400 clams and every review says it's reliable... talk me out of buying this for home defense please

400 clams and every review says it's reliable... talk me out of buying this for home defense please

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It's a fake AR9 that's a hundred bucks cheaper than a real one,

Haven't seen the vid, but honest outlaw is one of the few gun reviewers I trust for their opinions. Although you can get an Ar pistol for less than that, and it will be a lot more effective than a
>lol 9mm

I don't know what it is, but it looks like a 9mm AR which is retarded on its own, but it also looks like a proprietary version of a 9mm AR which is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.

>talk me out of buying this for home defense please

Buy it faggot.

just buy a mavvie88 and get it over with, in a situation where you get to decide if you want to use a pistol or long gun. picking a pistol is borderline retarded.

Attached: 1553788763477.png (1951x1359, 1.25M)

why not a pistol..?

Fuck it for home defense, how does bolt bursting 9mm do innawoods? I know it's not a bear gun but the idea of being able to feed two guns from the same pouch is radical as fuck

>glock magazine subgun
>without a retarded buffer tube that only makes sense with the high recoil impulse rifle round the gun it was derived from fires
>designed with economic polymer and metal hybrid construction
Just because it isn't a retarded buffer tube dildo GUCCI AR-9, doesn't mean it's a bad plinker/HD gun, faggots.

Attached: gooners.jpg (474x363, 26K)