What you got for me today Jow Forums?
I got a new upper and a new nickel boron bcg.
as well as a lpk.
Recent acquisition thread
This should be arriving on Friday.
I got this yesterday.
not bad guys.
Picking this up tomorrow, pretty hyped about it.
Looks hawt
this is the forgemark on the upper anyone know who made it?
I better not see you on CNN in a few weeks, faggot.
Just bought yesterday. should be arriving on Thursday or Friday. Been trying to find one for the last couple weeks :)
Not my first gun dude. I'm a well adjusted user no need to worry about me. Peace and kindness here fren.
On second thought why are you watching CNN though?
Replaced the BCM with a shorter MI CRM, I like it so far despite it being not the exact same OD green as my receiver. Looking to get some black mlok covers eventually replacing the barrel and bolt.
> patent expired
Anchor Harvey
Picked this up yesterday, Remington rolling block will be in in a week
Picked up one this past weekend.
Make sure you post pics when you get it, I've been seriously considering getting one
Thank you that's the one are they a good forge idk what is considered better or worse or if they're all the same quality.
Got this about a week ago, Sears model 101
>for rectal use only
How am I not surprised
Unimpressive and inadequate.
Just built a Polymer 80 compact.
Brownells RMR and window cut slide
Fortis threaded barrel
Ghost Edge 3.5 connector
Hyve Monarch trigger
Trijicon 3 dot green sights
25 trigger polish
Will be running suppressor height sights and an RMR in the future. Probably a comp as well
Yet you posted nothing.
For u
not bad
Just picked up a Westernfield 160 bolt action 20 gauge. Apparently it's a Montgomery Ward branded Mossberg 385. I'm excited to try it out.
Been plastering this all over cangen
>Nice, I love that gun.
Russian-purchased Japanese Type-30 Arisaka infantry rifle. $445.09 after shipping.
Recently obtained this from my grandfather who obtained it from someone who Bubba'ed it up I'm not going to lie I do like the scope it seems very period-correct.
Apparently an old 1942 production.
He also gave me his old Winchester model 63
The only real damage it has.
got this a couple weeks ago. 1903 from 1910.
I put in an eForm to have it stamped, waiting on it to return
>the post ban model
> they're all pretty much the same quality
I have a few forgings from Anchor Harvey, Cerro Forge, and Brass Aluminum Forging Enterprises. They all appear to be about the same in quality. The forge just forges the parts using standard alloys.
The biggest variation comes from the company that machines and finishes the forgings and how tight tolerances are kept. Companies like Colt, Daniel Defense, Aero, DPMS, Spikes, Palmetto State Armory, etc. Sometimes they do a great job on the machining and the finish is pristine and durable, other times they dent and scratch it up before finishing, skip any QA, and/or the finish durability is crap and chips when you breath on it. I've gotten great AR Stoner (Midwayusa) stripped uppers and shitty ones from Aero, Colt, and DPMS. You can't blame the forge for this and quality from one company can itself vary.
Every PSA upper or lower I've received has had rub marks on the high spots. They would do well to pack them in more than just a plastic bag. All my Spikes lowers have been perfect, and they all come individually wrapped in a plastic bag and protective foam and in its own box.
Whenever I need a buffer tube, I have to buy 2 or 3. No matter which I buy, I always end up with a tube that has a blemishes, machining errors, shit threads, or the finish looks more like a bad paint job. If I spend less than $30 on a tube, isn't worth my time to send back.
>3 years later...
>1910 Mexican Mauser Carbine, unissued and near mint condition.
>Egyptian Maadi Helwan
>Early production Koishikowa-made Type 46 Siamese Mauser
Think I might also buy a Daewoo DP51, finally buy the Benelli MR1 I keep putting off, or put down a payment on a Bergmann M1910/21 and pay it off in a couple months.
e stamp is quick turn around
Finally got an ak fagpul stuff is just stand in tell i get actual wood its Atlantic's DIY kit just got it today and threw it together always wanted an underfolder and im in love
Are those the ones with Morrissey receivers? Also how you like it? I'm on the fenced between this and the M10.
save them pennies
>Every PSA upper or lower I've received has had rub marks on the high spots. They would do well to pack them in more than just a plastic bag
Confirmed nogunz. Literally everything PSA sell comes in a foam lined cardboard box
$5 in a 401k that's absolutely adorable
Yea Morrissey receiver its pretty nice so far i havent shot it yet but looking at everything it seems fine everythings straight and rivets look good only grip i have is with the stock as its a little too worn and wobbly for my liking retaining nuts threads were a little screwed up and hard to get on with punch slip marks on it and the pin for it was mushroomed but it all fits and works fine
All and all everything including shipping and a 15 ffl fee it cost me 615 and some change
eww you make 13.00 an hour? what is it like to work at Mc Donald's?
Well somewhat recent
You poor soul
Got a Colt Police Positive Special from a gun show last weekend. It was more my autism than the gun. I like Hong Kong heroic bloodshed action films (especially Chow Yun Fat films). Its a police surp gun property marked for the Royal Hong Kong Police department.
Pre '94 ban though, so yay
>police surp from China/Japan
That’s that shit I like
I'm looking at applying to LVMPD for that sweet $25hr+ with all the bells and whistles. I know they wont let me have a FDE gun so gotta buy another one at $850 new
Mk IV 22/45 with Spectre II suppressor
Got a kriss vector coming in any day now too.
Gonna sbr it for the total aesthetic.
I meant to say "stripped upper and lower."
The complete PA-10 upper I ordered came in double-boxed and packed in open cell foam and it was fine, except the forward assist sticks out farther out than I would like. I can see the pawl through the gap
Stripped lowers and uppers have always arrived loose in a cardboard box, wrapped in a plastic bag, and a few air bags which burst in shipping. Not everything they sell is packed nicely.
>$25hr+ with all the bells and whistles.
Depends if your set upon being a law dog or not. Ever thought of going into a trade skill job? I'm a Journeyman Inside Wireman with the IBEW. In my fly over land of the corn god area I get $32.36/hour + pension, annuity, and medical. I've always heard tell that LV's pay rate was around $45-$50/per hour (with union OT scale). Just letting you know some option's. You do law enforcement because thats what you want to do, not because of pay. This is truth.
*experiences may vary, void were prohibited.
Just picked this guy up for 400 bucks, how did I do Jow Forums?
I tried doing Plumbing in Las Vegas and the pay wasn't consistent one week id make $300 next $600 after than $500, then $1,400 and $,400, then $1,800+
>posting a near 3 year old paystub showing you started that job less than 6 weeks according to the ytd
Unimpressive and inadequate
>Morrissey receiver
What's a washed-up English singer-songwriter have to do with this?
It looks even better in person, I'm pretty shocked at how well kept this thing was.
The original owner who got it in '87 did an amazing job of keeping it in good condition and said he only put 500 rounds through it.
I just ordered the DIY kit for 500$ the other day! Hyped to finally have an underfolder. One day I'd like to start actually building AKs but I'm currently retarded.
I finally got an ak.
>romanian underfold kit from atlantic
>buy FNX-45T
>can't afford a good holster for it
I'm overly late to the SKS party but I've been enjoying it. Still looking for a factory fixed mag to unbubba it
user there's a skelly holding your gun!
It that a Romy boi?
Got one too
Thank you Jow Forums for telling me AIM had them
I finally caved and bought a big boi fun.
An old Sig P220 .45 with Texas Ranger grips.
Only 500$
Based and assassinpilled
Dude from earlier in the thread here, the scorpion has arrived
Damn phone, made me Aussie post
just brought this home today