When if ever is a good time to dualwield handguns?
When if ever is a good time to dualwield handguns?
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All the time
Never, it's better to keep one in reserve and have aimed fire.
When tyrone brings friends
>he doesnt riple wield
the absolute state of dicklets
I duel wield all the time.
>Glock in one hand
>dick in the other
I unironically thing two guns in super cqc would be better.Can't push both out of the way at once and at 10 feet accuracy doesn't matter
But a free hand in cqc would be much better than another gun. You can't hardly use a hand with a gun to control another gun and the "winner" of a fight is going to have less holes in him
What does checked mean? Did you dox him to see if he is a nig? Only been posting for a month