Best backpac/k/ for innawoods thread ?
Best backpac/k/ for innawoods thread ?
not milsurp
This has served me well.
This. You should probably go to a store that sells many styles. Inspect and decide what fits your own personal needs.
why would milsurp be shit ?
Because it's all outdated, heavy, and made from less than ideal materials. Commercial brands like North Face, Osprey, Kelty, REI, and even some off-brands of hiking gear all make packs that will be way more light, comfortable, weather resistant, and just all around better than milsurp for hiking/backpacking.
Kelty has excellent customer service.
Been loving my Savotta for a 3 day patrol pack.
What's with the turkey feather?
You are not the first person I've heard say that. Never had to deal with them myself though.
Picked it up in the Bush on my last ruck.
Rush 24 is good so far, but heavy empty and too tacticool.
This. Also try the pack on too is a really big ordeal. Not that uncommon for some one to order the pack online, it shows up and the suspension system just doesnt work for their body type.
24 was nice, prefer the 12 over it.
Where at?
So i guess Savotta is more for european and kelty for americans right ?
Or is there any interesing backpack brand around switzerland ?
Eastern Washington, in a series of desert canyons. Ran into a bird watcher on my way out the next day who said he thought it was from a Northern Harrier, since there were several flying around the area.
Amazingly, you can buy products from one continent and have them shipped to where you live. So it comes down to preference.
My savotta is very rugged and utilitarian. I am in the USA and wanted an earth color pack with MOLLE without buying a typical tactical pack.
Osprey Atmos 65 or 55 depending on your needs
Yeah i know about that but i don't want to pay big border taxes and shipping, i already tried to buy clips from america and you do have some weird regulations
Also if it's really worth it's price i could buy one anyway
Let us at least reduce the scope to military issued packs, or you might as well move this to /out/.
Then define weight class. ca 30L capacity, 60L, 90L or 120L? Also, is this a chilly climate or warm climate you want to use it in?
Around 60L, and i'd say chilly
Okay. I will assume you mean neither carry game meat (so no need for a metal frame) and will not be doing climbing (with the special needs that involves).
I like the way Germans build packs; practical and strong.
This one will work best if you also get the sleeping pad, which makes the pack comfortable. It is not the newest design so isn't covered from ear to ear with Molle straps.
I have a knockoff of this pack myself and have used it on some trips without anything failing.
Climate mainly matters in how much gear you will need. This pack is okay for strapping tent, pad and sleeping bag on the top so you don't need to spend internal volume on that.
Fellow WA fag. Guy was right, def a northern harrier.
but it's cheaper
Here's the one I am slavering over myself. At 125L this is a Big Fucking Bag. It was designed for the Norwegian Army's elite soldiers who do fun stuff like patroling the Norwegian-Russian border on foot and market price new is in the area of 500 dollars. For that money it better be good.
I got this a while back
Is pretty sturdy and you can fit a lot of stuff in there as well.
Good gear is expensive, but you should be able to get decades of use from it.
op asked for the best pack for innawoods, not the cheapest. Besides there are cheaper packs made in China that are better quality and comfier than most milshit.
Another pack in the BFB category is this one, which is used by the Bundeswehr. All I have heard about it so far has been good. Clocks in at 110L and unlike the Norrona one it is available as milsurp, in the 250 dollars range even when in new condition.
most military gear isn't all that great, not terrible though. But a lot of units with good funding don't even use US Gov't stuff, they just literally buy commercial products in bulk and issue it out. Not even kidding.
I'm preparing my first trip innawoods at 19, It's not something common around here, grabbed this backpack for a good price. What do you guys reccommend as essential gear? I'm thinking about getting a hammock as Im in souther Eu and It's going to get hot.
any of y'all have a recommendation for a hunting pack? I am in colorado and will be doing deer and elk in the foreseeable future.
Unnecessarily heavy, uses old and heavy duty fabrics when you can make do with far less, usually poorly designed for good weight distribution and comfort (whereas 99% of hiking/trekking/mountaineering backpacks sold today are really good in this respect).
People get into these weird dick-measuring contests about how rugged their gear is. Truth is, it's all over-engineered anyway and you probably don't need it unless for a specific scenario (hauling massive loads, extreme conditions, etc.)
For example: all day hikes I do these days have been with a Sea-to-Summit "ultra-sil day pack" which I have had for 7-8 years and have used regularly and it still works. This is a 20l backpack that literally only weighs 2.5 oz. and can be stuffed into a pocket.
Ironically enough, in the world of backpacks often the cheap stuff is also lighter (unless we're talking space age materials like cuben fibre) so it's a win-win.
ILBE is designed by Arcteryx and is fucking comfy
Kelty ftw
Are Badlands packs good or what? I want to do Wind River larping
By hunting I assume you mean carrying meat long distances. So you will want an external metal frame pack like the Alice with room for an external bag in the lower bit, with the main bag hovering high enough to not get in the way. I don't know a military pack that does that very well, frankly. I have one like that but it is an old civilian Norrona Beito 3000.
>What do you guys reccommend as essential gear?
Really depends on what exactly you're doing and how long. Honestly /out/ is better than Jow Forums for this.
You need the basics. Map for your area and compass, a camping stove that can be relied on not to set the environment on fire, an all round knife, a canteen or water bottle, an allround knife, a small first aid package to at least be able to deal with a serious cut, and a hammock will be nice but if insects are bad in your area you'll be happier with a tent. Matches. That's about as basic as you can get. Insect spray, a whistle, blister protection and an emergency space blanket are good things that weigh and cost little.
Oh, and at least one pan or kettle or you won't get much use from your stove.
Bic instead of matches for pure practicality
I am okay with civilian to be honest with you. I just don't exactly know what I am looking at
mostly camping in the goods for 24 up to 72h depending on how it goes. Also I didn't feel like taking a whole thread and saw this one.
Thanks for the info, a couple quick questions if you don't mind. You think I could pack some of this stuff into a medkit and do you know any good source for orientation and map reading tutorials? Also what budget should I expect for the tent/hammock and the blanket?
Anyone ever used Snugpak? They make really good sleeping bags, not sure about their rucksacks though. It's much cheaper than an Eberlestock.
forgot pic
I just bought one from Amazon and built like a $200 buyout bag. I'm happy with it and hoping I never need it. I am planning on building another specifically designed for traveling in my truck. Need to do some research.
What the other guy said, but be sure to dress in layers and don't pack extra clothes. Also, instant coffee. Instant coffee when innawoods is soooo comfy.
>Also what budget should I expect for the tent/hammock and the blanket?
I don't know what prices are like in your country, but I bought a decent tent and really nice down sleeping bag for about $200 burger bucks total.
>Outdoorz Commander
Cheap, high quality.
Can this fit a 3L hydration bladder in it?
Each to their taste. Personally I carry both as a lighter can be lost or empty and matches can be drenched, and combined they still have little volume or weight.
One such case. I don't know the brand.
The cheapest alternative I can think of is the Alice pack with frame. Outdated in many ways but it IS made for adding on heavy stuff like ammo crates.
I dont know for sure, my bladder is a small one only 50oz, But the pack is 22 liters in max volume, and the pouch for the bladder is as wide and long as the pack. I think it probably would, though the volume of the full bladder displaces into the storage of the pack, of course.
Heres the link for more details
Picture is of the pouch where i put the bladder. I also bought the pictured pad to give some stiffness against my back.
The space blanket I can buy in any sports store here for 3-4 Euros. It is the size of a deck of card and little more than aluminium foil, but if the temperature should suddenly drop more than you packed clothes for, it is right there. Many medkits have one of those included.
Map reading is not difficult, as long as you sit down in your comfy chair at home and study all the information on the map. Basic compass use is simple and you'll probably find a one page tutorial in the compass packaging. Just remember that a map and compass is there to help you find the direction to a place. If you have no idea where you are on the map, you are in trouble - spend a few minutes along the trip to check the map. Especially once you have gone beyond the last obvious visual landmark.
Tents are cheap these days. 20 euro can buy you one of the simplest 'festival dome' ones. If you are not concerned much about the weather or insects then a five euro plastic tarp and some string might suffice.
i bought this ALPS OutdoorZ Commander... roast me. it feels very chinese
hey thanks for the tips guys, appreciate it.
Looks like the top lid is well suited for tucking tent/bag/pad underneath? I don't see any suitable external straps for it.
it is well suited for that, can confirm. it is a huge bag (for me) but I haven't abused it on a multi-day /out/ hunting trip yet.
>copypasta x-post from other thread
I have one of these German Alpine Rucks.
Inside is some thrift shop wool clothing, a poncho, socks, a 10x12 tarp, bungee cords, cordage, fire stuff, old Garmin Vista CX, quadrangle, lensatic compass, protractor, hydration bladder, Sawyer filter, little vial of pool shock powder, some extra ammo, Swiss Army knife and a few other odds and ends.
Depending on what I’m doing, I’ll take a hammock and bed roll or maybe a MSS bag with a bivvy sack and strap that on top.
I use A small Estwig all metal camp axe sometimes and hang that on the side.
It’s good to carry a fanny pack backwards like a butt pack and use it as a tool belt to carry a field knife, pistol, snacks, letherman, Bic, and other odds and ends
I sometimes take a solar powered USB battery bank and these super low power consumption USB LED string lights to set the mood innawoods
Guns vary depending on how I feel like rolling, but and AR7 and Rough Rider are kinda the norm. The Triple K BP11 holster fits a Rough Rider nicely
Sometimes I go with a 336 leverghat or a 300BO pistol and a G21 or G17.
Just depends.
Oh, and get Scotchgaurd Heavy Duty Water Shield and spray the piss out of the bag.
Thanks for the info, I'm looking into some cheap decathlon gear and seems like I can get a decent set for about 50-80€
I'll fucking boil with more than a layer, and why I wouldn't bring some extra clothing?
>It feels very Chinese
what does this mean in practice
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门
I kek'd user but did he just mean low quality or what
maybe it's something more specific that's why I asked
I should add that space blankets are seen from far away if an emergency does happen, especially in sun glare or on scanning devices. But then, some dislike discretiom while others rely on it.
I need a pack that can hold a folded keltec su16ca. Its 24.9in long folded. Please dont tell me tennis bag. Maybe a 55 liter 5.11 pack? Also im a larp fag
just get those bivvy bags survival frog makes that come in dark green or whatever
also available in orange
I forgot to mention it hereI also carry an OD All Weather Original Space Blanket to use as a ground cover or hammock liner
They are a good bit of kit
Usually when I think of Chinese "feel" I think of something that's abnormally light and rattly, or the fabric feels low grade and thin like any real roughage will cause it to wear through and tear. Buttons, snaps, and clasps feel weak, stuff like that. General all around shit build quality.
I just did a 20 mile loop on the Appalachian trail with a 65lb large ALICE.
I was issued one of the Mystery Ranch packs. Is that considered milsurp?
So a camelbak would leak under pressure from the reinforcement panel and the contents? I guess you could just get a molle pouch for your bladder.
Your camelbak should generally be kept in it's own carrier in the very top of your ruck, or even strapped onto the outside. In the unfortunate event you feel compelled to drop ruck and leave in a hurry, you don't want to have to figure out how to take water with you.
They're also not seen from very far away if you're trying to not get owned by thermal imaging devices hovering in the lower atmopshere.
Mine doesn’t leak
Most bladders won’t leak from pressure alone
Even offbrand ones can be stood on and driven over by a car while filled
How is it with non 5.11 IFAKs?
Mystery Ranch is best ranch.
I bought three of these from two different vendors.
The Reebow version was great - strong stitching, in-spec molle webbing, etc. Downside is that fully loaded, there isn't a lot of room for long treks, so I can't carry any spare clothes in it besides a pair of socks. Bought x2 for me and my wife to use as emergency bugout bags.
The Gelindo version was shit - the side molle wasn't in-spec so the side-pouches I added didn't connect properly, the straps ends are reverse stitched so they easily slip out of the buckles, and it had reflective strips (wtf?) that had to be cut off. Wasn't worth returning, so it's my spare bugout for my car trunk.
Durability and dependability don't have a price tag
ok retard
guy with that OutdoorZZZZZZ, the bag fabric seems tough to be fair, as do the straps. The retaining pins/sopckets on the external frame seem janky but to be fair everything has held up well so far in light use. it just smelled out of the bag like some cancerous chong shit. it's hard to describe
at $119 or so compromises were made somewhere, unless this bag is massively under-priced for the myriad features it offers
>t. not a shill, honest
anything by kriega they are motorcycle backpacks but they are insanely comfortable and durable
The people that actually use those rucks don't have to pay for them. The others are maxcore larpers.
this, for heavy loads
I have a Trizip and it's the best bag I've ever used
Kifaru is also good
what bag is this?
I've got one of these. Fucking dig it. External frames > internal
Carry system is very nice and fit well, you really don't need a sternum strap. should come with Berghaus buckle on the hipbelt as standard though imo. Roll top should be taller so you can overpack it and a top lid would be nice as an option at least.
Would like to see a civilian version with less molle and 500d Cordura.
Overall very solid and comfy pack. Could carry for long periods of time without having to adjust it much if at all.
Dont listen to that liar.
You never had your hands on milsurp stuff, you only dish it because youre a liberal piece of shit.
>packs made in China that are better quality and comfier than most milshit.
LOL, no. Milsurp might not be the most ergonomic and always is heavier, but don't spread stupid lies, if you want to troll.
Also, fags like you usually mean equipment from cold war and that would be true. Modern milsurp, unlike in cold war, isn't made to be used by millions of conscripts. When it comes to backpacks, it's usually designed & made by top outdoor companies, at least in Europe. Many military packs addaptations of civilian ones, especially for mountain units, which Europe is full of.
The original German (there are cheap-ass repros out there) aline ones are honestly good packs as far as milsurp goes.
As lots of other anons stated, commercial hiking/climbing stuff is usually lighter and all around better made. But the German alpine one is sturdy as fuck and is reasonable comfy.
Pro-tip: the compartment in the very back of it, on the inside, where the pack touches your back, is meant to contain a kinda weird form of foam sleeping pad. Unlike virtually every other one its not rolled but folded, making a great chsuion for your back, pic related.
>clearly not ALICE
No u r the tard
whats the deal with metal frame backpacks? what year is this?
looks like a kelty something but pretty much everyone who made backpacks throughout the 70's-90's has made ones exactly like this
modern stuff is rarely surplussed and tends to be more expensive than quality consumer goods. maybe it's different in europe but that is the case here in america, and modern european surplus would be even more expensive here