20 gauge
>decide to dig a bit around it
>its in the middle of a wooden box
>don’t have a shovel or anything, basically move only an inch of dirt
>thing has a metal pipe attaching it to the ground
>green thing is hollow cylinder
>had to leave, dad was on a strict-ish schedule, dont remember where it was
Pic related, drew it in paint to help visualize it

Attached: thing in desert.png (800x600, 50K)

No idea, but bump for hope

Nuclear silo for pixies. Chemlights are failed rockets.

tell us more about the wooden box, you didnt try to crack it open?

Nope. It seemed like a wooden box, but it may not have been. There was no top to it, just the sides.

Sounds like a weird but obvious grave site of some kind.

Once found a cross made of cobbled-together-sun-baked wood (like driftwood on a beach) next to an military ammo canister with pictures of a soldier inside squirreled away in a small alcove near the top of a mountain that was a local hiking spot.

Someone failed initiation into super secret squirrel club and they buried him alive. Came back later and plugged the hole.

Tomb of the unknown Jackrabbit Force Soldier.
Father of hundreds of children,
Loyal Husband

If the weird plastic was IR glint tape, it might have been a marker for a drop zone

Oh also with it having a dog tag, it might have been a point for a night land nav course.