Help me get over my fears of carrying for self-defense

So I have a pistol, a CC holster, I've practiced quite a lot, and I carry now and then, but I'd prefer that to be as near to 100% of the time as possible.

Here's the problem:

I find myself afraid of the possible legal repercussions of shooting someone in self-defense, even if the shooting was 100% justified. Like, every time I take my gun out with me I keep thinking "fuck, if I have to use this thing, some shitfuck is probably going to fuck my shit legally"

Any sage words of advice to help me worry about that shit less?

Also, I usually have pepper spray on me, and sometimes also bear spray (bears are a real concern here, grizzly and black bears) - should I leave those at home when I take my gun out into human-dominated areas?

I worry about having to use the gun and then someone saying "waah you could have used the pepper spraaay"

Attached: i need to feel safe.png (211x239, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Everytime I CC I am 100% ready to shoot
>when I got my first gun
>my father told me golden rule
>dead don't speak

user think of it this way. In any situation in which you would be liable to use your CCW for self defense, the alternative is death or serious physical injury. If you "have to use this thing," it is because you are threatened with death or serious bodily injury.

The worst case scenario of "getting your shit fucked legally" vs. "dying horribly"

I'm theory the pepper spray shouldn't matter, you are either justified in using lethal force or you aren't. Here in reality... might be a good idea to leave the spray at home. Hard to say though, but you should have the phone number of a decent lawyer either way.

If you're ever in a situation where you need to use your gun, your worst case scenarios will basically be getting Reginald Denny'd or a lawsuit. You tell me which is worse.

Denny lived. The worst case scenario is being brutally and excruciatingly murdered

You can get CCW insurance through USCCA for like, $22 a month. I'm sure they're not the only one. And like other anons have said, if you have to use your weapon, it's because you're in a life or death situation.

>I find myself afraid of the possible legal repercussions of shooting someone in self-defense, even if the shooting was 100% justified. Like, every time I take my gun out with me I keep thinking "fuck, if I have to use this thing, some shitfuck is probably going to fuck my shit legally"
Someone might indeed do that. So don't shoot unless shit's bad enough that a lengthy stay in jail is the preferable alternative.

Keep it in your asshole, you'll probably feel more relaxed because you're a pussy and you'll probably like it because you're a faggot who's fearful of carrying.

Not OP, but I looked into those and I'm skeptical. Seemed kind of fishy.