Are Hull techs the unsung heroes of the Navy?
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From the video thumbnail, I assumed it was from the Kuznetsov. Then, I realized that the shit was confined to a localized area.
>be me
>but not actually
>be my buddy seaman Perry
>be EOD on a floating city run by teenagers
>be team lead for an EOD squad in case shtf
For background, if anyone doesn't know anything about being at sea, one of the things you'll find in the navy is certain jobs get to override the chain of command during an emergency
>enter ensign dipshit
>ensign dipshit is a fresh officer, lowest on the totem pole there is but still thinks he's hot shit because during normal operation hours he can pull rank on enlisted
>doan a drill
>leadan muh troupe
>traversan the decks
>launch myself downward
>land on ensign dipshit
>call out sorry as I carry on
>ensign dipshit does not like this
>ensign dipshit decides once our drill is over, he'll talk to the captain
Now for further background, this wasn't just any captain, this man was a true believer in the system with more than 2 stars on his uniform.
>ensign dipshit has me called over to have a chat with the big man
>who proceeds to explain how I would get away with putting even him into the dirt during an emergency because I can keep a cache of wp from igniting and killing us all a lot better
>ensign dipshit tries arguing with the captain after he dismisses me once I explain
>must have heard him getting chewed out a full deck away
He had a couple more stories about this guy if anyone's interested
>confined to a localized area
that's a very subjective notion.
What a moron, moar pls.
Reminds me of this.
>He had a couple more stories about this guy if anyone's interested
Send it.
I know the Navy has an intense officer rivalry thing going on, ie dog eat dog competition to climb the ladder, so it would not surprise me that junior officers would fuck with enlisteds.
Got you senpai
>still be me but not really
>still onnaship with ensign dipshit
>have ourselves a genuine emergency on our hands
>the white phosphorous I mentioned earlier
>that was a specific example
>moving what must be quintuple time with my bois as we force our way through to the rapidly overheating cache
>none who stand before us are safe
>ensign dipshit disagrees
>every man in my team is hollering at him to get the fuck out of the way
>sounds like a fucking train as we stop to jump through portholes
>ensign dipshit thinks now is the perfect time to enlighten me how the captain was wrong last time
>it's actually the perfect time to find out if the walls are clean enough to lick
>they weren't
>ensign dipshit is helpless as me and 4 other big seamen run a train on his rapidly flagging body
>get the situation below deck squared away and brace for the inevitable
>get hauled in for another chat
>ensign dipshit is noticeably bruised from being used like a rented doormat
>impotent rage without end flashes from behind his eyes
>have to try my hardest not to laugh as the captain warns him for being in my way again
I've got one more that really wasn't so much ensign dipshit fucking with him, but he was on watch so he got to see how you get yourself reassigned to Siberia
pls more
I refuse to be someone could be this thick. But then again, I'm a neverserved so what do I know?