What follows is a copy a something I posted elsewhere that was originally directed at normies, so dont take my tone personal, unless of course you are in fact a normie, then by all means, take it personal.....
5G a Modern Weapon
Other urls found in this thread:
I am going to start these disclosures with what I feel to be one of the most recent and relevant threats to freedom and democracy facing us in our current time.
The issue I will be discussing now is related to 5G wireless technology.
The 5G wireless technology, which is already being deployed, has many serious social and political implications.
Here is a list of these implications, which I will explain in more detail:
1. 5G has the potential to increase the effectiveness of mass surveillance practices.
2. 5G poses a serious health risk to the general population.
3. 5G has the potential to be used for social manipulation and control.
For those of you who are not aware of exactly what 5G is, I will explain. 5G is stated as being the next generation of cellular wireless technology. This is true, however it does not paint the whole picture. When 3G transitioned to 4G there was a major improvement as far as the speed of the connections, but the cellular infrastructure (i.e. cell towers) did not change much.
5G is an entirely new infrastructure altogether. This new infrastructure involves the use of thousands of tiny cellular nodes. These nodes are essentially miniature cell towers. They send and receive wireless transmissions much in the same way a typical cell tower would. However, these 5G nodes would be placed closely together within urban areas, with a direct line of sight to the surrounding nodes to allow them to transmit to each other.
A good analogy is to compare these nodes to the neurons in a brain. Each neuron communicates with the neurons surrounding and can send information back and forth between neurons. This allows every neuron in the brain to have a path to connect with every other neuron in the brain. This is how 5G technology is designed to work. Instead of having a few large towers spread out over miles, there will be hundreds or thousands of small cell towers packed closely together.
This is an ideal arrangement for the purpose of mass surveillance. Having small nodes located on every street corner allows for total coverage of all urban areas. There will be no blind spots. Once you step outside, your phone will be pinged and tracked constantly by these nodes wherever you go. This allows for much more precision than standard cell tower triangulation. Essentially, if someone wants to know your location and has access to the system, they can tell exactly what side of the sidewalk you are currently walking on. With what has been made public about our own government in the last decade by people like Edward Snowden, it should be obvious that this power can and will be abused.
Another key difference between 5G and 4G is that 5G will be transmitting on significantly higher frequencies than 4G. 5G is designed to use millimeter waves. “Millimeter waves” describes the physical size of the wavelengths that will be used to transmit data. Millimeter waves are classified by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) as Extremely High Frequency (EHF), which includes all frequencies in the range of 30 to 300 gigahertz. This designation should not be taken lightly.
For comparison, your average household internet router transmits at a frequency of either 2.4 or 5 gigahertz. I will remind you that the only difference between WiFi or FM radio waves and something lethal like gamma rays is the frequency of the radiation. The higher the frequency, the more energy it carries with it. The more energy it carries, the more damage it can do to whatever it hits. With enough energy, a radio wave can strip electrons from atoms. This is called ionizing radiation. This effect damages living tissue and can directly damage DNA, which greatly increases the risk of cancer.
Technically, the frequencies that are planning to be used are not considered ionizing. However, some or all of the energy that they carry must be absorbed by the material that they impact. That energy has to go somewhere, and that somewhere is inside of your body. Adding more energy to these waves will only see an increase in the usually rare symptoms of cell phone related illnesses and cancer. This is especially bad news for children and the elderly who are either still developing or have age related decline of immune function and cell regeneration.
There have already been credible reports of people having serious side effects from this technology, which you can read about here. jamesrobertdeal.org
Besides the direct health risks posed by this technology, there is also another concern which I would say falls into the realm of conspiracy theory. If you’re the type to scoff at the mention of anything that contradicts the mainstream views of society, this is where you should really start to feel your social programming begin to kick in. I placed the less off-putting ideas at the top for this very reason, but if you’ve made it this far, the least you can do is stick around to at least hear what I have to say before you dismiss it. You don’t have to believe what I’m about to say, but at least consider the possibility of it being true.
You just now realized Kaczynski was right?
There is a term that you should become familiar with before I go any further: Brainwave Entrainment. As you may already know, our brains create frequencies of electrical activity that correspond to different mental states. For example Delta waves are observed in the brain of a person who is in a deep sleep and Beta waves are found in the brains of people who are being active and stimulated. These brainwave patterns occur naturally within the brain and change depending on what a person is currently doing. What you might not be aware of is that these frequencies can be influenced by external influences. The brainwaves that your brain is currently having can be influenced directly by many forms of stimulation, including but not limited to senses such as sound, sight or touch.
This is called brainwave entrainment. Entrainment means that two sources of frequency (i.e. brainwaves and sound waves) will seek to harmonize with each other. For example you can go to YouTube right now and find hundreds of videos that contain what are called Bi-neural beats. These bi-neural beats are specific sound frequencies that when listened to will cause your brainwaves to become synced with the specific frequency that is desired. For instance, you can select a delta wave bi-neural beat that will cause your brain to enter delta brainwave activity which will cause you to feel sedated. You can try this for yourself by searching “bi-neural beats” on YouTube.
interest, Id assume this is very related to wars both foreign and domestic
As to how this relates to 5G technology, it should already be starting to become apparent. As I mentioned before, radio waves contain their own specific frequencies. These frequencies can be fine tuned to whatever range is desired. Imagine now that these radio frequencies could be used much in the same way that sound frequencies are used to cause brainwave entrainment. Also, consider the coverage that these frequencies can be expected to have. Imagine that some entity wants to cause panic within a given area. It would be possible for this entity to use the 5G transmitters within that given area to perform brainwave entrainment to the beta wave state, which would cause the people in that area to experience increased anxiety and possibly even aggression. This would essentially be having a riot switch. The same goes for pacification as well. Entrainment to the Alpha wave state would literally put a crowd under mass hypnosis.
Based schizoposter.
Now you can stop imaging, because this is all true and scientifically verifiable. This ability exists and has existed for some time now. The major difference is that now the technology to do it will literally be on every street corner in every major city around the world. Here is a link to a patent for a technology that does exactly what I am describing: patents.google.com
Do not take this lightly. Your government is not your friend. They are not your big brother. They are your overlords. You are their livestock. Do not be afraid of them because we outnumber them. As soon as we realize that they are utterly powerless. This war will be won by taking control of our own thoughts and minds, not by violence or bloodshed. Once we regain ourselves we will regain our freedom.
most likely used to blast dissenters with sleep waves or maybe harass somebody with anxiety
I hate it when this is misapplied. This guy is perfectly lucid.
OP, I hold serious reservations about 5G simply from both the massive boost and surveillance capacity and the amount of control China is trying to get over these systems. The fact that the system uses millimeter waves is a bit worrying, but I'd stick to the surveillance angle to convince most people.
Now, the real question: How badly do you think you could fry someone with a 5G antenna?
I don't follow the news I don't really know who Kazynski is, but if what he said is similar to this then yeah he's right. And no ive been sitting on this information out of fear of deep state. I have no fear now therefore Im speaking out. And to answer your insulting repsonse yes ive been called schizo before but that isnt really a good criticism of my post
user, hes not mistaken, the capability exists and government loves having tools
did you read the brainwave entrainment bit yet?
>associating mass surveillance concerns with radio-waves-scramble-your-brains panic
>thereby tainting legit privacy objections with an odor of loony conspiracy theory.
this thread is glowing...
But he doesn't want to convince most people; quite the opposite.
>doubling down on the conspiracy theories
[glownigger intensifies]
Good catch.
I know this delves deep into the depths of fringe conspiracy. The tip of the iceburg is the surveillance the bottom is mass hypnosis. did you read the patent for brainwave entrainment through eletrical means?
Yeah, and assuming it works with soundwaves, I'm curious how this is any worse than just putting up loudspeakers broadcasting inaudibly high pitched soundwaves to the same effect for mucho cheaper.
Anyway, it's a moot point. Society wants faster network speeds. The price of anyo e taking your objection seriously is an alternative.
youre accusing op of being a spook? Im not following your reasoning
Unbased shill
health problems can shut it down but its effect on the brain will probably not gain as much traction
yes obviously im with the CIA and this is all an elaborate misinformation campagn don't take my word for anything im sitting behind a keyboard making conspiracy theories on 4 chan. Do some research you fools
Nice try FBI
damn youre good what gave me away?
The haircut. It's always the haircut.
Your overuse of buzz words and how you can't seem to fit in
>being anti government surveillance is a psyop
I dont fit in anywhere thats why im on 4 chan Duh
Based Schitzonigger
This. Instead of undermining a position through weak support, encouraging dismissal of all support, it's support under the guise of weak criticism, encouraging dismissal of all criticism.
thanks ive been called worse
bump, read this niggers
associating legit concerns with readily debunked bullshit.
>hating mass surveillance=being a looney who talks to imaginary unicorns
I wonder who is behind this post?
i wasnt planning on defending any of this. You can't change people's opinions online. this was supposed to be a copy paste dump and gtfo but you all started replying so i figured id have some fun
Feds can't into normie shoes
Ok, so how do we shield ourselves?
Care to debunk the easily debunked stuff? Seriously
This thread
Debunked by whom? I don't see any sources there, friend.
Break out the tinfoil boys
I am also genuinely curious though
well not much way to defend yourself without looking loony af. lead vests and metal hats should help. sleep in a farday cage?
Live outside cities. The cianiggers can't afford to put 5g nodes every 500 ft in rural areas.
Hello 5GIDF
My God, the amount of pseudo-science bullshit you've been reading to sound like this amazes me.
Let me skip to the point: Radio waves do not and cannot in any way control or even affect a human being. Well, that's not entirely true; the upper band of radio waves and microwaves used in radars and microwave ovens could cook a human being. Will cook the testes first.
But that's it. No mind control, no altered mood, nothing. It's been tested over and over and over. If it was viable, we would have seen its use as a weapon somewhere in the world by now. There are no "secret" frequencies that the human brain responds to that they somehow discovered with 5G.
Learn a bit of science and you won't be tricked by well crafted you tube conspiracy videos and blog posts.
Shill. You have not debunked any of OP's claims.
So tl;dr the man's gonna make us all crazy. Whatever nig, at least it'll be funny. Honk honk
this is not something you will find elsewhere as far a i know I came up with this theory. Also, brainwave entrainment is based on frequency entrainment. Look up bi-neural beats like i said and give it a try then tell me that frequencies dont affect brainwaves. Brains run on electricity and EM waves interact with electric currents as you should know. Inducing a frequency in the brain with an EM wave should cause the electrical frequencies of your brainwaves to become enrtrained.
Off topic, but clown posters should check out Camus. The Plague in particular was one of his better works.
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Surveillance Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Don't Use A Mobile Phone Like Nigga Don't Have A Digital Footprint Haha.
> frequencies dont affect brainwaves
Bud, quick question. What is the key difference between a sound wave and an electromagnetic wave?
just because you are smart enough to escape one avenue of cyber surveillance does not mean that it doesnt exist. what are you even posting from then? some kind of paranormal esp computing device?
EM waves are oscilating photons traveling through space. Sound waves are oscillating air waves traveling through gas. the type of wave is not what is important. What is important is the frequency of the wave and how our brains interact with external frequencies. Do you know what entrainment is?
As someone that was laying ground work for this network for AT&T, I’m dying laughing how much this fuck doesn’t know or is wrong about.
which you have yet to point out by the way all you've done is said im wrong. Prove im wrong if youre so knowledgable
Care to say where he is wrong or link to something credible? Seriously
You worked for AT&T huh? Hows that for an unbiased oppinion.
Im with you on 5g being dangerous, Mouthy Buddha has a video on YouTube with a lot of info on it and he's all about verifiable research and production value.
You may want to research the binaural beats though, not bi neural. Binaural means it is based on using both of your ears, simply put it's stereo audio. Binaural beats are designed to use stereo sound in meditative ways to alter your brain waves, not by some kind of harmonic resonance.
Also, this thread probably belongs on /x/ but I would understand your hesitation to post on that larp-fest
>frequency of the wave and how our brains interact with external frequencies
I do, I'm simply not seeing how an EM wave in gHZ is going to interact with a system operating at 10-100 cycles per second.
I dunno man, maybe you operate at the gHZ level, so perhaps your thoughts are especially prone to entrainment at that frequency.
its simple you have two separate frequencies in which the difference in frequency is 10-100 hertz
Apparently operating a Ka-band radar gun all shift fries their brains by the magic of EHF and turns them into power-mad assholes.
>Prove im wrong if youre so knowledgable
Not him, and not how this works. You post evidence of radio, not aural, frequencies affecting brain patterns, link it to 5g, then he's forced to refute that.
Come on man, you covered this back in high school.
Do you not know how to link the post you're replying to?
>this thread probably belongs on /x/ but I would understand your hesitation to post on that larp-fest
> LARP-fest
Dude's on the exact right board for that though.
Yeah and my dad who works at nintendo just confirmed that their console is the Nintendo 65.
No i don't this is literally my first time on 4 chan. I'm being serious about that. How do I link
>first time on Jow Forums
>namefags as based schizo
>cant link posts
Wew lad
nevermind i just figured it out
For now 5G is a new wireless technology with lots of problems and a tough mission. Let it be, it's not even better than 4G as a standard (4G has barely just evolved enough to be called 4G since it must be able to provide 1Gbps down link to non-moving client device)
Insuck cocks for money outside 7-11
Well i appreciate the well deserved abuse but I've yet to see anyone debunk anything I've said
well that all sounds true but it isn't really relevant to the original topic
Even if you're right I can't do anything to stop it
>the type of wave is not what is important
Christ. You’re dense.
the only way to stop it is to make more people aware of the danger. thats why im here to spread the word as best as I can
Shit bro, I've been using ham radio to beam in thoughts about anime tiddies to your brain for a decade.
how is that dense. you obviously dont understand entrainment. Please go research the phenomena and come back
Yes and ive been meaning to thank you. Those were some juicy tiddies. got me through some hard times bro
Sound is a mechanical vibration, electromagnetic waves are the travel path of electromagnetic radiation.
Gigahertz frequencies are not anywhere near the threshold for being ionizing radiation. To put it in perspective, UHF tops out at 3x10^11 Hz, while an X-ray is minimum 3x10^16 Hz or so. Given how uselessly large those numbers are to deal with, the energy attached to light is generally expressed in the form of wavelength rather than frequency, but frequency and wavelength scale inversely, so it doesn’t really matter what number you use to classify it.
>OP claims 5G is dangerous and lays out reasons
>instantly a dozen people show up to spout buzzwords and call him a retard schizo
>OP calmly asks for evidence to the contrary a number of times
>only gets called a schizo-posts in return
Threads like this do more to convince me of paid shills than anything. Fuck 5G, thanks OP.
ok cool you know what sound and em waves are. Thats a start. What happens when an acoustic wave reaches your eardrums? it's converted into electrical impulses which go to your brain and the frequency of those impulses is what causes the entrainment. Would it not be too hard to believe that direct electromagnetic stimulation would give a similar result?
Did you follow the targeted individual / gang stalking program? Some people claimed to be attacked with 5G weapons as part of an east german style Stasi zersetzung operation
I like the way you dodged around how the answer wasn’t what you were looking for. We call that shifting the goalposts, hereabouts.
Yes, because your nuerons aren't going to convert that radio wave into an electric current.
Welp, considering no one with an actual understanding of em radiation has an issue with it, it’s almost certainly a non-issue being stirred up by the scientifically illiterate. The wavelength is much too large to become ionizing radiation that causes cancer, and the energies involved are nothing higher than anything else you use on a daily basis.
Yes I am all too aware of that. I am being attacked as we speak. You get used to it thoughj. If youre strong you learn to adapt.
Those people are almost summarily paranoid schizophrenics. Gang stalking is such a fucking stupid conspiracy.
So what you're saying is, posting evidence to refute the OP is unimportant because you have your mind made up already?
that only addresses the health concerns what about the surveillance and hypnosis angle
I went through the extreme harassment and invasion of privacy at the hands of the NYPD, Atlanta PD, ATF and FBI and corporate security at a Fortune 500 but never got attacked with DEWs.
There are so mentally ill people who claim to be gang stalked but are not, there are some who claim to be and in fact are gang stalked..they are great targets since they can be discredited and the state can do whatever it wants to them.
OP, I already have direct scientific evidence refuting this theory. I ran a homosexual rehabilitation clinic. We latched onto a similar idea.
We hooked up oscilators to straight men and showed the pronography. Classy, tastefully done pornography. We observed a steady rate of brain cycles between 63-67 cycles per second of brain activity.
So, we then beamed radio waves of various frequencies, all at a rate of 65 hertz, at our homosexual subjects while showing them pictures of women. Not one boner. I know. I personally checked each patient myself.
Damn shame, really.