My girlfriends birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise her with a gun for her birthday so we could both get our ccws. How do I go about doing that? Is it considered a strawman purchase? If so how do I do it legally?
My girlfriends birthday is coming up and I wanted to surprise her with a gun for her birthday so we could both get our...
Buy a gun for yourself.
Gift it to her later.
Give her a gift card to the gun shop. You can buy it for her and gift it to her as well.
May I recommend the sig mosquito? Or any 22minimag pistol for that matter.
They are actuallypretty fun and your gf will like it. The 22minimag cycles fairly reliably.
a straw purchase is when you buy a gun for someone you know legally cannot possess a firearm.
Buying a gun as a gift for someone who is legally allowed to own a gun is not a straw purchase.
If she can’t legally own a firearm then it’s not a straw purchase. And what firearms does she like? Can she reasonably handle 9mm Luger?
>he thinks it's a girl
>strawman purchase
both pistols will be registered in your name, that's all. if she cheats on you and leaves then report it stolen.
maybe if you live in a cuck state