is it normal to have alot of trouble with this gd cotter pin? also ive always wondered why this system didnt have some sort of spring to force the firing pin back. it seems to me that if the bcg and firing pin were loose enough if could prematurly cum
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Turn the pin 90 degrees and keep positive pressure applied from the top with your index finger as you slide it in. The other end of the cotter pin is tapered so it will slide in easier once the ends are squeezed together.
you can try lightly sanding the tip of the pin to make it pointier/smoother and thus more receptive to being thrust into your tight wet hole
>also ive always wondered why this system didnt have some sort of spring to force the firing pin back. it seems to me that if the bcg and firing pin were loose enough if could prematurly cum
Chamber a round, then eject it. Note the indent on the primer. It does impact the round, it just will not have enough force to set it off. It's worth noting lots of rifles work like this. Unlike pistols, the majority of rifles are NOT drop safe, specifically because of the free-floated firing pins. It's no big deal.
>normal to have alot of trouble with this gd cotter pin?
You're driving it in at the wrong angle, view the pin through the opposite hole if you have to
>majority of rifles are NOT drop safe
Perhaps if the majority of primers are not to spec. Otherwise, worn down fire control groups are a likelier culprit
>Perhaps if the majority of primers are not to spec. Otherwise, worn down fire control groups are a likelier culprit
Uh, no. A freefloated firing pin is by definition not drop safe. Any in spec AR15 is not drop safe.
>some sort of spring to force the firing pin back.
unlock bolt
hey firing pin doesn't protrude
carrier mechanically retracts the firing pin
Maybe a 50 foot drop
i had issue first time i took my bolt apart. sperged out loud, sat there for 30 seconds, twisted as i pushed(lmao!), then used a screwdriver to depress the one side and it popped in.
yes they are you have to hit them to move it out and also what is military primers for $600 Alex
Your post looks like it's from barfcom
>you have to hit them to move it
No, you don't. Clearly you're retarded, don't pay attention, or don't own an AR. It moves whenever the gun moves. I can't believe I have to explain this to some people who supposedly own guns. Go grab a goddamn AR right the fuck now. Take the bolt out. Now wiggle that fucker. Watch as your firing pin moves all over the goddamn place.
Now grab a pistol. Almost any pistol made in the last 50 years. Take the slide off and look at the bolt face. Wiggle that bitch. Fucking nothing. It has a firing pin block and a spring and who knows how many other safety features keeping it from ever going forwards without a trigger press.
>also what is military primers for $600 Alex
Not something that makes your gun drop safe.
Also I swear to god if you do this with the bolt in the unlocked position and say "hurdur I couldn't see the firing pin protrude" I will come to your house and rape your dog at gunpoint. Move the bolt head back like it's locked.
yea but theres nothing KEEPING it back there......
>firing pin doesn't protrude
>from an unlocked bolt
gee user, what a discovery. You mean the gun can't fire without the bolt being locked? What a shock. Dork. Now push it back like it's locked. Firing pin floats freely forward.
But what if he only has a cat
I'm going to buy him a puppy, wait three years so he can get attached to it, then rape it.
There does not seem to be footage of an AR-15 derivative failing a drop test. Feel free to substantiate your claim with one
I'm good with not sending a 5.56 straight up somewhere on my property bro
Sexually deviant
Pull the bullet and powder or load a blank
fun fact: cotter pins are lusted in the Biblical Book of Revelations as the drivung force to end the world.
t. an actual demon
Yeah, they're a bitch and a half. Try twisting it as you push it in. Remember: it's not meant to clip OVER the firing pin, but PAST it, as i. over or under. Hope that helps.
t. an AR owner.
spin it as you put it in you niggers
have you never been with a woman
Push at an upward angle to get leverage all while pushing it in. And for the dumbass saying an ar will go off if you drop it.. wrong, look at that video of the dude in Afghanistan runnin down the hill that gets hit.. he throws his shit into a rock
>I ventured away from my unit on purpose! Someone had to be heroic enough to draw away enemy fire...
>I didn't toss my rifle, it was shot out of my hand!
Muting the audio when he swears but then giving up on it was pretty annoying too, over all: fuck that video
They're fine if you have a BCG that isn't total fucking garbage.