Looking at this infographic, the only thing that doesn't make sense to me is the full air to air loadout. That's 14 AMRAAMs and 2 Sidewinders.
Assuming 2 Sidewinders take the outer wing pylons, 4 AMRAAMs internally, that leaves the 4 remaining wing pylons, and I'm guessing they have a double rack. Where's the extra 2 missiles? Or can one of the wing pylons handle a triple rack?
I mean, the plan is to mount a third rail on each of the bay doors. The geometry works out just fine, and no one’s presented any reason why the engineering would run into problems. I imagine it’ll be implemented rather quickly.
David Martinez
>Beast mode Are Americans literally children?
Jason Morgan
>his fighter doesn’t have a beast mode yikes But in all seriousness, it’s just some dumb marketing slogan that probably sounded trendy to whatever exec approved it.
how would it fly loaded down with 22k pounds of bombs?? could it even take off?
Kevin Rodriguez
Well, max thrust at full afterburner is 48k lbs. Loaded weight of an F-35A is 50k, but I’m not sure if that includes ordnance. So adding up the total weight to be 70k pounds, 50k lbs of thrust is well within the range of flylable. You won’t want to be doing much maneuvering, but if you’re trying to be a bomb/missile truck, it’d be fine.
Easton Perry
Do they plan some sort of quick drop mod if you for some reason would need to "restealth"?
Aiden Morris
That’s already how the external pylons on the F-22 and F-35 work. If the pilot wants to jettison external stores, the pylons separate too. Not sure if the attachment points can be covered without landing, but it’d absolutely drop the RCS of the aircraft quite significantly.
Dylan Martin
Hi, Lockheed Design Department here. We havent checked to see if it can take of, thanks for reminding us. A LockMart-style gift basket will be sent to your adress shortly as a sign of our thankfulness.
Tyler Green
what mission would it carry 14 amraams for?
Colton Young
Shooting down Russia’s entire 5th gen fleet with 2 extra missiles to spare?
Michael Smith
On one hand, an actual gift basket full of Lockheed Martin merch would be pretty cool. On the other, “Lockmart style gift basket” sounds like a euphemism for a Hellfire.
Blake Kelly
Its gonna be a giftbasket thats both late on arrival and that YOU somehow have to pay for, but the stuff inside would probably be pretty sweet. >LockMark brand cookies with extra RAM >Shill Pringles >Chocolate ala Bugete Overrun >a nice shiraz made from Boeing tears and sour vatnik grapes
Jacob Ross
I can live with that.
Bentley Flores
>fighter jet costs hundreds of millions of dollars >costs a million per hour just to fly it >strap 4 missiles or 2 missiles and 2 bombs
Benjamin Robinson
The F-35 now costs $80 million dollars. That’s less or equivalent to its competitors, and it’s obviously significantly more capable.
Aaron Howard
>significantly more capable. Compared to what? Yes it is more capable compared to Russians but it is far more inferior to Chinese J-20.
>Looking at this infographic For what purpose? With shitty slang words like "beast mode" it bears zero credibility whatsoever and was likely made by some retarded forum poster.
If you've got the choice between loosing the missiles and risk loosing the fighter AND the missiles then the choice is obvious.
And the subtext suggests you've already launched the missiles and just have empty, not stealthy, pylons attached.
Nicholas Collins
>far more inferior these are the people you argue against, Jow Forums drink it in
Cooper Watson
Obviously. If we have them why not use them.
Lincoln Jackson
>doesn’t carry AIM-9x internally
Why live?
Oliver Smith
the radar return you'll reduce by dropping pylons is not worth it. they should really make pyrotechnical 'covers' for the missile and pylon that are angled to reduce radar return to the horizon when flying level . if the radar return on the external missile\pylons is such a problem this can solve it relatively cheaply. pilot can activate the pyrotechnic and discard the cover when he expects to fire any of the missiles (or it can be discarded automatically when launched , missile head would have to be exposed to enable it to lock)
Parker Morgan
isnt that the reason they developed the 9x block 2 ? since internally carried missiles cant lock before launch the block 2 can be guided by the plane and it's sensors until it gets it's own lock (similar to ground-to-air missiles like arrow that have remote guidence and when they get close to the target they use onboard optical guidence)
Jordan Brown
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Anthony Garcia
F-22 has pylon jettison, F-35 does not
Mason Johnson
Absolutely seethibg cope harder vlad
Nathan Rodriguez
I see right through you, yuroshit
Luke Fisher
You underestimate the power of the US economy and military industrial complex. Those missiles might represent a significant cost to ruskies, chinamen or yuropoors, but to Uncle Sam it's peanuts.
Juan Lee
Imagine being so obsessed with a country that you spend the time to make this. Although I suppose when the only other thing you have to do with your time is take krokodil and get raped in boot camp, it's a more attractive option.
Hudson Roberts
>14x AIM-120C + 2x AIM-9X = ~6,800,000 USD
>1x F35 = ~80,000,000 USD
Dropping ~$7,000,000 worth of missiles isn't shit compared to losing a fucking jet fighter. By doing so you're not "losing" 7 mil, you're "saving" ~73 mil by keeping your airframe intact.
Owen Smith
im saying you wont find situation in which dropping missiles would save the plane.(and even if you do there would be no way to tell). the only one i can think of is if the plane was frced into an air engagement and spent too much fuel to return to base with the weight and drag of all the missiles, then you'd discard them to get extra range and land the plane.
Jeremiah Price
Chase Bennett
First hand knowledge
Benjamin King
Imagine how great it must feel on the flight home after you've dropped everything